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“During the blessed last 10 days of Ramadan, we celebrate our Administration’s incredible Muslim team,” Vice President Kamala Harris announced, posing on the steps of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building with some of the most controversial figures in the administration.
There right behind Kamala was Nasrina Bargzie, her deputy counsel and future Muslim liaison, who had been interviewed by the FBI after 9/11, wore orange for the Islamic terrorists at Gitmo and had fought a lawsuit Jewish students over harassment by pro-terrorist activists at Berkeley.
Second from Kamala’s right was Mazen Basrawi, Biden’s current Muslim liaison, who had attended a conference honoring one of the unindicted co-conspirators of the World Trade Center bombing, and whose appointment was hailed by Muslim Brotherhood groups.
Second from Kamala’s left was Brenda Abdelall, who had taken part in anti-Israel protests in college, and had falsely accused Israel of “ethnic cleansing” as part of a “brutal occupation”. Abdelall became the “assistant secretary for partnership and engagement” at the Department of Homeland Security in the Biden-Harris administration and then appeared at a convention where speakers had called for a caliphate ruled by Islamic law and freeing Islamic terrorists.
Abdelall was recently chosen to head Kamala’s Arab-American outreach. And the campaign refused to part ways with her over past comments accusing Jews of controlling America.
Also allegedly present was Yousra Fazili, who had studied Islamic religious law or sharia at Egypt’s Al-Azhar University, notorious for its terrorist teachings, and represented the International Islamic Federation of Student Organizations co-founded by figures tied to the Muslim Brotherhood and Osama bin Laden, before becoming the Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Defense Programs and now serves as the Chief of Staff to the Comptroller and Chief Financial Officer of the Pentagon.
Yousra’s sister, Sameera Fazili had served as the deputy director of the National Economic Council despite being a member of Stand With Kashmir (SWK) “which was founded by her cousin, Hafsa Kanjwal” and which had “praised and defended the actions of a number of violent Islamists” including one who had “met with Al Qaeda figures” and praised Osama bin Laden.
Other members of Kamala’s “incredible Muslim team” included Maher Bitar, a former executive board member of Students for Justice in Palestine, a campus hate group which has since endorsed Hamas and the atrocities of Oct 7, and an organizer of a conference by the Palestine Solidarity Movement, which worked with Hamas, and whose previous event had reportedly included chants of “Kill the Jews”.
Under the Biden-Harris administration, Bitar became the Senior Director for Intelligence on the National Security Council and then the chief coordinator for intelligence and defense policy making him, according to the Council on Foreign Relations, “the senior-most official responsible for coordinating U.S. Government intelligence and defense policy.” Reporting tips Bitar as a likely Director of National Intelligence or “some kind of senior role” in a Kamala administration.
Reema Dodin, who had described suicide bombings against Jews by Muslim terrorists as “the last resort of a desperate people”, was brought on as the deputy director for the Office of Legislative Affairs.
Near the top of the stairs was Abdullah Hasan, a recipient of a CAIR Islamic Scholarship Fund who defended BDS for the ACLU and claimed that “Islamophobia is rampant even in our highest democratic institutions” like the Supreme Court” before becoming an assistant press secretary for the Biden-Harris administration.
Uzra Zeya worked at the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs: an informal arm of the Arab Lobby started by former diplomats to Muslim countries where she helped compile material for a book claiming that Jews secretly control the United States. In the Biden-Harris administration, Zeya became the Secretary of State for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights.
Kamala’s pose with the record number of Muslim staffers, estimated to be over 100, in the Biden-Harris administration was also a measure of her personal relationships with some of them, like Nasrina Bargzie, one of her “fabulous four” staffers who had stayed with her throughout her time in office, as well as others, like Brenda Abdelall, with whom she had a developing relationship that would make her part of her future presidential campaign.
As the attorney general of California, Kamala had developed longstanding ties with CAIR, whose founder has since endorsed the Oct 7 attack, along with other Islamist groups linked to the Muslim Brotherhood. In Congress, she defended Rep. Ilhan Omar’s antisemitic remarks and her sympathy with activists who assailed Israel during her remarks after Oct 7 was not feigned.
