Mark Levin began by saying that he rarely does this sort of thing. And then he began reading, “The Passover Massacre and Anti-Semitism in America”.
It’s a high honor to have my article read by Mark Levin. And it’s important that people understand the links that connect these events.
My article delves into the motivations and malice not only behind the actions of the man who opened fire in a California synagogue, but of the growing culture of anti-Semitism among a paranoid and conspiratorial media that has trafficked in anti-Semitic conspiracy theories not so different from those embraced by the killer.
Here’s an excerpt.
The attack on Chabad of Poway did not happen in a vacuum. The Chassidic Jewish group has been a mecca for anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, including claims that they served as the interface between Putin and Trump. That claim didn’t appear in some fringe publication, but in a popular Politico article.
Earnest’s manifesto had expressed hatred not just for Jews, but for Trump as, “Zionist, Jew-loving”. Those were the same sentiments featured in an anti-Semitic cartoon in the New York Times of President Trump wearing a Jewish skullcap and being led around by a long-nosed dog with Prime Minister Netanyahu’s face in another convergence of alt-left and alt-right anti-Semitism.
To Politico and to the gunman, a small synagogue in a small city was an outpost of the hidden empire of the Jewish conspiracy. To the alt-left media, a Chabad Rabbi might be the hidden link between Republicans and Moscow. To alt-righters like Earnest, it was a chain in a conspiracy of usury and war. To the New York Times, Politico and the Neo-Nazi killer, President Trump was just a dupe of the Jews.
The New York Times wants people to believe that there would be peace in the Middle East if it weren’t for the Jews. Politico wanted its readers to believe that Trump would be in jail if it weren’t for the Jews. And John Earnest believed that he would have a girlfriend and a satisfying life if it weren’t for the Jews.
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