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Last week we had the big loud debate over what race Kamala Harris is. As I’ve said before, I don’t think she’s anything. Her identity is as negotiable as anything else. And like Obama, it doesn’t fit the American identity politics calculus anyway. Like a lot of Jamaican and Indian immigrants, she’s a member of a high-achieving minority group (who is admittedly a lot dumber than the average Indian and Jamaican immigrant) with some family ties, but little sense of belonging to anything beyond a social class.
Kamala’s cooking session with Mindy Kaling gets at how Indian she is which is as much as your average liberal Jew is Jewish. They picked up some things growing up, mostly foods, a few words, and fond memories, but no real sense of identity, belief or commitment.
Over in Bangladesh, a color revolution by Marxists and Islamists, cheered on by the media, has set out to demolish the country as an independent secular state. Call it a smaller Arab Spring with no Arabs (except the ones remotely funding all this) and it has more than slight echoes of the massacres by Islamists (including some who fled to America and became political players) during the battle over Bangladeshi independence.
Like all Islamic movements, a primary goal is to massacre non-Muslims, in this case Hindus.
The media has mostly ignored or downplayed the attacks on Hindus in Bangladesh, much as it previously did the Muslim massacres of Chinese in Indonesia or of Christians in Nigeria. The New York Times even justified them as “revenge” because the Muslim majority attacking a non-Muslim minority are still oppressed.
Kamala constantly comments on how awful Israel’s defense against Islamic terrorists is, but has nothing to say about the attacks on Hindus in Bangladesh.
Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi, who is Indian, offered a belated statement urging an end to the violence.
Rep. Hakeem Jeffries claimed that, “I am deeply concerned and saddened by the violence, casualties and human rights abuses in Bangladesh over the past weeks and offer my condolences to the families of the victims, including within the Bangladeshi-American community that calls Brooklyn home. Recent developments and new leadership must bring with them respect for democratic principles and the rule of law and a commitment to investigating the attacks, calling for accountability for those responsible and demanding justice for the victims. Under the leadership of the Biden-Harris administration, the United States will continue to closely monitor the situation unfolding and we encourage all parties to refrain from further violence.”
And yet there’s been nothing from the ‘Harris’ part of the Biden-Harris administration.
Kamala, when it was convenient, pretended to be the “first Indian-American senator”. Now when Hindus are facing violence, she couldn’t even be bothered to make a statement.
Bangladesh is a fucked up place. My Aussie friend spent some time there, don’t ask me why. It’s like going to a war zone.
I do like Naan and masala though…………….
She could at least share her favorite Tandoori Chicken place in DC.
She pretends to like Southern Barbecue now. She’s from the “hood,” you know.
Fake drawl & all
Good coverage of the Bangladesh massacres, thanks Daniel !!!
Probably hardly anyone in the West knows about those issues.
“Ethnicity is not a valid consideration, morally or politically, and does not endow anyone with any special rights.:” – Ayn Rand
The Westerner by Badger Clark
My fathers sleep on the sunrise plains,
And each one sleeps alone.
Their trails may dim to the grass and rains,
For I choose to make my own.
I lay proud claim to their blood and name,
But I lean on no dead kin;
My name is mine, for the praise or scorn,
And the world began when I was born
And the world is mine to win….
I waste no thought on my neighbor’s birth
Or the way he makes his prayer.
I grant him a white man’s room on earth
If his game is only square.
While he plays it straight I’ll call him mate;
If he cheats I drop him flat.
Old class and rank are a wornout lie,
For all clean men are as good as I,
And a king is only that.
This poem beautifully summarizes your foundational beliefs, and dovetails perfectly with the globalist plans of a completely deracinated population, made in the image of progressive liberalism.
You lay claim to the “blood and name” of your ancestors, but reject their heritage for your own name and story accompanied by the absurd claim the “world began when [you were] born.”
Anyone can arise to your exalted “clean” whiteness only if his game / commerce is “square,” as though commerce is the be-all-and-end-all of existence.
You do not see the catastrophic end of your presuppositions which perfectly align with the globalists.
In addition to the instances of Muslim attacks against Chinese in Indonesia that have been downplayed or ignored by the media, there has been no MSM coverage of attacks by Muslim Uighurs against the native, non-Muslim Han in western China. These attacks are the reason why the Chinese government has taken such Draconian measures against these Muslims, who are invariably portrayed as victims. No explanation is ever given by the MSM as to why Beijing is treating these Turkmeni Muslims so harshly.
Spontaneous pogroms by Malay moslems against ethnic Chinese occur pretty much every year in Indonesia. Rapes are common. If you’re ethnic Chinese there, you never know when your neighbor may turn on you. That’s why the ethnic Chinese tend to segregate themselves. For safety. The Malay antipathy for ethnic Chinese is truly unhinged. My ex wife hated them but couldn’t express a reason other than “they’re different.” She had ethnic Chinese friends(?) too, but you could never trust her.
