The world is run by a bunch of unelected powerful geriatrics. How do you replace them?
It’s the political race everyone is afraid to talk about.
For 52 years the World Economic Forum has been synonymous with its founder and executive chair Klaus Schwab, whose humble manner belies what many who know him describe as great ambition and boundless energy, even into his mid-80s.
Schwab has grown WEF’s $6,000 startup capital in 1971 into a $390 million a year business, turning a once sleepy organization into the think tank world’s FIFA.
When people are afraid to talk about a race, maybe something is seriously wrong there?
Klaus Schwab is a humble guy who tries to run the world. And he’s so humble he wants to rule forever. Now that’s true humility.
POLITICO spoke to 29 WEF corporate strategic partners, current and former WEF staffers, and members of the forum’s committees and communities.
They all agree: Schwab tightly controls the succession discussion.
Even those who know Schwab well profess little knowledge of his plans. Forum staffers have become used to Schwab putting a high-profile political figure in the frame for succession, only to see the idea disappear before it becomes a plan. Schwab has been reluctant to talk about succession, and has consistently refused to discuss a timetable.
The humility of the undying dictator who manipulates subordinates and clings to power.
Five of the people POLITICO spoke to said they suspect he will stay in the job until he dies, like the monarchs and popes his critics say he styles himself after.
Oh the humility, oh the humanity.
WEF insiders are typically unwilling to talk on-the-record about the organization’s post-Schwab future. All 29 people told POLITICO they feared being barred from WEF events, while others said even speaking anonymously could get them fired.
I’m sold. Klaus Schwab is incredibly humble. So humble he will destroy you if you oppose him.
It truly amazes me, and scares me at the same time, that this character who could have come directly out of Hollywood Central Casting has so much power today that he rules over the other greedy power hungry bastards in Davos and they all bow to him like he was the second coming or some kind of genius in a Suit.
Im just glad to be 74 and not 24.
Klaus is the leader of the New Third World Reich.The leftist obsession is ever imaginable aberration. Those standing for biblical values, such as pro-life, pro-family, pro-secure borders, pro-constitution are under literal attack.
More like the Fourth Reich, with lots of the predictable pseudo-science and technobabble from the “distinguished professors” invited to speak.
Yes. Just like Stalin was humble, and that’s something so rare – it must serve – forever…
Since I don’t care about being banned from Davos I’ll hazard a prediction – György Schwartz (George Soros’ birth name).
Ha – a good one! Soros is 92, and he certainly doesn’t look healthy enough to outlive Schwab.
My hunch is that the old boy Klaus plans to hang on, and on… until transhuman immortality becomes a thing.
He likely believes the dreamy predictions that it will be a reality in the next decade. (At least for the upper 0.1% who already see themselves as god-men)
The WEF and the CFR both are a Globalists groups pushing or One World Government all under their control its been that way for long time its the real reason the UN was founded after the failure of the League of Nations when America refused to join now we need to pull out of the United Nations and moved the whole lot to Moscow
Please see today’s youtube channel “redacted” .
They investigated the bio of Klaus Schwab:
There are interesting connections to the third reich (and to Henry Kissinger ..)
There is also an article by Johnny Vedmore in the Unlimited Hangout website that mentions the World Economic Forum’s ties to Henry Kissinger et al. Search in DuckDuckGo and Brave Search using the title: “Dr. Klaus Schwab, or How the CFR Taught Me to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb.”
Oh, so it’s a made up office. I see.
If nobody ever attended another WEF event, the world would be a better place. Period.
Do NOT fear this mere mortal and give him power over you. He is a pathetic old man who only deserves ridicule and satire as Daniel Greenfield gives him in this article. He may have fooled others, but he will not fool me. I don’t care how many government leaders have attended his fake god fests. There are many more of us humans who will not submit to his sick, insane, and anti-God ideas and maneuvers than there are his followers. History proves that he and his ilk will not succeed and all of them will eventually end up on the ash heap of wanna-be globalists. Resist Klaus and his ideas in every way possible! Do not fear him! Live your life to the best of your abilities and mock the WEF at every opportunity!
A German dude named “Klaus..” I had shivers enough with George Soros.
Not everyone can be be a Chicken Little Chairholder.
It is an honor that must be earned.
Hopefully, that will be soon! This guy reminds me more and more of Adolph Hitler as time goes by!
Getting it done. When you’re getting as much done as Klaus while those who supposedly oppose you console themselves with feel good nonsense and musical chairs then maybe succession can stay in the background indefinitely.