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When the new administration was looking for an attorney general, Ben Crump, the ultimate BLM lawyer who represented the families of George Floyd, Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin and nearly every BLM case, recommended Tony West. Al Sharpton also mentioned West.
West, Crump argued, had been the third-highest ranking official in the Obama DOJ, “led various efforts to reduce racial bias, improve procedural fairness, strengthen the relationship between communities of color and law enforcement, and hold police departments accountable.”
Or as the New York Times put it, West “launched an investigation into the 2014 shooting death in Ferguson, Mo., of an unarmed 18-year-old black man, Michael Brown, by a white police officer”. Michael Brown had assaulted a store clerk and then the police officer who shot him in self-defense, but West proved to be a crucial link in the chain that unleashed BLM on America.
The ‘Ferguson Effect’ and the lies around the shooting of Michael Brown would help cripple policing and lead to race riots and then a crime wave spilling across the nation’s cities.
West had helped start the fire that burned down the country and killed thousands of Americans.
Crump however pointed out that West had another major asset besides the Ferguson Effect, he was also “the brother-in-law of Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.”
Big Government is indeed a small world.
While Biden’s inner circle proved wise enough not to bring in Kamala’s family into the cabinet, West wasted no time rushing in to consolidate Kamala’s position during the Biden palace coup.
The New York Times described West as her “secret weapon” who, coincidentally, was in Kamala’s residence when Biden ‘dropped out’ and ‘worked the phones’ helping “her reach out to would-be supporters” and “his own network of donors and business contacts”.
Since Kamala was in D.C. and West works for Uber in San Francisco (but also has a home on Martha’s Vineyard), thousands of miles away, he might not have just dropped by for a visit.
And West indeed worked fast.
Shortly thereafter, West pressed Kamala to bring in his former boss, Attorney General Eric Holder, to ‘vet’ vice presidential candidates. And West put himself on the 5-person vetting team. When Kamala picked Gov. Tim Walz, it was really the old Obama DOJ team that got it done.
Derek Anthony ‘Tony’ West, married to Kamala’s sister, Maya Harris, a radical ACLU activist, have been the power couple behind Kamala’s political career. Maya was the campaign chair of her sister’s 2020 presidential campaign. And when Kamala headed to her presidential campaign headquarters back then, Maya and her husband were by her side.
Maya was credited by campaign staffers with wrecking the campaign and this time around, Kamala’s campaign is officially being chaired by Biden’s old campaign chairwoman, Jen O’Malley Dillon, but West is very clearly acting as the unofficial chair of the 2024 campaign. West, who formerly co-chaired her transition team, has emerged as its number two.
The infighting between Kamala’s sister and campaign professionals likely made donors leery of allowing Maya a similar role, but family has always been in charge of her campaigns and career. Kamala’s vice presidential office fell apart the way her campaign did with most of the staffers heading out the door. CNN reported that “some fear the vice president is, as she has often done in her political life, leaning heavily on her sister Maya Harris, brother-in-law Tony West and niece Meena Harris, whom they sense exerting influence over everything from staff hires to political decisions.” There is every reason to believe that Maya, her daughter, and husband are still at it.
Maya, Tony West and Meena all have radical politics. Maya, an ACLU veteran, had previously been a top Hillary adviser, while West serves on an Obama Foundation Advisory Council.
Both Maya and West defended Islamic terrorists. At the ACLU, Maya Harris had campaigned against the War on Terror and West had defended the ‘American Taliban’: John Walker Lindh.
When Jews had accused CAIR, whose leaders had praised Hamas, of terrorist connections, Maya Harris rallied on its behalf, claiming that CAIR has “been a leading organization that has advocated for civil rights and civil liberties in the face of fear and intolerance, in the face of religious and ethnic profiling.”
Some anti-corporate activists are concerned about West because of his work for Pepsi and Uber, but there are more urgent issues from his record on BLM to his role in the slush fund from bank settlements misdirected to radical leftist political allies of Obama.
Under former Attorney General Holder, West negotiated massive “settlements” with banks over their actions involving the financial crisis. The settlements were attacked by activists for providing nothing or next to nothing for the victims in the financial disaster and by conservatives because they amounted to banks paying off the Obama administration’s backers.
