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On Saturday night, Iran launched its attack, codenamed “Ya Rasool Allah” or “Messenger of Allah”, on the Jewish State, after Israel had taken out the Iranian mastermind of Oct 7.
The attack began with waves of drones to swamp Israel’s air defenses, followed by cruise missiles and ballistic missiles. While the British and the French took out some drones, U.S. forces accounted for about half the total of drones and some of the ballistic missiles, leaving the rest for the Israelis to deal with. By the time it was over, 99% of the attack had been intercepted.
The only serious injury in the “Messenger of Allah” bombardment was to a 7-year-old Muslim Bedouin girl.
But why was Iran able to launch so many missiles at all, how did everyone know when the attack would happen, and why is Biden warning Israel not to respond to the Iranian attack?
Last month, the Biden administration provided a $10 billion sanctions waiver for Iran. The administration warned Iran that it would impose sanctions on its missile program if it sent them to Russia. There was no mention of the real focus of those sanctions which was concern that Iran would provide those weapons to proxy terror groups like Hezbollah, Iraqi Shiite militias and the Houthis, now using those weapons to attack civilian container ships and US Navy vessels.
Iran should never have had that weapons technology in the first place. In 2006, the Bush administration had convinced the UN Security Council to sanction Iran’s missile program “to prevent the supply, sale or transfer …of all items, materials, equipment, goods and technology which could contribute to Iran’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs.”
Part of Obama’s Iran Deal allowed those sanctions to expire on October 18, 2023. Two weeks after the Oct 7 attacks on Israel which killed over 1,000 people, the Biden administration let the UN sanctions lapse, making it easier for Iran to buy, export and boost its development of weapons technology. The administration tried to substitute a limited sanctions program of its own for the original sanctions while continuing to allow Iran to access billions in sanctions relief.
Where the Trump administration had snapped back sanctions for Iran’s violations, Biden lifted them a month after taking office. Sen. Ted Cruz has estimated that the Biden administration allowed around $100 billion to flow to Iran since 2021. That $10 billion was just the latest of it.
Despite the open violations of the Iran Deal, Biden allowed Iran to benefit from an agreement it was actively violating every single day even as it was attacking American soldiers and Israel.
When Biden allowed Iran that latest $10 billion in sanctions relief, not only were US Navy personnel actively in combat with Iran’s Houthi terrorists, but two Navy SEALS had died in an operation to intercept Iranian weapons being smuggled from Somalia to the Houthis in Yemen. In Jordan, an attack by Iran’s Shiite militias operating out of Iraq had killed three American servicemembers. While Biden appeared willing to let Iran get away with it, Israel was not.
As General Mohammad Zahedi and other figures from Iran’s IRGC international terror network were meeting in a building near Iran’s terror facility in Damascus, they were taken out. After his death, Iranian sources named Zahedi as the mastermind of the Oct 7 attacks.
What followed were a series of back-channel communications between the Biden administration and Iran through various third parties. The goal of these negotiations was to persuade Iran not to “escalate” the conflict by limiting its attack to what a Reuters report described as “within certain limits.” The timing of the attack was so widely known that media reports correctly repeated warnings that Iran would strike within 36 hours. Hours before the attack began, not only Iran’s allies, but also other countries in the region, were already prepared for it to begin.
Instead of making clear to Iran that an attack was unacceptable, the Biden administration was pre-arranging the terms of the attack on one of its allies while warning it not to respond.
When Iran launched the attack, it had been coordinated with Biden officials. Had it really wanted to launch a damaging assault, it would have changed the timing of the attack. Instead it not only launched the attack on time, but it did so while communicating with D.C. through backchannels before and after the attack. A Biden administration official stated that there were “direct communications through the Swiss channel” including to tell the Biden administration when the attack was winding down.
That is not how attacks normally work, but this was not a normal attack, nor is it the actual one.
Iran launched the attack to demonstrate its capabilities. For the first time it showed that it could coordinate missile and drone launches from all of its clients across the region. The launches took place not only from Iran, but from the Houthis in Yemen, Iraq and Hezbollah in Lebanon.
The attacks allowed Iran to test a coordinated assault across four countries, to test how Israeli and American air defenses would respond to being swarmed, and to score a propaganda victory with images of its drones over Jerusalem and that part of the Temple Mount where Muslim invaders had built their Al Aqsa mosque. What it was not meant to do was be devastating.
Iran would have rejoiced if it had hammered Israeli air bases and cities, but barring critical errors by Israel and America, it wasn’t expecting more than an expensive light show and a little rubble.
Compare the Iranian attack on Israel with the finely coordinated attack on Tower 22, the U.S. base on the Jordanian-Iranian border, where the Iraqi Shiite terror proxies had perfectly timed the attack to coincide with a moment of confusion caused by the return of a U.S. drone, or the Oct 7 attack which set out to analyze and dismantle Israel’s border defense network, timing drone attacks to disable automated defenses, with this straightforward telegraphed attack.