The Kamala campaign continues to cultivate ties with extremist figures including a reported private meeting between the candidate and Mayor Abdullah Hammoud of Dearborn, known as the nation’s Jihad Capital, who had told a pro-Hamas rally after Oct 7 that this was “the city of resistance”.
Before a rally in Detroit, Kamala spoke with Layla Elabed, Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s sister, and Abbas Alawieh, a former Tlaib staffer, running an anti-Israel movement and told them, according to a New York Times report, that she was open to discussing an arms embargo on Israel. (The paper and her campaign later claimed that she was only open to speaking to them.)
And while Kamala’s opposition to Israel has often been seen as a response to the necessities of winning Michigan, her solidarity with Islamists is not a response to the 2024 election.
Kamala has built a Muslim team whose views are extreme and whose hostility to America and Israel, as well as their ties to foreign governments and Muslim Brotherhood groups, raise troubling questions, especially as some figures, like Maher Bitar, are expected to rise further in her administration, while others we may not yet know about will arrive on the scene.
Vice President Kamala Harris is not a critic of Israel’s campaign against Hamas because of the pressure out of Dearborn, but because she has built up relationships with terrorism supporters.
I know that ‘freedom of religion” is one of the tenets of Western civilization, BUT surely that has gone too far when it allows anti-Western Muslims to have power in places like the USA and my country – Australia? Actually Islam is not so much a religion but a powerful conquering force. Why don’t our leaders recognize it as such? probably they are trying to be all things to all people, a recipe for disaster. if they knew what Islam was really about – world conquest by any means – they would limit the reach of this satanic ‘religion’.
This infiltration is worse than the whole Alger Hiss affair. We are duped into believing islam is peace and these useful idiots have no idea they will be the first to be killed at first opportunity. I am often reminded of the elderly french woman, a jew, whose long-time neighbor, her special friend, a muslim, who often met with her for coffee slit her throat.
And here we are. We want to believe that people are good but it just isn’t true. The enemy is not at the door, he’s in the kitchen.
Islam is a political cult masked as a religion.
A powerful conquering force? Indeed! A homicidal force masquerading as a religion. Every nation with a well-represented Islamic minority has experienced violence against its non-Islamic population. 9/11 should have made that clear by now.
Kamala Harris knows exactly who and what the RADICAL HATE AMERICA/LOVE OCT 7th Muslims really are ! Both she and other Democrat “leaders” are afraid of every last one of them and use the First Amendment to justify their cowardice and support for the Anti-Semites. Look how they defend the Campus Riots that mindlessly chant for Genocide in Israel. Radical Democrat Politicians like Kamala Harris have NO courage and NO backbone and NO respect for American cultural traditions. They will NOT get the Vote of the real American Muslims who love America, hate Woke schools for their kids and the mobs of dangerous Illegals being dumped in their neighborhoods! As the Polls show, they will be Voting for TRUMP, as will most forgotten US Minorities.
Islam is a theocracy masquerading as a religion that is intolerant of all non-believers.
Islam supports the Koran which in turn supports Sharia Law, which is incompatible with western civilization and the US Constitution.
Possibly Islamophobia is a misnomer. A “phobia” describes an irrational fear. What is irrational about fearing a theocracy calling for your destruction?
You’re 100% right about the incorrect use of “phobia”. More correct would be “islamonausea”
Those using the fake term Islamophobia know they are acting as agents of jihad. Anyone who listens to them is no safer than the fly that listens to the spider say, “Come into my parlor.” At least flies are not accused of hate speech.
Islam is equal parts religion, political ideology, and culture. Each is emphasized as the need arises.
It is ironic that Christians have succumbed to their exclusion of their religion from the public square while Muslims are given a free pass.
Muslims are currently much more aggressive and devout in exerting their influence than Christians have been over the last several decades.
