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All Jews agree on one thing…that all Jews never agree. At any Jewish gathering around the world, you’ll hear heated debates on food, religion, culture, and everything in between. Politics are no different, but the debate is louder.
James Baker once said “F*** the Jews, they don’t vote for us.” While perhaps untrue, Baker’s sentiment reflected a historical American Jewish political truism – the Jewish community votes Democrat. Since the early 1990’s, a growing number of Jews have shifted rightward, but the majority of the Jewish-American community reside in the “liberal” camp.
After the October 7th terrorist attack, prior to Israel’s ground operation in Gaza, the true sentiment of the left towards Jews was exposed. Protests on college campuses, airports, freeways, bridges, outside synagogues, and Holocaust museums forced Jewish Americans to face a stark reality. Leftist and their Muslim allies were exposed not only as anti-Israel but as plainly anti-Jewish groups. Mobilizing under a guise of liberation (“From the River to the Sea”), and civil rights (“justice” in Palestine), one thing became increasingly clear – for a large coalition of leftists and Muslims in America, Jews have no right to self-determination in their ancestral homeland and deserve no safety anywhere.
Liberal Jews’ residence among American leftists is now in peril.
The Shock
Historically and for good reason, Jews have been fixated on the antisemitism from the far right as our greatest threat. This focus on antisemitism’s political affiliation left us vulnerable. We have virtually ignored the growing warning signs of antisemitism from the Islamo-leftist camp. After all, Jews were an integral part of the left. In the name of Tzedek (Justice), we’ve marched with every marginalized community throughout American history. Yet, on October 7th, 2023, we marched alone. As our women had blood dripping down their legs, women’s rights groups didn’t express any outrage. They stood silent. As our children were identified by their ashes, children’s rights organizations were nowhere to be found. And as our civilians were brutalized, all human, civil, and LGBTQ+ rights didn’t march, didn’t organize, and didn’t protest. On the contrary – they stood with the attackers.
In the wake of October 7th, American Jews were left speechless. The wakeup call has been loud. The Jewish political home, the American left, turns a blind eye to war crimes and to the sexual mutilation of women, children and men when the victims are Jews. It has become evidently clear that in leftist spaces, the American Jew is dehumanized as a mere “oppressor”, an “Occupier”, a “Colonialist”, “White privileged”, and “Apartheid” supporter. Compassion for the deep trauma Jews sustained was nowhere to be found.
One must wonder, if killing Jews and raping women in Israel is ‘just’ and legitimate under the guise of a victim using ‘resistance by any means necessary’, what prevents our enemies from committing the same crimes in America? And where can liberal Jews find a political home?
The Evolution
Jewish-Americans, motivated by our people’s values, traditions and history, gravitated to the political left in America. With an emphasis on Tikkun Olam, American Jews embraced a critical role in social justice movements throughout history. Our commitment to ‘repair the world’ found common cause with social movements on the left, solidifying the Jewish liberal alignment.
We memorialize female ancestors like Deborah, who personified courage as the “woman of torches”. And we lionize Esther who taught of female strength and resilience and Ruth who embodied integrity and diligence. Guided by these matriarchs, Jews across the nation fought for women’s rights and Jewish women like Betty Friedan and Bella Abzug led the feminist movement.
Our scripture mandates us to advocate for the marginalized – “what is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor” (Babylonian Talmud, Shabbat 31a). Embedded in Jewish tradition is the notion that all man is “created in the image of God” (Genesis 1:27). Just as Abraham didn’t turn anyone from his tent, Jews fought for the rights of Black Americans. Jews helped establish the NAACP in 1909. And in 1965, Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel embodied the Jewish community’s collective support for civil rights as he marched alongside Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in Selma.
In 1967, Rabbis joined Cesar Chavez and urged Kosher communities to only support union grapes as the non-union grapes were forbidden as Oshek. The Jewish community continued its activism throughout the 2020 marches for Black lives and then again in 2021 to stop Asian hate.
Jewish Americans have served as indispensable allies, leaders, and activists on issues of human dignity, civil rights, and progress throughout American history. This allyship with the left was presumed to be reciprocal. October 7th changed everything.
The Reality Check
In recent years, Critical Race Theory (CRT), Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) ideology and the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement carved out large pieces within the left’s agenda. Many liberal Jews have supported these developments believing that they’re the next phase of a long tradition of liberal activism. They were mistaken, no allyship with CRT, DEI, and BLM will protect them. Jews who tirelessly fight for acceptance and admittance in the intersectionality coalition will remain disappointed. We are not welcome.