The ‘slush fund’ amounting to between $1 and $3 billion was directed to leftist groups like ACORN and La Raza. And a House Judiciary Committee investigation obtained documents showing that West’s team had deliberately screened out conservative groups.
West’s deputy had emailed the Office of Legal Counsel asking, “[c]an you explain to Tony the best way to allocate some money toward an organization of our choosing.” Explaining the final settlement to the press team, West’s deputy wrote that the donation provisions require banks to “[m]ake donations to categories of entities we have specified (as opposed to what the bank might normally choose to donate to).”
Such a level of corruption is concerning. West has suggested that he will go back to working at his extremely lucrative position at Uber after the election, but Crump’s op-ed touting him for Attorney General suggests that he was interested in that role. And might be yet again.
While serving at the Justice Department, West had praised Al Sharpton, linked to years of racial violence in New York City, including the Crown Heights Pogrom against Jews, the assaults on Asian groceries and the Freddy’s massacre of Latino women, for his work on “reconciliation”.
Sharpton brought up West’s name during discussions about Biden’s next attorney general. He warned that there should be no hesitation in providing Tony West with a “waiver”. A possible reason for such a waiver would have been to exempt West from anti-nepotism rules due to Kamala’s position. While the Biden team did not listen to Crump and Sharpton, and did not pursue such a waiver, it is likely that Kamala would be more motivated to do so than Biden.
Tony West helped set America on fire by legitimizing BLM assaults on law enforcement and the justice system. He brokered some of the most corrupt settlements in the DOJ’s history.
And the next time you see him, he might be the attorney general.
If Americans vote for this racist, bigot, communist, crime family they deserve all they get.
Except last election cycle, we DIDN’T vote for it.
Massive election rigging set the stage; massive “expansive & inclusive voter fraud” did the rest.
On the contrary, we did vote for it. Our silence and inaction proved that we the American people tacitly approved of vote fraud and all the other shenanigans in the 2020 election.
Proof? Joe Biden is the 46th president. The circumstances of how that happened is moot. It happened! Silence and inaction has consequences.
When America finally comes to an end, it will be because the American people stood by and did nothing and remained silent. The left knows this and it’s what assures them that they can and will eventually achieve totalitarian control of America.
Yes, we were intimidated and not organized.
That’s true but we didn’t do anything about except complain, me included. Those that took it a little farther on Jan 6 are in gulags now. This “country” is a commie/nazi shit hole.
A third world shithole. Middle America geographically, small towns and cities, has been hollowed out ruining the Country. Vacant and abandoned. Our political class is disgustingly corrupt.
havent you heard of vote fraud. what does it take?
Anyone who has anything to do with Harris and Walz is not worth the risk America don’t need either one of them but you can bet the M.S. Media Bottom Feeders will support them their always in favor of the Demon-Rats
Nepotism at work 🙂
At this point I wouldn’t have a problem with George Washington and his brother-in-law in office.
How kind and enlightened of you.
Nor with Adams and Son in the WHite House…..
Abigail Adams would be far better than most all of the current crop.
Spot on, what is the chance of an individual becoming vice president in their lifetime? Something like 60,000,000 to 1. What are the chances of 2 family members reaching that level?
And DEI. This racist moron was third-highest ranking official in the Obama DOJ. Wow! I don’t believe we’ll ever get to meritocracy.
Saw on Matt Walsh where Bloomberg News had an article that in 2021 the 100 largest U.S. Corporations hired 300,000 employees that year, of which 6% were white with 94% people of color. These statistics Bloomberg used came from government. Whites account for around 70% of the population. There needs to be a revolution of some sort.
Yes surely for employment and school acceptances. Now we have dumbing down and dumbering down. The next minority professional you meet, did they plagiarize their way in? Are they deficient?
If there were no DEI, all worthy and hard working would feel and be worthy of their roles.
If you listen to the MSM tell it, the Harris/Walz ticket is as American as apple pie. “Coke Classic & the Coach” is the epitome of political rebranding and I’m sure there are those gullible enough to buy what the deceitful left are selling
Fortunately, after Daniel’s article, we’re forced to see them as the Communist cabal that they really are.
