Going through a box of memorabilia from family and friends recently, I found two letters. (The story you’re about to read is true; the names have been changed to protect the innocent.) On the morning of Nov. 22, 1963, a young married professional in Dallas wrote to his parents. After discussing some recently purchased furniture, he added off-handedly:
In about three hours from now the President and his party will pass in front of our office. It is raining and the city is out with street washers washing it off and people out in the rain picking up paper. It is really comical. Laura has a Doctor’s appointment this morning and then she is coming by here and we are going to lunch. Aaron is going to meet us for lunch. Laura wants to go over to the Trade Mart for lunch so that she can see Jackie. I don’t know how much we will be able to see but I guess we will go over.
If it had kept raining, the 35th president of the United States would not have been riding in an open car. But the skies cleared up, and the program went on as planned.
This young man followed up with another letter on Nov. 23, 1963:
Dear Mother and Dad:
I am sure that you as well as we and the rest of the country find it hard to believe what happened yesterday.
Laura and I had gone to the Marriott Motel across from the Trade Mart to have a sandwich before going over to the Trade Mart to hear Kennedy. We had just paid the check and were walking out when we saw the two Presidential limousines pass the front of the Trade Mart. This was the route that they were to take and he was to enter the side door of the Trade Mart. I told Laura that they certainly were going pretty fast. We actually could not tell what had happened or if anything was wrong.
We went into the Trade Mart and most of the people were seated for the banquet. A friend of mine came up to me and told me the President had been shot. As most people would have thought we took it as a joke. We began to tell that he was serious and then someone came up with a radio. The people in the banquet area still had not heard the news and they were still playing music. We had been informed by a policeman that we would not be able to leave until the President left. I told Laura at the time that this was the time to get out before they announced it to the crowd. We got out and headed for the car.
By this time it was on all the radios and that area was flooded with sirens, policeman [sic], and ambulances. Reporters were packed in Ambulances going to Parkland Hospital. In case you do not remember, Parkland is on Harry Hines and about one half mile from my office.
A policeman stopped me and asked if I would take a reporter to Parkland Hospital. She got in the car and we were to cross some train tracks. If you remember these are the tracks between the office and Trade Mart. This is only a distance of about 400 yards. A train was going to cross the crossing and a policeman jumped on the train and stopped the train. This could have been done for two reasons. The train was actually coming from the area where Kennedy had been shot and it was also blocking traffic between the Trade Mart and Parkland Hospital.
All of this was happening between 12:25 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. I remember that we kept looking at our watches in the Marriott to get out in time. In wasn’t until after that we had left Parkland that we found out that he had died. This is a day that we will long remember and you just seemed to be swept up with all that was happening.
That day fifty-nine years ago, which went so very differently from what this young man and his wife expected, changed everything in ways that even today aren’t fully understood. The Warren Commission report asserted that the assassin Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone, but there is an entire cottage industry of alternative explanations and lingering suspicions that the CIA and/or FBI were involved. After the Russian collusion hoax and more that we have seen over the last few years (and before that, going all the way back to the Gulf of Tonkin incident that got us into the Vietnam War), that’s a lot more plausible than it used to be, but we may never know for sure.
In any case, there is so much about JFK and his death that is eerily reminiscent of our situation today: the establishment media covering up his Addison’s disease and personal peccadilloes just as zealously as it covers today for Old Joe’s dementia and his crack-addicted, corrupt son; growing suspicions that the government is not leveling with us; and even questions about the veracity of election results (Richard Nixon was sure that the 1960 election had been stolen from him but opted not to contest it).
The world we live in was born in many ways during the JFK era. And just as that young couple of my acquaintance unsuspectingly went to the Trade Mart to see the president while world-changing events were taking place, so today most Americans are still going about their business as usual without realizing how severely the Left and America’s other enemies are threatening our republic and our society today. (That’s the focus of my forthcoming book, The Sumter Gambit: How the Left Is Trying to Foment a Civil War.) But as it soon became horrifying clear what had happened on Nov. 22, 1963 (if not why, or by whom), so also what is happening today will all become obvious eventually.
THX 1138 says
At this point in time it is hard for me to imagine that America will go out with a bang. Looking at the recent past and the history of the last 60 years it seems to me more likely that the lights of freedom and liberty in America will go out like a light bulb sometimes goes out. Slowly, sometimes imperceptibly, sometimes the light is brighter, then dimmer, until finally it simply goes out.