Enamored with the seemingly laudable goals of DEI: to promote the representation, participation, and fair treatment of historically marginalized groups, liberal Jews ignored DEI promoters, and CRT advocates, as they advanced a radical agenda to fundamentally undermine American values. For years they have been promoting equality of outcome over equality of opportunity, collective identity (race, gender, etc.) over individual character, censorship of opposing viewpoints over freedom of speech, and a “victimhood Olympics” culture that crudely bifurcates society into oppressors and oppressed.
Liberal Jews failed to recognize how CRT and DEI initiatives, and intersectional theory would be weaponized against them. And today, we see how Jewish students are maliciously portrayed as wanton oppressors and colonialist abettors. American universities who fully adopted these doctrines are now hotbeds of antisemitism due to embedded leftist orthodoxy.
The Next Steps
So, where do liberal Jews go from here?
The “October 8th Jew” as Bret Stephens coined it, recognizes their home as a centrist. The October 8th Jew knows that the extreme left, like the extreme right before it, is no political home. The October 8th Jew is united in the mission to fight enemies of America, who always come first for the Jews. “Never again” must be backed by action and Jewish unity.
First, no more blind voting for Democrats or Republican for the sake of historical precedent. All Jews, including liberal Jews, must adopt a litmus test for candidates and support only those determined to fight antisemitism and support the U.S.-Israel alliance.
Second, pull support from organizations and academic institutions that promote the erasure of Jewish suffering and tacitly endorse Jew-hatred.
And finally, unite and support American organizations that protect and promote equality and inclusion rather than division and an ideology that aims to destroy Jewish life and American values.
Originally published in the Jerusalem Post.
Adam Milstein is an Israeli-American “Venture Philanthropist.” He can be reached at, on Twitter @AdamMilstein, and on Facebook
Spurwung Plover says
Violent Leftists Hamas and Islamic radicals should not be allowed to live here anymore
Luz Maria Rodriguez says
Nor their supporters.
Otoh, that would mean deporting half of northern Minnesota voters.
Richard Bowman says
Just north of your border, here in Canada, it’s the same thing.
My Jewish friends, all vote for, and politically support Liberals, and yet it’s Liberals who so easily abandon them. It’s almost as if they have a death wish.
At the same time, the majority of them seem to have dual citizenship, so they can bolt at a moments notice.
Steven Brizel says
One should add to the recommendations in this article -a Jewish community that is proud and observant loyal and literate to its own traditions as opposed to the ersatz belief known as Tikun Olam
Hannah Katz says
What do you call a liberal who has been mugged? A conservative. Israel is a nation that has been mugged.
Wherever you find ten Jews, you will find twelve opinions. Time to unite against the hard left and the Islamists.
Intrepid says
re: Tikkun Olam, American Jews were obviously jobbed by the concept of ‘repair the world’. How arrogant. They should always be focused on saving themselves.
It’s been a little over five years since the Jew Hating Squad arrived. With open anti-semitism being mainstreamed by the Democrats and the New York Times, Palestinian gangs attacking Jews in LA and NY, and socialism surging it’s just a matter of time before the Jewish Democrats and the leadership are pushed aside and eased out, or forced out, in both houses. For now they are useful until they are no longer useful.
1930’s Germany didn’t distinguish between secular Jews, who considered themselves Germans first, and devout Jews. Now there is a storm coming for American Jews, in fact in some cities it is already here…..and it doesn’t distinguish between Conservative, mostly Orthodox Jews, and the Leftist secular Jews. The left’s newly regained power in America there will be a second Holocaust. In America secular liberal Jews and the ADL have always voted for their own executioners.
These useful idiot Jews might as well march themselves into the gas chambers where the Zyklon B will be EPA approved.
Thought the Third Reich died at the end of WWII? Guess again. The recent Hamas attack on Israel on October 7, 2023 has reawakened the familiar sound of the Nazi jackboot, especially on college campuses
Steve Chavez says
We’ve all heard of RINO, Republican in Name Only. There is also JINO, JEWS IN NAME ONLY!
JINO’S ARE FAKE JEWS, but they are the loudest voices and even say they speak for All Jews.