And I’m one of those conservatives who admires what the Chinese do to the Wiggers. Fuck them. They belong in reeducation centers. Moslem scum. I’ll give the Chicoms credit. They don’t fuck around. They treat their islamopithecines as the trash they are.
You were married to a Malay Muslima? What on earth do the Chinese do to the wiggers?
Yes, I was married to a Malay muslima. She shanghaid me into marriage by pretending we were just getting engaged. Total psycho.
And the Chinks have Wiggers in reeducation centers, where they belong. They should just be expelled from China into the wastelands of the Gobi or Sichuan or wherever, in my opinion.
I’m a slave to that pussy. I have a black chick with a lazy eye and gimpy leg right now and I’m fine with it. She says I’m her guy and I can’t pork that “fat bitch” down the hall from her, but that chick is only fat in her tits and ass.
But, oh, well. I’m old. I take life as it comes.
Whenever down voted n]me votes for giant slurps of of dick loads.
I agree wholeheartedly about China’s treatment of the Uighurs. I shed no tears for them.
You missed the memo that we cry for the Uygars or the Weebles.
You will cry for whoever you’re told to cry for and you will be happy!
As an American, she doesn’t care about America.
As a Hindu, she doesn’t care about Hindus.
As a “black person” she doesn’t care about blacks.
It’s safe to say she doesn’t care about anybody. Not a caring person at all, if she can be called a person at all.
I think she’s a pig. She sure is ugly, inside and out.
There is one person she cares about, though. Herself.
Kamala is a perfect picture of globalist intentions. She is the new La Raza, a woman in the image of what globalists desire we in the west should become – a kind of homogenous brown one-world race in which white people have disappeared, while their posterity and inheritance is re-distributed together with their lands, genes, history and culture – all of which will be destroyed.
Only nations who have rejected the end of liberalism (which is where the West finds itself today) will survive with their strong sense of nationalism and the rejection of what was fully on display in the opening ceremony of the Olympics. Think China and Russia.
Kamala is a member of the depraved psychopathic berserk corrupt big mouth Laughing Hyena Clan.
She has got her rump up in the air all the time.
Hands and knees is her go to position.
Whoever keeps down voting me sucks dog dicks.
How do they taste? Are they yummy for you?
A High Achiver in the Liars Club speak nothing carry nothing all mouth and no mind
I can tell you my excursion to India in 1981 showed me how grateful and blessed I am to be born in USA as a 2nd and 3rd generation American born. Both my grandfathers escaped the pogroms in Russia or the revolution in Turkey after fleeing the inquisition in Spain in 1492. The expectation was to work. Never a hand out. Family was tight and what mattered then. Legal immigrants escaping persecution and death because of our race/ethnicity.
A very successful TV show creator, producer and writer told me over the phone this past April, 2024: “Because of the diaspora Jews lost our identity by voting for the wrong people” . I immediately thought of hitler to biden and blue state and city governors and the ilk in-between.
In India I walked by the Ganges River because it was a mythical place to the west – It was filled on the banks in in the dirty water by the poorest of the poor, the Outcast in the Indian Caste System, lepers being pulled on wooden carts without arms or legs by other lepers with their leprosy rotted hand out: “pesa baba, pesa” they were asking for coins to be tossed in their hands “coins father, coins” . Taj Mahal during the week when there was only a few people there, walking backwards up the foothills of the Himalayas and doing the Medusa Run down.
I got my ethnocentricity after futile efforts of assimilating in my middle aged years.
In USA, after Civil Rights, race and gender should not matter and legally it can not.
They went too far with DEI and everything before that and after.
The ‘projects’ where families can get financial aid only if the father was not in the home, resulted in gangs of thugs.
Taking the 10 Commandments out of the classroom in 1962, was the unravelling of a nation that takes its mind off our Creator and that spells doom when we ignore our Creator — because this is the reality we are in.
I am spending the morning with monitoring construction of my new home so I have this abundance of down time to wax on – so I will stop now
Without the father in the home to keep the boys straight, they are liable to get into trouble.
I met some leper beggars in Indonesia. Those poor chicks. I gave them money because I figured they have it so bad in life that they deserve the money more than I did. They say leprosy isn’t contagious but I admit I had to man up just to touch them. I figured they deserved some human contact because the Indos shunned them and wouldn’t touch them, like they were Dalits or something. Poor fuckers. I would only wish that disease on my worst enemies, like Bidumb And Kamelho.
I bet Kamala Harris knows nothing about the Hindu massacres in Bangladesh.
Harris the Hindi didnt have time to denounce the violence. She was busy eating an all-beef hamburger, and pretending to be Muslim in Michigan, where she now goes by Kamala Akbar.
Quite a chameleon!