Excellent point. The great Andrew McCarthy has a piece from several years ago in NR when Trump was calling for a Muslim ban. In which he argued that Islam is partially a religion but also partially a supremacist ideology of conquest and that Trump should take that position before the Federal courts.
Unfortunately, in the end, Trump decided not to follow his advice and simply watered down the ban to particular countries so it was a national ban of terrorism hotspots, not a religious ban.
But McCarthy was advocating for a ban on any and all who support the nationalistic/supremacist / conquering aspects of islam.
I hope the Trump team will consider McCarthy’s argument this time around. Because if these jihadists are from Egypt or Jordan, the country is irrelevant, they are just as dangerous as someone from a country with worse ties to America.
The perfect picture of red green junta that’s running America.
AND then they’ll branch out, go back to their city and states, run for office, and win!
They know they can’t win on the battlefield but do win at the ballot box mostly due to the Democrat obsession, and others, with FIRSTS!
COUNTER: “With that same reasoning, I take it you voted for Sarah Palin… right?”
Keep warning people about Islam.
One of the starkest differences is that Islam has no concept of gratitude. That is hard for people in the West to understand, as the concept of gratitude is hardwired into their brains. By projection they can’t conceive that Muslims have no sense of gratitude. That goes back to the idea that everything comes from Allah. So even if you give them something, they aren’t grateful to you, they take it as a gift from Allah, not from you.
Just like most leftists, they have “rights and entitlements” without gratitude or responsibility.
I knew an old Pearl Harbor Survivor, who after his service, went to work for a defense contractor working in Iran. (way back in the 70’s when the US was providing them F-14’s etc.) He spoke of how “NOTHING is ever their fault”. i.e., just blame someone else if anything ever goes wrong. Sorta like modern Leftists.
They see compassion and generosity as weakness. Weakness to be exploited.
Some still hope that there are such things as ‘moderate” Islam and “radical” Islam. Reading Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Nonie Darwish, and Mosab Hassan Yousef has convinced me that there are not. There is only Islam. Those we would describe as “moderate” are, by definition, just bad, inobservant Muslims. Will this once great constitutional republic have to go through what England is now experiencing before we realize this?
Some of the “moderates” are people who are actually on their way out of Islam, and perhaps don’t yet know it. The UAE funded Wahabi mosques may have led some to embrace jihad – but it seems to me that they have polarised Islam, because there are increasing numbers of stories of people who, once they know more about the Qur’an, vote with their feet. I have seen reports of Muslims becoming Christians in Iran, in Gaza (where they are seeing visions of Jesus), in Italy and in a UK church which has seen 60 conversions of Iranians due to receiving Farsi bibles from Bible Society. The reports are in Worthy News, Christian Today and The Stream.
Keep telling the truth about the lies Muslims clerics teach. The true form of this demonically inspired dogma is kept close to the Muslim powers that be. The vast majority of Muslims know very little. They are dumbed down to accept without questioning the tenets of their faith. They recite the Arabic Qur’an with no understanding of the words. Submission is all the slave of Allah is needed to do. The Anti_God tempted a bunch of savage blood thirsty desert dwellers by claiming godhood and hoodwinked the lot to rise up against God’s chosen and His Son’s flock. They are all going to hell for this. They are a lost lot of humanity. We can and we must lead them out of this madness. It is our Christian duty to save these poor deluded souls. Amen.
Narrated Abu Hurayrah: The Prophet (ﷺ) said: He who does not thank the people is not thankful to Allah.
Nuke Dearborn. ☢️
Realizing the hateful backgrounds of these Muslims so revered and
cheered on by Comrade Kamala is chilling. The fact that they are in
such influential and high government positions is horrifying.
I wonder how much Muslim oil money has contributed to where
Kamala now positions herself to proceed with the takedown of
It will be horrific if she is in the White House for the next four years. Death of a nation.
The “we-hate-America-and-Israel-and-are-proud-of-it-team” photo op.