Jewish Voices for Peace are JINO’S! They are part of Communist groups like ANSWER, The Party for Socialism and Liberation, the Revolutionary Communist Party, and the Mother-of-all-Communists… The Communist Party USA which sides with every enemy of the West and the United States. They ARE the Enemy Within. They also hide behind the word PEACE like the U.S. PEACE Council, directly connected to the World Peace Council funded and directed by the SOVIET KGB which recruited millions of Americans beginning during Vietnam, and then the ’80s when the CPUSA teamed up with the Soviets to take over Central America.
Those recruits are today’s protesters, teachers, professors, Hollywood, MSM, Big Tech, Justice System, city/state/national leaders, and in Congress and the White House. They are RADICAL PSYCHOTIC HATERS and will attack all opponents, and now they’re resorting to arresting all political opponents, “as a threat to our Democracy,” exactly like the Third World Dictators Trump mentions. Communist Sandinista, Daniel Ortega, has imprisoned all political opponents and recently added an outspoken Bishop and some Priests. He even puts family to head departments. Recall that the Democratic Party helped install Ortega and then protected him, “NO CONTRA AID!”, while using PEACE. At the same time though, they funded the Communist FMLN rebels in their attempt to OVERTHROW the El Salvadorean pro-US government. (I called into the Larry King talk show when he had Alfredo Cristiani, President of El Salvador, around 1988, and informed him about the CPUSA/Hollywood/Democrats raising aid to give to the FMLN and to CISPES and NEST. Four days later, he imposed a travel ban on ALL Americans entering the FMLN Zonas de Controlidad.)
EXPOSE ALL OF THEM AS WHAT THEY ARE: COMMUNISTS AND TRAITORS! Whose side will they be on when the U.S. Sleeper Cells awaken for Jihad here? Is the FBI and DHS worried about them or the real Domestic Terrorists: Parent’s at school board meetings?
Wesley says
I would argue that they have gotten so caught up in the struggles of everyone against evil white men and women, (since the 60’s) that they have totally forgotten that by embracing every leftist cause, they have forgotten their jewish roots.
The left has become holy with them, and they totally failed to see the great wheel would soon roll back around and roll over them.
It is there now.
Richard Trank says
My bastardized Hebraic pre-fix conjunctive, v’gives it meaning, clarity, and allows it to be properly pronounced
Richard Trank says
works for me, too. better, because it implies eventual extinction
Peter James (Jim) Long says
Could you please explain for an Israel loving Gentile?
CN says
“Liberal Jews failed to recognize how CRT and DEI initiatives, and intersectional theory would be weaponized against them. And today, we see how Jewish students are maliciously portrayed as wanton oppressors and colonialist abettors. American universities who fully adopted these doctrines are now hotbeds of antisemitism due to embedded leftist orthodoxy.”
Part of the problem is the willingness to organize against the “white” majority by being very willing to see them excluded and the name of “justice”. We are very fortunate that that group is still willing to stand for Israel and for American Jews. The more we call for DEI and garbage like Jewish/Muslim solidarity ( the more likely that support will vanish. The more we call those who do not want open borders “nazis” and “just like Hitler”, the less likely the support will continue.
Wesley says
I can’t say I have a lot of sympathy for them, as they did totally forget who saved them from the Nazi’s and gas chambers. . .Hint: It was not Palistinians, or Indians, or Mexicans. .
They immediantly shifted to blaming the evil white men for all the worlds evils.
While I can forgive them, they have much to make up for.
Rip N Read says
“…Jews, must adopt a litmus test for candidates and support only those determined to fight antisemitism and support the U.S.-Israel alliance.”
Now why would any candidate of any party do that when there are more Muslims than Jews in the country? I can’t go to Costco or the supermarket without coming away with the impression that US is now well on it’s way to being 5 pct Muslim. Didn’t Obama promise we’d be biggest Muslim country in the world?.
Ed Snider says
When the dust settles, lefty Jews will go back to being doctrinaire lefties, probably more hard core than previously to dispel doubt about their ideological reliability. For such weaklings there is no choice. for as we say in Yiddish, “S’iz shver tsu zein a Yid.
Steve says
Even worse are Leftist antisemites of Jewish descent who have been aware of the antisemitism festering on the left for decades. For many of them, left wing antisemitism is a draw, not a disturbing aberration.