It’s little wonder that the ONLY policy discussions made by Kackling Kamala and Tampon Tim were stolen from the Trump campaign…and NO ONE believes (not even Democrats) they’d follow through on “no tax on tips”, especially since she’d argued to the contrary previously.
The reason for their obfuscation is simple: their ACTUAL policies are completely unpalatable to the American people, and rightly so, for they would bring America as we’ve known her to an end.
Never in the history of these United States has a ticket been so diametrically in opposition to the values, rights and freedoms we hold sacred here and, if they’re installed, it’s all over.
I still believe Trump will triumph if the election isn’t stolen again, but I’m hedging my bets by buying more ammo because, if I’m wrong, the only things left to the conservative patriot is “hunker & bunker” or civil war.
🇺🇲 TRUMP ’24 🇺🇲
Never in the history of these United States has a candidate who was Number 2 in in the outgoing administration claim to have policy positions diametrically opposite of those of that administration (while claiming she was the last person in the room when crucial decisions were being made), and been allowed to get away with it, and assisted, by our garbage “news media.”
This is some scary stuff. It’s not just one crime family. It’s a syndicate of political warfare, backed up with Union thugs, be them knee-breakers, freeway jammers or lawfare operatives.
All parts of the broader “Omni-directional warfare” that the CCP wrote of 25 years ago.
And we don’t seem to ever fight back.
It’s not the players in the game that determine the nature of the game.
If Kamala Harris, Tony West, Benjamin Crump, and Al Sharpton had never been born there would be plenty of other players just like them to take their place.
If Hitler, Stalin, Fidel, and Obama had never been born there would plenty of others just like them to take their place.
Who determines the nature of a political system a nation accepts and the nature of the culture of that nation? The philosophers and and intellectuals at the universities do.
The poison of irrationality all comes from the philosophers at the universities. When the philosophers turn into irrationalists, the average men turn into brutes.
“The truly and deliberately evil men are a very small minority; it is the appeaser who unleashes them on mankind; it is the appeaser’s intellectual abdication that invites them to take over. When a culture’s dominant trend is geared to irrationality, the thugs win over the appeasers. When intellectual leaders fail to foster the best in the mixed, unformed, vacillating character of people at large, the thugs are sure to bring out the worst. When the ablest men turn into cowards, the average men turn into brutes.” – Ayn Rand
“The philosophers and and intellectuals at the universities do.”
Sadly true, academic waffle abounds in university. There was a time when professors needed to prove the practical application of their “theories” by starting businesses and/or getting business funding.
Now it is almost all government funded nonsense that comes out of the mouth of these experts.
So if we got rid of all the leftists at the universities and replaced them with, say, a slew of Objectivists, the government would reflect some version of you.
We would be spending our days prattling on about altruism and rational selfishness.
I think that would also be a nightmare.
An average man has spoken.
Better to be an average man and an American patriot than a haughty, faux egghead, Jew hating, Christian hating intellectual who sits around lecturing everyone on their religious “faults”.
Saying there are no absolutes doesn’t make you an absolutist, objectively.
It won’t take long for Harris/Walz to fulfill Obama’s promised “fundamental transformation” of America as we know it. And for Harris it could be a family affair.
speaking of one who is intimately famiiar with “affairs”.
It is the only family I have, I have to look after my own, don’t have any kids to pass my millions from government contracts to.
Give your stolen millions back to the taxpayers you stole your millions from bit**!
Spoken like a true Communist.
“…married to Kamala’s sister-in-law, Maya Harris …”
Isn’t Maya Harris Kamala’s half-sister (not her sister-in-law)?
yes, thanks for catching that
The Kamala Kabal should be exposed by Trump & Vance, Newsmax, FOX news, and
any other outlet that cares about the future of America. Let’s forward this article to anyone
who might present this info to the public.
Not sister-in-law. Should be sister.