Let’s back up a bit, and connect the dots provided by Mr. Greenfield’s description of Kamala’s nearest and dearest and theorize how this administration got to this profanity:
Obama chooses Biden to be his VP to eventually be the bridge between him and Harris, “lady” in waiting. Surprise surprise, Biden’s elected! Biden furthers his policies to destroy America and Israel to the point that Harris will then be able to finish the job. The removal of Biden as candidate-but not as president-allows Obama to ‘ready’ America for Harris. Plotting the way for her through Biden, team Obama increasingly weakens, and with Harris’ candidacy, obliterates, the electoral power of the American people.
The obliteration of the electoral power of the American people is absolutely necessary to achieve total power. This requires controlling election results and overriding and then crushing the will of the people.
In contrast, Kamala’s Judenrat is comprised of “Dougie” (who taught her the errant nonsense she thinks she knows about Chanukah) and a “liaison” to the Jewish community who makes Noam Chomsky, Norman Finkelstein, Medea Benjamin and George Soros look like the Stern Gang. No wonder she blames Benjamin Netanyahu when Hamas murders hostages, and demands we double down on “ISLAMOPHOBIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” after every antisemitic outrage.
Thank you for this article… it’s proving how satanic worshiping muslims are saturating our government and working towards influencing changes in favor of satanic islamic Sharia Law…
Until Trump wins and fires these people. Then maybe you will finally shut up and go away.
So many reasons keeping piling up in argument to vote for President Trump and an all true Republican CONgrASS!
Nope Intrepid… I’m not motivated by what Trump does or what you say…
My message is about End Times Bible Prophecy and how everything happening in this world involves satanic islam…
You may find it selfishly annoying to you… but I don’t post comments for you… I post them for all the others that haven’t seen a perspective of what they don’t realize or understand…
Much like the same… when you never heard of the Tribulation, Rapture, Millennial Kingdom, Great White Judgement Throne or the Bema Seat. All the things the Bible talks about that your satanic fake ELCA church doesn’t teach.
I mentioned before how you were unintelligent… I take that back… you are ignorant. And remain ignorant by association, with your satanic, muslim loving ELCA church.
My point here is… you aren’t going to be worth a hoot to anyone during these End Times. Beyond being on the stage of your fake church playing a Bass guitar making people feel good for a moment, while you play the Rock Star…
It’s all about yourself…
But you don’t post comments with me in mind…, not at all! You seem a little obsessed.
You are also great at projection. Everything you accuse me of is really just a reflection of what you believe. People who accuse others of transgression against God are generally engaged in those transgressions themselves. You’ve got a ton of anger stored up in you and when it finally manifests itself I think we will be reading about you in the news.
After all look at what you accuse me of
Being a member of a satanic Muslim loving ELCA church (C’mon Sumsy, you just made that up)
Chasing women in church….a lie you fell for hook line and sinker….it still east at you.
Making people feel good (what a sin that is)
Playing the Rock Star (jealous much?)
Being ignorant of the following: Tribulation, Rapture, Millennial Kingdom, Great White Judgement Throne and the Bema Seat. (well pardon me)
Basically you don’t know or understand the difference between obsession and knowledge of those things without being obsessed. you are pretty much a very bad version of John the Baptist
What a dour, depressing church you must have. How many people come to hear what passes for Christianity each week? Or are you simply an online preacher who found a website he can’t be kicked off of. Any other site I go to you would have been history years ago.
BTW, you aren’t going to be worth a hoot to anyone no matter what times we are in. I don’t know why you think you will be. Overblown pride perhaps.
I see you are racking up the downvotes big time
Your message, such as it is really no different than any other two bit end times hustler. The big difference is what are you personally going to do about it, Mr. Fake Pastor. It’s real easy to get on a website and post comments.
You sound like one of those Imams always calling for jihad but he is never there on the frontlines when it matters. It’s always ‘let’s you and him fight.’
You are big on rattling your empty cage, always warning us about satanic this and that, lucifarian this and that, but I never see any solutions. Just a lot of doomsday blah blah.
It’s the empty wagon that rattles the loudest. Guess what, we don’t need a charlatan like you.