When I attended university Hillel invited a member of the Knesset to speak. When I went to the speaking engagement at the appointed time, there was no Knesset member and instead there was a “debate” between an Arab professor (later exposed as a Holocaust denier, a mainstream position in the Arab World) and a Jewish professor who made Norman Finkelstein or Noam Chomsky look like an Irgun member. He supposedly represented the Israeli position, but he stated on each occasion he opposed that position, and added “this is what the ‘Zionists’ say” I later found out that the Union of ARab Student had challenged the Knesset member to a debate (which he accepted) but then demanded a pro Palestinian moderator. When he refused that outrageous demand, he was disinvited from his own speaking engagement. Free speech was already in its death throes on campus in 1979.
A few years later I took a course on Latin American politics taught by the antisemitic Jewish professor. He would be talking about the politics of Suriname (strictly speaking, a non Latin country) and launch into a tirade about Ariel Sharon, whom he called “Hermann Goering Sharon”. He made up fake quotes purporting to show that both David Ben Gurion and Menachem Begin praised Hitler. Actually, he himself praised Hitler and actually said “Hitler had the right idea, just got a little carried away”, although he backpedalled when he saw the shocked reaction from the class.
Sword of the Spirit says
The Jews are asleep and blind spiritually. Read Roman’s 11 > “7 What then? Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for; but the election hath obtained it, and the rest were blinded.
8 (According as it is written, God hath given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see, and ears that they should not hear;) unto this day.
9 And David saith, Let their table be made a snare, and a trap, and a stumblingblock, and a recompence unto them:
10 Let their eyes be darkened, that they may not see, and bow down their back alway.
11 I say then, Have they stumbled that they should fall? God forbid: but rather through their fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles, for to provoke them to jealousy.”
Wanda Richardson says
The Word of G-d says the Jewish people are only “blind, in part”……Romans Chapter 11…….Many Jews are coming to faith., in Messiah Jesus……………even unto this day, as there have always been a Jewish remnant of believers for the last 2,000 yrs!
Siddi Nasrani says
We have been slowly poisoned by ” Cultural Marxism ” from the 1930 onwards. The embryo was planted in the
American universities & slowly but surely began to grow into the Monsters we have now.
To a greater understanding, please see this video for a fuller explanation.
KenPF says
“Liberal Jews’ residence among American leftists is now in peril.” But is it? Certainly some will see … have seen with fresh eyes … the degradation on the left. David Horowitz did. But it took the murder of a close friend to make him see the light. What makes it so hard? Some of it is the difficulty in changing anyone’s mind, especially just with argumentation and facts. But liberal leftists are uniquely immune to persuasion from any source. Like Islam, their ideology doesn’t permit dissent, much less apostasy.
How many “Democrats for Life” are there still in the Democratic Party? The Party’s made it clear that they are not welcome, usually in the most literal fashion. And yet they persist being Democrats despite the party platform calling for the legalization of abortion at all stages of pregnancy.
Well known Democrat, Zell Miller, spoke at the Republican Convention and heavily criticized his own party. But he refuse to leave the Democrats. He said it was like a birthmark.
And African Americans aren’t about to start voting Republican in any serious numbers. That would be “acting white” and not even white people want to be accused of that.
Why? Jews aren’t the only “stiff necked people” out there. It’s become a mandatory trait for all on the left.
It’s not a birthmark but for all too many, it might as well be.
Kasandra says
American Jews have been blind for fifty years. Starting in the late 1960s and early 1970s they supported affirmative action. I recall that in 1970 I read a column in the WSJ that was about the then incoming regime of AA in college admissions. A person was quoted in it as saying of universities adopting these policies that they say they want to admit fewer people from the donuts around the cities and more from the cities themselves but what they mean, he wrote, was “the bagels.” Yet Jewish liberals, now Leftists, have supported this regime of race trumping merit under various names, now “DEI,” irrespective of the impact it was having on their own children’s opportunities. Now some see where that has gotten them. But acting in its own interest has never been a big thing for much of American Jewry. Nearly twenty years ago I wrote ADL, then headed by Abe Foxman, that I wasn’t going to donate anymore as they were focusing more on a few good old boys telling Jewish jokes in a bar in Coeur d’Alene than they were on the plight of Jewish students on U.S. campuses. It took the largest single day massacre of Jews since the Third Reich to wake Jews up at all to the threat from the Left and it’s allies.