58 years ago Phyllis Shlafly wrote her book “A Choice Not An Echo”. From Wikipedia, “Schlafly’s secondary motivation behind the publishing of A Choice Not an Echo was to break control of the “Eastern Establishment” over the Republican Party. In other words, this book served as an exposition of the covert influence that “kingmakers” had on Republican primary nominations…. Therefore, Schlafly altered course and wrote a speech called “How Political Conventions Are Stolen” (a speech that reflected on the liberal Rockefeller administration and how it outmaneuvered the conservatives)… Schlafly hoped to create a permanent impact with her writing… ”
Has anything changed since Mrs. Schlafly published her book? Does anybody remember her book? Does anybody read it? Barry Goldwater was not elected and Donald Trump’s presidency was sabotaged by the Republican Establishment and then his re-election stolen by the Establishment. The situation hasn’t changed it’s just gotten worse.
Mo de Profit says
If this video is to be believed things will get much worse.
Don’t watch it with children or anyone you love that has been injected.
Cat says
So, whats the point of this fear mongering? if true, are some enjoying this? Rather than focusing on looking. for solutions? How cruel! if not true, how cruel!
And while you were all obsessing over vaccines and not bioweapon use, election fraud and other corruption, that corruption continued unopposed.
Mo de Profit says
This is the first step towards justice, that is not cruel. Cruelty is what the globalist totalitarian regime in the World Health Organization does.
RobertM says
I can still see the events of that day in my mind’s eye. I grew up in a small town just north of NYC. Lunch had just ended and walking back to school I was just about to reach the front door when the nuns came out shooing us back home. No explanation, just that we had to go back home.
A few minutes later, when I walked into our living room, my mother was ironing in front of the TV and the tears were gushing from her eyes. I still see her, pushing the iron back and forth, sobbing.
The whole country was completely shut down. Everything. The country was simply in deep shock. The only clear memory I have of the next few days are snippets of the TV coverage, especially the day JFK was buried.
Our country completely changed after 11/22/1963. We became much more cynical and mistrustful. There was a bit of a hole gouged out of our nation’s soul.
I wish I could remember what life was like before that day, but it’s simply gone.
Cat says
Yes, me too. They called it “Flashbulb Memory.” (No one may remember what flashbulbs are, however). I can still see the face of my classmate who was running, I don’t know why or where he was running to, but he shouted over to me, “they shot the president.”
JFK was a framed face on the wall in many homes. Like a saint or a god. .
The 2016 win, although long and drawn out, was another such memory, but happy. But most of all for me, the 2020 steal cemented the loss of hope.
It cannot be forgotten and will not be forgiven.
Stu Mahlin says
Read Fred Kaplan’s book, 1959: the Year Everything Changed. It will put this Robert Spencer piece in perspective.
alex9234 says
Adolescence is believing the CIA or The Mob killed JFK.
Maturity is knowing Communists embedded in the U.S. Government obfuscated Oswald’s culpability to cover up the fact that the COMINTERN successfully assassinated JFK.
Donald Best says
I was 9 years old at school in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. The principal, Mr. Graham, came on the intercom and summoned all teachers to the office. We were left on our own but behaved.
Two minutes later the teacher returned crying. Mr. Graham told us that President Kennedy had been shot and that those who wanted to leave early to be with their families could be on their way.
And so we went home to be with our families and neighbours. At my father’s garage all work had stopped. Some were crying. There was a bottle of Crown Royal whiskey on the tool bench but it would be empty in an hour.
New Irene says
The FBI has been thoroughly corrupted by Barack Obama and Eric Holder. The first obvious sign was Fast and Furious and then the exoneration of Hillary Clinton over the email scandal. The FBI made it all go away for her before the election. At the same time, they were spying on the Trump campaign and then it ballooned into the Russia hoax and all the rest.
The election in 2020 was stolen and there is massive evidence which just about every media outlet out there has suppressed. Because this was not dealt with by the FBI, it is looking like Republicans will never be seriously be in power again. The left wants a civil war? You bet, because they now have control of the military as well.
We are in deep s*** and it is all because Trump hating RINOs jumped on the bandwagon with the Dems in 2020 claiming there was no election fraud. They may as well have shot themselves in the foot. It will take a miracle from God to turn things around. The only way for this to happen is nationwide repentance. Better read and study the Bible.
Cat says
I agree with your analysis Irene. I am not against reading the bible. But we need on the ground strategies and plans to just survive these times as families, individuals and just maybe as a country.
No god worth his salt wants us to go passively to the slaughter, even if prayers are on our lips.
As peaceful people, this presents us with a huge dilemma.
As hoping for rescue, by humans or divine, just isn’t enough. In my opinion.
M Kaminski says
My Father blamed my Childhood/Adolescent emotional problems(probably Tourette”s)on the Kennedy assassination, which annoyed me no end because as a four year old I had no idea what was going on. All I knew was that someone named President Kennedy was interrupting my TV shows.
Spurwing Plover says
My mom didn’t hear anything about it until a former neighbor called and told my mom about it all and my dad was working for the County Road Dept at the time and i think i was in Kindergarten at the time