If Iran remains true to form, the actual attack will come from its proxies, will exploit vulnerabilities in Israeli defenses and will allow the regime to maintain plausible deniability as it did on Oct 7.
What happened on Saturday night was not the actual attack, but a feint with the added purpose of convincing the Biden administration that its diplomatic approach can work. Beginning with the Iran Deal, the Islamic terror state has played a complicated game, welcoming diplomacy and then abruptly rejecting it, holding out hope and then taking it away, but only doing it long enough to keep up the chase. This time around, Tehran convinced Biden that its Islamic leadership, despite their cries of, “Death to America” are rational actors who want to manage the conflict.
In the two years before Oct 7, Hamas convinced the Biden administration and the Israelis that it could be dealt with before launching a devastating assault, so too Iran, like other Islamic terrorist entities, specializes in luring America into a state of complacency before an attack.
And so the Biden administration is warning Israel not to respond. After all these years it believes that Iran can be dealt with and that it successfully negotiated an end to the crisis. It allowed Iran to launch its attack on Israel, helped intercept it and foolishly believes that Tehran is now satisfied because all its leaders ever wanted, like Biden, was a show, not the real thing.
Biden thinks that when Iran’s elites chant, “Death to America” and “Death to Israel”, it’s as empty a slogan as all of his campaign promises. But, unlike Biden, Iran’s leaders keep their promises. The slogans are serious. They intend to destroy America and they intend to destroy Israel.
American soldiers continue dying at the hands of Iran and its terror proxies while D.C. diplomats conduct empty negotiations and Iran’s agents penetrate their way into our government.
After September 11, Biden suggested, “this would be a good time to send, no strings attached, a check for $200 million to Iran.” Since then billions of dollars have made their way to Iran. The Islamic terror state has killed and kidnapped Americans, it is encircling America’s allies in the region, including Israel and Saudi Arabia, and still the ‘no strings’ checks keep coming from D.C..
Look at that room full of phonies pretending to be in charge and taking care of an international situation. Total photo op.
Bunch of posers posing as people that know what they’re doing.
Why are my legitimate comments held for hours to be vetted when it’s obvious by this guy’s comments that there is no vetting being done?
Doesn’t the US Constitution mandate death for treason and isn’t Giving Aid & Comfort to the Enemy treason?
Yes but Alzheimer Joe is too old and stupid to hang, don’t you know. He’s a “well meaning imbecile.” The second half of that description is right. The Geezer doesn’t even know when he shits his pants, which is probably twice a day. Did you catch the look on his face? It’s always the same vulture look. He always looks like he just dumped a load in his drawers. He probably likes it. Warm and squishy. “feel good, Joey baby. Me like poopy!”
The constitution? Oh, that old thing. Cough.
And yet Israel is being required to give lots of aid and comfort to Hamas. You couldn’t make it up.
No strings attached, is easy when you’re spending someone else’s money.
The military industrial complex is rubbing its hands with glee.
The international War Pigs
I’m glad someone mentioned the MIC here. I’ve suspected all along that the motive for Oct 7 was more than conquest. The Palestinians and the Iranians knew they could not defeat Israel or the US. They knew the consequences beforehand. To my mind the only clear motive for this attack was profit. Start a war, sell weapons to both sides (Israel and Iran), sit back and watch your profits soar. Don’t expect a conclusion anytime soon, at least as long as Biden’s president.
Is it any wonder considering how many Congress critters have big bucks invested in it? They approve the wars and then rush to invest more money in weapons manufacturing. Immoral and two-faced seem to be prerequisites to hold a seat in Congress.
They always evade the issue of money being fungible.
I’ve always wondered about why Biden’s first instinct after 9/11 was to give Iran money. I know that he believes that every problem should be dealt with by throwing money at somebody, but why Iran? I just can’t get it to make sense.
So, knowing that the administration co-planned the Iranian attack on Israel, informed, logically thinking Americans of pure heart should assume that the Obama/Biden administration also co-planned the massacre and all of the aftermath, right up to today since October 7th, right?
Contrary to what Obama wanted Americans to believe, powerful America does not and has never ‘led from behind’. This is as fake as the existence of Islamaphobia. Biden/Obama, like doomed Pharoah, is leading the charge against Israel, and will, like Pharoah, fail.
Never making a formal declaration of war against Israel, tiny Israel’s enemies have, nevertheless, been incessantly waging war against her. So, like Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon and the Houthis in Yemen and the PA in Shomron and Yehuda, Hamas nonverbally declared war on Israel by acts of war: invading, massacring and kidnapping Israelis. Kinda like Pearl Harbor, no?
Then, then Israel responds, responds, with a verbal, formal declaration of war against the savage, predatory, immoral humans in the globally financed army of Hamas in the land of Gaza; and since these humans live in the entire land of Gaza, all of Gaza is a war zone and humans who don’t want to die should either surrender or leave. I’m sure the birds and animals have fled….