Sword of The Spirit says
They’ve been blind for over 3000 years since the day Joshua passed away.
Kevin Cutts says
I have seen this “take” a number of times in the last several weeks. Something is missing. There is no substantial anti-semitism on the right, none. However, a majority of Jews have, every 2 and 4 years, had a boot in the ass for conservatives. The overwhelming number of conservatives in American would welcome Jews into our big tent. How about some acknowledgment that perhaps we’re not the demons liberal Jews (and the left) have perceived us to be? That’s significantly different from “C’mon guys, we’re not oppressors. Let us back into the club and we’ll hate the conservatives together.”
Wesley says
I think it matters not at this point, Kevin as Joeseph Robinette Biden has sown the seeds for the end of America. We, like Rome will fall, and the world will again return to a lengthy dark ages which will hopefully spark another Renaissance worldwide.
Sadly as happened historically, a good portion of the human race with exceedingly flawed reason and morals will have to pass, and common sense return to the world. If the world is lucky, the new Renaissance will occur about 2810 or so. Thank goodness we will have long since returned to dust.
Down Easter says
They did not realize that the predatory mobs that they were supporting would ever turn on them. Do not expect graditude from lawless thugs.
Atikva says
Leftist Jews may fill abandoned by the left – but they are not the only ones. So did their liberals friends raped, killed, tortured and burnt alive by “the poor Palestinians” they supported. Unfortunately, it was too late for them to wake up.
“Today’s Gays are for Gay-Killers,
Jews are for Jew-killers,
Feminists for wife-Beating,
Progressives for fascists.
This is what happens to brainwashed people. Shape up or ship out.
Atikva says
“Universal egalitarianism” – the epitome of nonsense. Each and every one of us is unique and endowed with our own diverse characteristics to which we cling to as part of our individuality. There is no egalitarianism in the Creation. Only the insane ones, the abysmally ignorants or the blind can believe in such a myth.
Doug Mayfield says
I think the problem is that Mr. Milstein and Jews who support the left do not understand the consequences of left wing ideology. As a direct result of their beliefs, the left wing hates and fears freedom and individual rights (FAIR) and seeks to destroy both wherever they find them, whether here in America or in the one country in the Middle East in which there is respect for FAIR, Israel, or in any other country around the world in which there is a residual of FAIR. So of course the left wing sides with the vicious murdering tyrannical scum, Hamas, against Israel and will always do so. The only ‘surprise’ is that Mr. Milstein and some Jews were surprised.
Chris Shugart says
I think that most would agree that “antisemitism from the far right” has long since gone the way of bell-bottom pants and platform shoes. And yet I think that there are too many who need to move up to present time, and adjust their bearings towards what antisemitism has now become.
Domenic Pepe says
Jews and Israel and America must go on the offensive and literally crush
all the woke dem DEI CRT BLM leftist anti-Semites.
Rachelle says
Israel right now has other fish to fry. Efforts to equate US Jews with Israeli Jews are futile and nonsensical. We are not the same. Jewish liberals want the best of both worlds: their liberal views and immunity from antisemitism. It isn’t working, and it never will work. People who gratuitously toss out the old old story about Jews voting left in an attempt to conflate that idiocy with Israeli Jews need to stop. Liberal US Jews have to find the courage to admit they have been wrong for years. I don’t think they have that courage.
Ber Lazarus says
I have zero sympathy for leftist Jews suddenly discovering that they’re not wanted by their leftist co-virtue signalers. If they had spent any time internalizing the history of the left they would not have been so shocked. And, I dare say, they would not have been leftists. To suggest that Jew-hatred on the left is a recent phenomenon is ridiculous. At the very least it began with the ultimate self-hating Jew who gave his name to this evil and destructive cause that cloaks itself in virtue signaling. I will not speak his name. Such a vile creature.
The same foolish and dangerous naivete played out catastrophically in Israel among leftists on the Gaza border on Oct. 7. Incredibly, one kibbutz woman recruited a PalArab from Gaza to have a joint photography show about life in southern Israel and life in Gaza. It was a huge success. Especially for Hamas who used her photos for their crimes. It turns out her co-exhibitor was a Hamas officer. It was only on the day of evil when he called her to ask strange questions about the kibbutz did it occur to her that she had been used. It shows you how the best of intentions lead directly to hell.