Hustle??? What’s there to hustle?
You Intrepid may be Ok with worshiping the fake god allah… but…
satanic islam is the Antichrist Beast System… with the Caliph of satanic islam being the Antichrist…
The first Beast rides the ten horn beast… <<< The world itself
4 And they worshipped the dragon who gave power to the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like the beast? who is able to make war with him?
7 And it was given to him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all tribes, and tongues, and nations.
See… people like you are already worshiping the fake god allah… and you don't seem to have a problem with that…
Allah is NOT the god of Abraham
Abraham did NOT build the satanic Kaaba.
Let me help you…
"Allah was the name of the chief God of the Ka’aba—in fact, “Allah” is a contraction of “Al-Ilah,” meaning “the chief God.” “Ilah” is the word for “God” in Arabic. I don’t know anything about Arabic, but I can find that out! I can read the Qur’an. You’ve got the word “G-O-D” in the Qur’an, in the English translation of the Qur’an, over and over and over.
For example, Surah 4:171: “Allah is one god .” “Ilah,” okay? The very confession that they make you pronounce at the point of a sword or they take your head off, is “There is no ilah but Allah , and Muhammad is his messenger.” So to say that it’s the only word for God in Arabic simply isn’t true. It’s the name of a god, and they insist on Allah in every religion.
You can’t say “G-O-D” in English, you can’t say “Dieu” in French, “Bog” in Russian, “Dios” in Spanish, or whatever. No, you must always say “Allah.” Well, that’s not a generic term for “God.” That is the name of a specific god, and that god was the Moon God in the Ka’aba. “Al-ilah,” the chief God"
Intrepid… your allah is a fake god !!!
The Enemy Within associating with The Enemy Within!
WHEN, NOT IF, Jihadists and the Sleeper Cells Awaken to attack here, whose side will our leaders, Congress, universities, Democrats, and these people be on and who will they take arms against? I bet many of them will cry like babies when a Jihadist is about to decapitate them and they’ll scream, “I SUPPORTED YOU! I’M WITH YOUR CAUSE! ALLAH AKBAR!” They’ll also HIDE behind Patriots, even a member of the NRA, that they just spit on, so that person could take the bullets and die for them! I bet they’d even piss on that person’s grave!
During protests, A.N.S.W.E.R. and the Party for Socialism and Liberation had signs AGAINST Biden and Democrats. Now the “UNCOMMITTED” voters who are protesting against their own. Will they continue their voting boycott, or they’ll rise up to vote… against Trump? Many 2016 Bernie supporters voted for Trump because of what Hillary and the DNC did to him. How will Kamala win their votes?
Every Jew I know is voting for Carmella. They love her.
You need to get out more. ….meet the other Jews.
Here are the other Jews. The same Jews who voted 70% + for Obama TWICE:
The others would be the 30% ..
It just shows that just because a group is intelligent doesn’t mean they are smart.
Hope (for what?) and change (to what?) from a “clean, articulate black man”. Who can vote against that?
They weren’t stupid, just naive, as were most of the rest of us.
The habitual skeptics among us, however, know people like Bill Clinton and Obama are charlatans the second they open their mouths.
I did recognize that in Obama immediately, but it took me awhile with Clinton, since I was younger.
how many Jews do you know and how do you know they are Jews?
Good question.
Nowadays, most boys are circumcised, so it is hard to tell who is and who ain’t.
How is she not unequivocally characterized as a terrorist sympathizer?
Anything anti-America is good by the Democrats these days. Shows their stripes.
Apply a little Elvis and Return to Sender when it comes to Ham-A**
That’s such a great song 🙂
Historically, Islam was built upon the skulls of the dead. It has always existed to conquer, and will never reform nor become peaceful. Although the west is just starting to wake up, I fear it may be too late. Unless we become able to resort to the same means to defend ourselves as Islam uses to subject us, it’s simply a matter of time until they win and we are either converted, pay the Jizya, or are dead.
