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Democrats and their media claim that Sen. Jon Fetterman (D – Psych Ward) is absolutely fit to be in the Senate despite not being able to understand what anyone is saying and having to occasionally be institutionalized. Sometimes his handlers have to electroshock him, but he’s completely qualified.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D – One Party State) on the other hand is being pressured to retire so Gov. Newsom can oversee a deathmatch between black, Latino and Asian groups over who gets appointed to the sinecure because she is reportedly “out of it”. Since the same is true of Joe Biden, who’s running for a second term, the party is being accused of sexism for demanding that Feinstein, but not Fetterman or Biden, retire.
But the latest leaked rumor about Feinstein’s incapacity, spread by Dem operatives and their media, seems to suggest that she might be the sanest member of her party.
According to the new report, Feinstein expressed confusion to her colleagues when she saw Harris presiding over the chamber, in one of many tiebreaking votes the vice president has had to cast.
“What is she doing here?” Feinstein asked, according to the report.
Let’s face it, that’s an entirely sensible question.
It’s a question that Democrats should have asked themselves long before this. It’s to Feinstein’s credit that she asked out loud what the hell Kamala is doing here.
And maybe Feinstein did it because her mind is failing, but much like the little boy who saw the naked emperor, perhaps her new state of tabula rasa has allowed her to see what no one else does.
“What is she doing here?” a confused nation asks every time they see Kamala in Singapore or awkwardly dancing at a gay pride parade.
But no one answers.
lol, good one. Another proof of dementia.
Kamala looks almost as out there challenging the Biden Idiocracy as Cruz or DeSantis look out there challenging Trump’s populism.
Fools generally recognize their own kind.
You touch one stray hair on Bossman Joe and she’s taking over, and there’s nothing you can do about it. This was set up this way from before the start. Notice,there’s no sqwauking. This story comes preswallowed, if not predigested.
Its already written into commo scripts for insertion into real time “reporting” indistinguishable from actual events.
It would take less than one hour for every blue collar household in America to come to the realization that they too hold a need for thirty LLCs to deal with annoying international cash transfers. Just like that Biden bunch from Delaware. Fortunately, our system works: the checks clear, in chronological sequence, and without fanfare.
And shall continue to work, if whistleblowers know what’s good for them.
She’s shaming and embarrassing the nation, that’s what she doing.
And she’s ugly.
Yeah, not aging well. A bad genetic combination.
What are either of them doing there?
Poisoning America.
Kamelnoze is the perfect partner to pedo Joe, just keep her filled up with booze and dope and she will perform the perfect veep puppet dance. I’m sure hubby is also making a killing in ccp land.
“Kamelnose.” Good one!