Derek Anthony ‘Tony’ West, married to Kamala’s sister-in-law, Maya Harris, a radical ACLU activist, have been the power couple behind Kamala’s political career. Maya was the campaign chair of her sister’s 2020 presidential campaign. And when Kamala headed to her presidential campaign headquarters back then, Maya and her husband were by her side.
The downvotes aren’t enough to erase the impression made on me by the latest murders committed in my hometown.
The local media simply refuse to say “Black” or “Hispanic” in relation to the word “gang” — but this past week there have been two shootouts near bars (taverns) which have been reported as “gang related”.
Up until recently the media’s finger of blame has been aimed at the bars themselves. The problem with that is the desire of Louisville’s citizenry to have the option of imbibing in bars. “Cheers” was a popular TV show. We do not hate **demon rum** here.
So the media weren’t able to socially engineer a widely accepted root cause for the shootouts. Just this week, the new word is “gang related” simple and clear.
Two of the most popular bars have responded by…
so that the bars can stay in business, the staff can remain employed, and the owners — small businessmen — can demonstrate that they are not indifferent nor are they clueless, and are not to be scapegoated.
How Much Easier Life Would Be If We Had Freedom Of Speech For Real!!
• No Hecklers’ Veto, and No Excuses fobbed off as “root causes”.
• Citizens judged by their actions,
• Victims of shootouts allowed to curse out the Black and/or Hispanic Gangs for their pure evil.
You’re capable of writing like a mensch, so do it.
“If they’re Black, then it’s a gang. If they’re Italian, it’s a mob. But if they’re Jewish, it’s a coincidence & you should never speak about it.” ~Dave Chappelle, commedian
This is not about humor. Get that thru your head.
You missed the point entirely .
The media here do not use the word black, nor do they use the word hispanic. They use the word gang
And where bars are concerned, they used to use the word mob.
They tell it like it ain’t.
I think Dave should know. He lives right here among us.
This only shows that Chapelle is obsessed with Jews. Many are, and we know what they’re called. Ask him what he calls it if they’re muslims. What does HE call it if they’re Jews?
What is it with so many black people’s envy of Jews? What do they think, that if they can publicly dump on Jews, then they’ve made it?
The down votes are not there to make you forget about murders or anything else but the fact that racial epithets won’t win you friends and won’t help you win your argument. The use of that particular word is a big part of the reason why the media is too scared to use “Black” in relation to gang related violence.
OMG, this is discouraging! How do we turn this mess around? The radical left has the universities, the press, and many high offices in government. And our candidate carries on about how the office was stolen from him and calls people names.
Methinks the web is even larger than it appears. Why else would so many news organizations, entertainers, public figures, government police agencies, et al, be so virulently opposed to Donald Trump for so long? Do you think the SS security breaches at Butler were just a series of clumbsy oversights? So many things this wrong don’t just happen.
Seems pretty clear to me what has to happen. No, not hollywood B movie civil war with neighbor fighting airhead left neighbors.
Most young people are social media trolls with snark as their strongest reaction. They’re silly.
So, I don’t think we have the guts to right the ship
I hope I am wrong.
Well, Fred, it was stolen and we know it. Our candidate and many others remind us it can be stolen again.
I also hear him call people “names” like “great” “amazing” “patriot”
Seems to me he calls ’em the way he sees ’em, and the way many others see ’em, too. Including Daniel.
Thanks for bringing this up. I bet few people know about the cackling Indians nepotism
After the lawful arrest of George Floyd, my neighborhood attacked me. Obama, Harris, Crump, or Holder wouldn’t last a minute around black America.
I’m not some fat crusty law professor. It quickly devolved into real life Saw. It got to the point where I built a man trap and I was going to chain people to a tree and have them reno abandoned lots. If Henry Louis Gates every says your family owned slaves I’m going to say yeah, me.
Now they call me Dahlmer. There’s been a few gunshots. I don’t care what they do as long as they leave me alone. Now they act like me.
Don’t take it from other people. Give some back when you can. And when you do level the place.
Could be John Galt.
I just love this article because it chronicles the antics of the commies just as it was in Berkeley and the Bay Area in the 1960’s. Some said then they hadn’t changed since the 1930’s. And they are still true to form.