(Picture courtesy of Daily Mail.)
To quote Barack Hussein Obama, “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”
The Biden administration has expanded that to those who slander its new allies, the Taliban.
A US Marine has shared his dismay at being forced to remove obscene messages insulting the Taliban and ISIS that they daubed on the walls of Kabul Airport.
Three examples of the insults were shared to social media – with one showing a serviceman in front of a tiled wall at Hamid Karzai Airport sprayed with the phrase ‘F*** ISIS + Taliban’ in black paint,
But an unnamed Marine stationed at Hamid Karzai said the graffiti painted on walls was removed at the orders of bosses, saying: ‘My boys had to go … pick up every last piece of … trash for who? The Taliban?’ a Marine told the Washington Post. ‘It was a slap in the face to us.’
That order was part of an edict which also saw troops ordered to pick up trash they’d strewn around the airport to frustrate the Taliban’s takeover.
I’m guessing that any graffiti mentioning Biden also had to go.
But this is the logical extension of treating Koran burning as a national security threat that justified violence and censorship.
Afghans Avenge Florida Koran Burning, Killing 12 – New York Times
Not to mention locking up a guy for making a Mohammed video and falsely blaming him for Benghazi. Banning criticism of the Taliban is just the obvious next step.
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