I’d like to see all the hostages ‘forcibly displaced’ back to Israel.
I think Iran’s orchestrated act of war was also meant to shift focus away from Rafah. I sense some desperation. It’s been so frustrating for the humans who hate all Jewish people and Israel, the land of milk and honey; frustrated that the nation of Israel still lives with the help of God; this, in spite of the fact that the world’s most powerful Israel hater is in his third term as president of the United States, seeking a fourth to finish the unfinishable job of finishing Israel.
Israel is the only honest and moral player in this unceasing ‘undeclared’ war against her.
I completely agree with all you’ve said. However, . In a way, its his 4Th term due to interference during Trump’s presidency. If they steal 2024, then by 2028, he will have been in power for 20 years! This mediocre destructive no one.
Biden does not get a simple fact namely that the road to a nuclear Iran as was the same road to Auschwitz was paved with ideology and a clearly wrong belief in good intentions and rational behavior
A most brilliant and most urgently needed statement of facts, with an essential and timely critical analysis — to be found nowhere else but here.
Most sincere thanks to Daniel Greenfield and to Front Page Magazine.
The burning question is:
Given this cogent, insightful and brilliant analysis: What should the Israeli government do?
Arguably, this “question” should not be answered publicly to avoid tipping off Israel’s and our enemies — I therefore urge you to share your “answers” with the Israeli authorities.
You ask … “What should the Israeli government do?”
Here is what the Israeli government should do. ….
Decapitate the depraved psychopathic murderous berserk Islamic Iranian regime.
The USA should do it. Europe should do it. The world should do it.
The Islamic Iranian Ayatollahs should have been decapitated on October 8, 2023.
What are the moronic idiot politician fools waiting for. ?
Not decapitating the Islamic Iranian regime is a policy that ensures ongoing never ending troubles for Israel and America in the middle-east.
Islam has been, and continues to be, the scourge of humanity for 1400 years.
Enough already.
The Iranian regime and Hamas should have been permanently eliminated
and buried on October 8, 2023.
Not doing so will be regretted for years to come.
“The Iranian regime and Hamas should have been permanently eliminated and buried on October 8, 2023.” You forgot the magic word – OIL! If it weren’t for the energy wealth of the Middle East, no one would care, and Hamas and others wouldn’t have the funding to exist.
Why Daniel, do American Jews continue to vote democrat ?
cuz msm tells U they do—moron!!!!
Most U.S. Jews continue to vote Democrat because they are too lazy to pay full attention to the betrayal of Israel, too dumb to understand what is really happening and too corrupt to even speak out and protest.
Why do anti-Semites continually try to use thisMSM sufgle against Jews? Answer because they are anti-Semites.
Blinken: So Mr. President….what should we do about Iran launching missiles at Israel.
Pedo Joe: Huh? We gave them the green light didn’t we? Is it ice cream time yet?
Yeah, ice cream time in his pants. A big load of chocolate chip.
For the vast majority of American Jewish people liberal ( Leftist) ideological support for democrats
appears to trump the self preservation instinct.
Why do you choose to believe the mainstream media on this one issue but on no other? Answer: Your own vicious anti-Semitism. You scored another “blame them Jooz” moment.
And on this particular article and website! Not exactly genius.
That was not an accident, it was an intentional act of treason.
There is a singular act of treason perpetrated by the Obamao administration that basically went unnoticed by everyone and was never even investigated.
In a brazen act of treason, Obamao and his Marxist henchman, John Mohammed Brennan, on December 5, 2011, delivered a highly sophisticated American Lockheed Martin RQ-170 Sentinel unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) was captured by Iranian forces near the city of Kashmar in northeastern Iran.
The perfidious administration of Obama acted as if it was a mistake, but mistakes like this don’t happen. The drone was in perfect order and was then used to reverse engineer the Iranian drone program which was unleashed on Israel.
As Dr. Freud said, there are no accidents and this was an intentional act of treason designed to undermine Israel. Just as everything Beijing Biden does is an intentional act of treason and treachery.
Because his boss.Obama wants Iran to wipe Israel off the world map. Obama has pulled the democrat party as far left as it can go in his 8 years. There.was a time maybe 20 years ago when the democrat party leaders wanted secure and closed borders and legal immigration. Biden has followed his boss and puppetmaster Obama funding Iran who is funding Hamas and Hezbollah proxies. Now Iran is in direct conflict with Israel This is eventually going to get real ugly. Gas prices over the weekend went up $ .0.25/gallon where I live. It is going to get worse once Israel takes out Iran’s nuclear facilities and Iran mines the Strait of Hormuz probably with help from Russia. Russia and Iran have a NATO type agreement. A war on Iran is a war on Russia. Russia learned from their friendship with Saddam Hussein in Iraq. Putin will not let that happen again. Putin already thinks he can win a nuclear war with the U.S. Google it. That why he is threatening nuclear war now with NATO!