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It started with Aaron Bushnell, a dissatisfied Airman who went down the woke rabbit hole all the way to Antifa, calling for the murder of American soldiers, ended by setting himself on fire in support of Hamas.
Leftists and the media predictably celebrated Bushnell which was a great way to send the message to every mentally leftist freak that they could be venerated if only they set themselves on fire.
The results aren’t too surprising.
The man who lit himself on fire in a park outside former President Donald Trump’s hush money trial was arrested three times in Florida last year – including for throwing wine at a framed autograph featuring Bill Clinton, according to police records.
The Left would have turned him into a hero if he had only done it for Hamas, but the venue is a bit confusing, as is his history as having the typical stability of an MSNBC viewer.
Then on Aug. 24 he was seen on surveillance video allegedly writing on a small sign outside the Little Free Library before breaking a pest control sign next door, according to a police report.
The destroyed sign warned passerby the yard had been treated and that pets and children should stay away from it, per the police report.
“Azzarello was misinterpreting the sign and was telling me that the pest control company was there to exterminate children and dogs,” an officer wrote in the report.
Would Max have set himself on fire if the media hadn’t turned Bushnell into a celebrity? Maybe. Maybe not.
It’s much like the school shooter situation. If the media hadn’t turned the Columbine school shooters into celebs, we likely wouldn’t have an entire trend of school shootings. Some of the perps might have done other destructive things, but there’s no question that the media turned school shootings into a trend.
(And has never taken any responsibility for it.)
Now the media has helped turn self-immolation into a trend. After two of these, I won’t be too surprised if we get more of this social contagion.
Psychos setting themselves on fire is relatively harmless compared to mass shootings, but it’s another example of the disastrous media-fed social contagion that’s claiming lives.
Surprised leftists haven’t complained about all the smoke contributing to climate change. Also surprising is that some on the left didn’t attack the firefighters…
The media is an ideological social contagion indeed. Excellent turn of phrase.
The poor guy was nuts.
And the lunatic was anti-Trump…….so naturally the fake news media originally portrayed him as a MAGA conservative. I guess we can expect media retractions and corrections any day now…….
That poor bastard. It’s hard to imagine a worse way to go than burning alive. At least napalm did the job fast. This leftist reportedly lit himself up with rubbing alcohol because he had some lefty hatred of it.
And we all need to remember that the fake news media are the D-Bag media. That political party is responsible for all the worst aspects of American society. The RINOs are just weak scumbags, not monsters.
Leftist sets self on fire! One up in smoke, about 70,000,000 to go. As adamant as I am, setting myself on fire is not in the plan to propagating my positions.
There is indeed a form of insanity driving much of leftist ideology. Emile Durkheim studied suicide in the early 1900s and related the nihilism now extant in leftist thought to the act.
Given the fecklessness of Republicans, unfettered prenatal infanticide and self immolation by the left are conservative’s only hope
Set themselves on fire like that and die these people must have been Brainwashed at a early age
since the madness of the pLandemic and subsequent engineered shutdowns, the madness of engineered shortages and inflation and the fomenting of hate, antisemitism and lies by the fake news lying MSM who are all puppet whores of the deep state who is behind this all, this insanity will keep being ratcheted up because there is no way to get to these people who drink the koolaide of propganda unless we get in their face and educate them forcibly which will happen. As all this is Biblical prophesy coming to fruition in the fullness of time, we are in that fullness of time and the deceived will have one more chance to wake up and focus before the big JUDGEMENT . Looks like many of them will refuse to wake up and not make it past JUDGEMENT into the 3rd and final Heaven Earth age a.k.a. eternity–who wants them with their hate and bloodshed? Not me! Do you?
I saw a video of the paramedics trying to treat this guy after they put out the fire. He was still alive and moving, in agony. With burns that bad, there was zero chance he would live. They should show them on fire screaming, and that, as a deterrent.
Thank God he didn’t murder anyone, but what is it with bernie supporters? So many of them are extreme, crazy, and deadly violent towards themselves and others. And it’s funny how the term “left wing extremist,” is almost never uttered by the msm.
I’d say you have to be a loon to be one of Bernout’s Sandernistas.
I actually feel bad for that loony moron. What a shitty way to go.
Leftists setting themselves on fire? Say, this could start a trend. One can only wish.
It’s evolution in action.
If someone is stupid enough to set themselves alight for political reasons, especially batsh*t crazy political reasons, it’s a good thing they don’t breed and pass on the stupidity.
I only wish more of the warmenistas would make the decision not to breed, or even act now and reduce their CO2 output to total zero by ceasing to respire.
aaaaand , he is now in hell !! eternal torment , with flames . bad decision . !! he has achieved nothing and will soon be forgotten . another casualty of the insanity of the left .