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Earlier this year, Kamala Harris flew out to honor Jesse Jackson, claiming that he “defined the rainbow”. Well, we all know some colors that Jesse never liked to see in that rainbow. During his original presidential run, he referred to Jews as “hymies” and New York City as “hymietown”. Before a joint appearance with Jackson, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan had warned Jews, “If you harm this brother, I warn you in the name of Allah this will be the last one you harm.”
Despite that, Jesse Jackson refused to cut his ties with Farrakhan.
And now Jesse is slowly crawling out of semi-retirement to use his Rainbow PUSH Coalition to host an event together with assorted terror supporters and bigots to bash Israel’s campaign against Hamas. Like most pro-terror events, it’s billed as in support of a “ceasefire” when a ceasefire means that Islamic terrorists go on attacking Israel. It just can’t fight back.
Speakers include Jesse’s son, Peter Beinart, deranged 9/11 Marxist Truther Cornel West who stated after the Hamas atrocities of Oct 7 claiming that “Israel and United States are primarily responsible”, Peter Beinart, and IfNowNow, a hate group responded to the Oct 7 atrocities with a statement that, “we cannot and will not say today’s actions by Palestinian militants are unprovoked. Every day under Israel’s apartheid system is a provocation.”
Also, Brant Rosen who is officially a “peace activist” in the same sense as Charles Manson. “When I heard the initial reports of Hamas’ attacks on Israel this past Saturday, I will be completely honest – my first reaction was ‘good for them.'”
Brant Rosen has spent the last few months shouting about a ceasefire.
The good news is that for only 25 bucks, you can join Jesse, Beinart, Brant, Cornel West, Jesse’s son and whoever else in this motley crew over a continental breakfast while attacking Israel for defending itself against Islamic terrorists.
The bad news is you’ll have to wait until a few weeks in January because while the press release claims that it wants “an immediate, permanent ceasefire” due to “staggering civilian casualties”, it can wait till the Sabbath of Jan 16th.
But Jesse’s a busy guy. He’s probably got more important things to do.
Today’s trivia question–> What is the name of “Reverend” Jesse Jackson’s love child, ya’ know, the one he fathered outside of his marriage with Mrs. Jackson?
Positively-involved fathers matter!
Sammy the Sperm Recipient.
Muslim Slavers were the main exporters of black slaves from Africa. They crudely castrated their black male slaves before shipping them to Arabia. Many of the blacks died on the ships. Black females slaves were used as sex slaves, and if they got pregnant their child was killed.
But….but…..it was the comparatively puny Atlantic slave trade that matters! Black Americans are still suffering horribly from its lingering after affects! BLM is only allowed to destroy blue cities in election years!
There ya’ go again … sugar coating it … /sarc off
Happy New Year, AA, to you and yours!
Hope y’all have a great year and stay safe out there.
Thanks Dan!!!!!
Allow me to add a little to what you wrote, AA:
Initially, Portuguese opportunistic slavers landed on the coast of what is now Senegal, rounded up those blacks too slow or too trusting to run away and shipped them over to the then-uninhabited Cape Verde Islands to clear the forests and plant sugar cane. Their descendants are there to this day.
Somewhat later, slavers of many European nations formed trading partnerships with the kings and tribal chieftains of the entire West African coast from Senegal and Gambia as far south as Angola. Dahomey, now known as Benin, was especially famous as a slave emporium.
In exchange for Italian glass beads, cowrie shells, muskets, swords, Indian and European cloth, London gin and many other desirable trade items, slaves were packed aboard purpose-built slave-ships. Most of those traded into slavery were seized in local wars – and added to the local petty criminals and juvenile delinquents already warehoused in slave stockades and awaiting purchasers..
Those who remained untraded were absorbed as plantation labor or domestic servants locally but there were always sufficient left over for a fate as grim as those shipped across the Atlantic to the Americas were obliged to endure.
Marched to the southern edge of the Sahara at the coolest time of the year, these unfortunates were made to wear wooden ladders connecting one neck to another and to the next and so on . . . and thus were marched in step from one oasis to the next. Mortality was high.
One arrival on, or close to, the Mediterranean coast, some would be castrated to serve as eunuchs but far more were set to work as plantation labor. Their descendants can be seen to this day in every oasis town in Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia , and especially in Tawerga close to the city of Misrata in Libya – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tawergha – and in Mauritania, where an estimated 10% – 20% of the population are to this day more-or-less slaves [ NB: go to any search online engine and research “Slavery in Mauitania”]
A New Year’s Bible verse for all Apostles of Hate: “For he shall have judgment without mercy, that hath shewed no mercy; and mercy rejoiceth against judgment” (James 2:13).
“Hymietown” Jackson is king of the race grifters with a capital RG and has never known an honest day’s work in his life. You could drop him, “Rev” Al and Farrakhan in a deep, dark hole somewhere and the only way you’d know they were gone would be the increased duration of silence, more money in your pocket and that race relations had mysteriously improved.
The air would be fresher, too.
Happy New Year, Jeff, to you and yours!
And stay safe out there!
You too, Dan. 🙂 I think we’re in for a year of living dangerously.
Didn’t say how much the admission will be for this hate fest, but how many donors will this “event” attract, I wonder? They could at least offer a full breakfast. Instead, all the Jew haters will get is a stale danish and a cuppa weak coffee to listen to these half-wit psychos commune with each other. How very depressing.
All enemies of the Jews are coming out of their holes to be identified.
One day they will see the Face of the Devil after they have seen the Face of Death
Too bad for Jesse that the Alphabet People have appropriated his rainbow theme. Now if Jew hater Jesse, Peter Eater Beinart, Aunt Rosen, Cornhole West, and Jesse’s son, Johnny Tongue, have a continental breakfast for jihad against Israel, everybody will assume they’re butt buddies raising money for Hamas homos.
Twenty bucks per plate wouldn’t even cover the cost of the caterers, though. I guess they’ll have to beg the old fashioned way, on their knees.