Kamala Harris with her anti-Israel polices doesn’t stop with her wanting an arms embargo against the State of Israel Even before this she supported the horrible idea that that Joe Biden is pushing for ,a so called “two –state solution” which taking everything into account is really no “solution, “ at all.
Even that leftist US President t Franklin D. Roosevelt with all liberal socialist ideology still had more common sense and understanding than Kamas Harris ,with comrades of the Red/Green alliance, for Biden is still striving to obtain that folly of an idea of a “two state solution.” Which in reality is no solution but a recipe for disaster. The reason why this is so is because a “Palestine state” that would be, no doubt, controlled by wicked jihad-minded Muslims with all their Islamic intolerance would only be a set up for a catastrophe in the Middle East.
As President Roosevelt, had so very wisely declared, “No compromise can end that conflict. There never has been—there never can be—successful compromise between good and evil. Only total victory can reward the champions of tolerance, and decency, and freedom, and faith.”
The editor of the Jerusalem Post is absolutely right when he wrote that if Kamala Harris would become the next US President that “Would be a disaster for Israel and for the Jewish people.”
For example, the supreme Ayatollah of Iran ,Khamenei as well as the other Muslim clerics as the ayatollahs and mullahs along with the Muslim members of the Iranian parliament n do naturally favor having Kamala Harris in the Office of the President of the United States. This is because she would continue the policy of appeasement of Joe Biden of giving those despots of Iran everything they demand.
For Kamala Harris ,along with her many of her comrades of the Red /Green alliance that she would fill her administration with would gladly grant that anti America and anti-Israel Islamic regime all provisions that those tyrants clamor for.
As the Jewish and Israel hating Islamic tyranny would then use the financial support given to it by Kamala Harris and use that money to obtain many deadly weapons to the it’s proxy jihad murder machine entities and Hamas, Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad so that that those jihad groups would launch in many murderous Islamic terrorist attacks against the peaceful citizens of the State of Israel.
Furthermore , that “mullah regime” of Iran would also use that money to send its jihadist operatives through the porous US /Mexican borders ,created by the Biden/Harris team , to engage in future 9/11 murderous jihad affronts across the US.
So, indeed, those hostile and vicious Islamic dictators of Iran will do everything that they are able to do to ensure the Kamala Harris will be the next President of the United States.
In addition., Kamala Harris, along with her comrades of the Red /Green alliance, are already friendly terms with that murderous jihad entity, Hamas.
Those tyrants in power in Iran want Kamala Harris to become the next US President should be of no surprise to any well informed person. The reason why this is so is because those in power in that Islamic tyranny of Iran will do everything they are able to interfere in the process on the 2024 national election in order to have that Jewish hating pro-Islamic radical far -left, wing Marxist Kamala Harris ,who is part of the Reed/Green alliance, in the White House as President.
For if those Muslim dictators of Iran would have Kamala Harris as the next US President, that would ensure that they would have a friend in the Oval Office of the White House granting them everything that they demand.
Looking all this from the view of those despots of Iran. It’s like in the insidious sense, they would think “Why shouldn’t we meddle in the US general election, again, ? We did before in 2020 and it worked [1] ,we got our useful idiot Joe Biden , in the White House who conceded to all our demand. For our cunning stealth jihad strategy worked for us so then, we should do it again.”
The sly and effective influence by those in power in the hostile America hating Islamic tyrannical regime on the 2024 US Presidential election should not be underestimated.
[1] TRUMP CARD the video documentary by Dinesh D’ Souza
Kamala Harris, along with her comrades of the Red /Green alliance, are already friendly terms with that murderous jihad entity, Hamas. That alone reveals much about her real character.
There is only one remedy for Hamas terrorists, whether they are based in Gaza or Washington DC.
” Will this once great constitutional republic have to go through what England is now…..”
Actually, worse. The great American Empire is the only Empire that is not mentioned in end time Scripture, meaning that it is non existant or simply non functioning.
