The explosion in the blogosphere about the crowning of a Muslim Miss USA comes at a time when Americans have been tested to the limit, at least for the many patriots who recognize the threats to the American way of life since the declaration of the War on Terror.
Some pressing issues: Questions about Barack Obama’s Muslim sympathies are still unresolved, complicated by his pitiful bowing to American enemies and plans to build a mosque on ground zero, a site of grief and trauma for New Yorkers and fellow empathizers. So now with the crowning of a Muslim Miss America, it should come as no surprise that questions will be raised. Rima Fakih has become more than a beauty queen. She has become the battle ground between those critical of her crown (branded as racists) and politically correct appeasers.
From the moment he took office, Obama’s posture has served to divide America, racially and otherwise: he took to insulting long-standing American allies while apologizing for America’s sins among the country’s worst enemies. Obama snubbed British Prime Minister Gordon Brown on a visit to the White House right after he took office. More recently his deplorable treatment of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has left Israel aghast. Then there was his reading of the riot act to Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai, and his promise to unveil a detailed strategy on nuclear nonproliferation in the middle of a War on Terror. To top it off, the Obama administration’s support for illegal immigration at the expense of hard-working American citizens and the president bowing to foreign tyrants:
President Obama has disgraced the United States – again. During this week’s nuclear summit in Washington, he bowed when greeting Chinese President Hu Jintao.
The act was not only shocking but revealing. Mr. Obama has come under intense criticism for bowing to leaders in the past – the king of Saudi Arabia, the emperor of Japan. But never before has America’s commander in chief prostrated himself to a foreign tyrant on U.S. soil.
By bowing, Mr. Obama degraded and cheapened the office of the presidency; as commander in chief, he represents every American when meeting with other heads of state. He is supposed to embody the dignity of the Oval Office, reflecting our collective heritage as a self-governing, constitutional republic.
Sadly, the crowning of Rima Fakih as Miss America comes at a bad time and has raised questions among the political Right. Among them, conservative scholar Daniel Pipes who asserted in his blog that this and five other recent Muslim beauty pageant winners in the West indicate “an odd form of affirmative action.”
For even posing this question, Pipes was branded a racist:
That rate of wins is enough to send Daniel Pipes to the moon. This is a perfect example of how some people are brainwashed to think one person who’s white and female should be a beauty standard, and someone of color like Rima Fakih could only win a contest due to affirmative action. His view is so sick it makes me sick.
And let’s not forget, this not the first time that politics has run rough shod over the Miss USA pageant. Carrie Prejean—despite the scandal surrounding her that followed—faced a grilling by openly gay blogger Perez Hilton about her conservative views regarding gay marriage. Did the left come to her rescue? No, she was then taken to the woodshed.
Keith Lewis, who runs the Miss California competition, tells that he was “saddened” by Prejean’s statement. Associated Press.
So could it be true that Rima Fakih’s win represented affirmative action in action? She is undeniably beautiful and the countdown of any beauty pageant is a close one, so who could prove either way? At least we can still entertain discourse in our superior way of life: democracy.
There is a win-win to this for all those who support freedom: Rima Fakih is an icon of a liberated Muslim. She would be brutally murdered under strict Shariah law—yes under those inferior cultures—for not wearing a head covering, let alone baring skin for a swimsuit competition. Leftists can meditate on that as they contemplate how to berate America – and make excuses for Islamic gender apartheid – the next time around.
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