There were also thousands of Gazans let in on work permits as a typical leftist “goodwill” gesture. These turned out to also be spies that fed Hamas very detailed intelligence about where to attack.
But, Hashem works in mysterious ways. Now, the deep trauma, as regrettable as it is, has shaken many people out of their stupor on the Jewish and Israeli left. Let’s hope it leads to more realistic estimations of what our enemy is really capable of and even more importantly that we understand finally what it takes to completely defeat them.
In Gaza, it means complete, uncompromised destruction of Hamas, the voluntary assisted migration of those Arabs
who want to leave, and then the re-settling of Gaza. The only language Islamists understand is violence and territory. They must lose their land as a result of their heinous crimes against the Jews. This they will understand. This is the metric of the 7th Century that guides their actions. Anything short of this will be a victory for jihad. Plain and simple. Am Yisroel Chai!
6stringfury says
I read about that photographer. She was one of many peaceniks, activists, and old hippies that were turned upside down in under twenty four hours.
Simply put, the Gazans (and there were many ‘civilians who joined in the rape, looting, and kidnapping)
forfeited the right to live as neighbors on Oct 7.
I also have zero sympathy for Jewish backers of DEI, BLM, open borders and the Soros agenda on this side of the Atlantic who suddenly feel ‘sad’ and ‘without a political home’.
Thanks to them, there are perhaps thousands of terrorists and undocumented rapists and murderers now roaming America and Canada.
I know there has always been a call for us Jews to ‘love your fellow Jew.’ I just couldn’t abide by that before and even more so now.
NYgal says
Well, don’t blame leftist Jews for single-handedly bringing all those undesirables to the US and Canada, if anything, the recent events show us how little power American Jews actually have, including the ‘ Court Jews’ in all anti-Israel Administrations, including Blinken and Garland.
They have supported causes, they have funded causes but they have always done somebody else’s bidding.
Yes, they have yelled the loudest in support of the most unpopular and toxic causes of others, but now, when the chips are down, they are alone.
Unfortunately, their stupidity and their hubris are not a valid excuse for the danger they had exposed the rest of us.
I really don’t feel sorry for them and their bubbles bursting, I’m only worried for Israel and the rest of us. They should have realized where the left and the Democrats stood years ago when the Democrats, Hillary and Obama had embraced Al Sharpton.
Baeticus says
Good start but not enough. Include political “redefinitions” like Nazis were not “extreme right” the were National Socialists or Statetists and Democracy does not include separation of power or a Bill of Rights since it would be contradictory, only the Republic does. But I am glad that Jews have started to see reality. Is going to be a hard road but I believe they will do it for their own future. Like the stupid argument of creating a Superior Court self appointed above the will of the majority in a Democracy.
Robert L. Kahlcke says
Thomas Black says
For many leftists, there is a hierarchy of victims. If someone from one of their favored groups is victimized, it is a terrible thing. But not so much, if the victim is jewish.
Chaya says
Wow, author I don’t know who you are even writing about. And I am good and tired of people like you pretending I do not exist. Pretending my family does not exist and my last THREE rabbis (one from a different denomination than the other too) do not exist. You write about people `i don’t know and generalize that these people are the Jews. They are not. Are you moving in some rarified Hollywood or New York Time circles or something? .An article like this leads to anti-Semitism, “blame those Jooz” for leftism. It is blind. We, Jews are not lefties or your amorphous centrist label but freedom loving, truth loving supporters of Israel and America first in America. We are many.. We have been this way for years.
Oh, now you say well. religiously observant Jews may vote for rightwing candidates. I was brought up quite assimilated American. But. you. see, I love my people, the `jewish people, and my faith. I am not an ignorant soulless delusional leftwing slogan repeater.. The people you describe are simply leftists, Leftism is a religion. It replaces any other faith. What they need to be is not some phony “centrist.” They need to be……JEWISH!
As Carline Glick recently said,” some Jews went to bed leftists on October 7th and woke up…..JEWISH!”
Alkflaeda says
Yes, it is idolatry to believe that redistribution of wealth and privileges is what will change people. The only possible fix for broken people comes from the One Who created them in the first place. Of course, once someone is back on the Potter’s wheel, s/he will start acting justly – but as a fruit of change, not as a means to an end.
Atikva says
“.. some Jews went to bed leftists on October 7th and woke up…..JEWISH!” Some, maybe, but not enough.