We are witnessing the end of the 6,000 years that God gave mankind to ‘get it right’, but, sadly, mankind has chosen to kick God out of everything they do. Their is a demonic blanket of evil, debauchery, satanism and insanity that has settled over the world in prepartion of receiving the New World Order that will be led by the antichrist, but within 7 byears of that event, God brings His New World Order to bear on mankind, and it won’t be pretty. irst though, He is about to remove His bride, the church; all those that have accepted His Son Jesus Christ as God Incarnate and the free gift of salvation He bought for them with His blood on that deadly Roman cross and have invited HIm to come into their lives and rule and reign in them.
After He removes us from this evil, sin sick, Christ rejecting world, a 7yr period known as the Tribulation or the Time of Jacob’s Trouble begins wherein 5 billion people will die under their own hand and God’s judgments. That event is due to begin just about anythime now. Look at the world around you. I could list 100 insane things that are all occurring simultaneously right now, but I will only mention two.
The surgical mutilation of America’s/Kanada’s babies by removing their little penises and breast trying to be some/something that is impossible. Plus the parents that encourage it. If you agree that this is NOT normal and acceptable, or even sane, then it must be INSANE.
Open Borders…….is that normal or insane? Do you leave your doors open when you leave your home? I thought so !
Now, to be sure that you understand, this is not the ‘end of a movie’, or the end of a relationship or the end of a job. This is THE END ! After this come Heaven or Hell, for eternity, whichever one you decide to choose. That’s it! Finito. Kaput.
Now eternity is an awful long time so I pray that you choose well. It’s not even really that hard now. Eternity in hell with stinking, rotten and wretched demons or eternity in Paradise with the One who created you and loves you so much that He sent His Son to die in YOUR place. Tough choice, eh? Good luck.
Maranatha, come Lord Jesus……….<
Rev. Roy………..<
The Rapture does not occur until AFTER the Tribulation (70th Week). Just as Christ Jesus says in Matthew 24:29-31. <<< There is only one coming… and there is NOT a secret Rapture.
The Pre-Trib secret Rapture is a lie to dupe the masses…
The Day of the Lord is… again… AFTER the Tribulation (the devils wrath)… BEFORE The Wrath of God…
1) Jesus is seen coming in the clouds… the entire world mourns… then…
2) Jesus Raptures all Believers
3) God's Wrath is poured out… there are no survivors as seen in 2nd Peter chapter 3… clearly tells us that the elements of the earth will be melted. There will be no survivors… just as the Great Flood.
This occurs in this order… AFTER the Tribulation… Matthew 24:29-31 is very clear…
The Day of the Lord is like this…
1) He is seen in the clouds.. <<< after the Tribulation
2) The world mourns
3) He gathers/Raptures His Believers… <<< Remember: “at the Last Trumpet”
4) The Marriage Supper
5) God's Wrath/The Lambs Wrath is poured out
This is exactly what Christ Jesus says will happen in Matthew 24:29-31
Christ Jesus' own (red letter) words… In Matthew 24
29 "Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:"
30 "And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory."
31 "And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other."
Make Note: Mt 13:39… “… the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels.”
Isa 13:13… “Therefore I will shake the heavens, and the earth shall remove out of her place, in the wrath of the LORD of hosts, and in the day of his fierce anger.”
You’ve said it all Rev
Actually… after the 7 yr Tribulation comes the Rapture… then the Wrath of God… then the 1,000 year Millennial Reign…
Then the Great White Judgement… and then the Bema Seat of Crowns…
Islam is worse than Satanism because Satanists admit they worship the devil while the Muslims deny it. Every thing they say is a lie. Taqqiya. Sooner or later we of western civilization will either have to kill them all or submit to Allah. Take your choice and prepare.
There will be no stopping satanic islam… especially when we have the islamic loving Luciferian Globalists aiding, helping and funding satanic islam’s expansion across this world…
We must be prepared to face denying the Mark of the Beast… and living through the Tribulation…
The only way satanic islam will be stopped… is by Christ Jesus… when He returns after the Tribulation…
A great post without any doubt.
Thank you for sharing indeed great looking !