Democrats and their media claimed that 5 black officers getting into a violent confrontation with a black suspect that ended in his death was somehow about systemic racism.
Police sources said it was about affirmative action promoting people who were unfit to be cops.
After refusing to even address the question, the Washington Post has an in-depth report that essentially confirms what police sources were saying.
The academy became more lenient in grading, and students were allowed more chances to retake exams — including at the shooting range — after failures that would have led to dismissal under previous rules, the current and former officers said. Incidents of cheating did not always trigger dismissal, as in the past, four officers said. Struggling students were invited to study sessions in which they were taught upcoming test material straight from exam books.
That kind of promotion is a familiar feature that begins in urban public schools and suffuses the affirmative action process at workplaces.
While exams may not seem like a big deal, policework is about knowing the rules, procedures and responses.
And it covers more serious stuff.
One student graduated the academy in 2017 after multiple allegations of wrongdoing — including accusations of sexually harassing an instructor, the former instructors said. He resigned two years later after turning off his body camera during a traffic stop and shooting a fleeing suspect, according to department records…
During the 135th training session, which began in August of that year, firearms instructors told the rest of the academy staff that three recruits failed their final shooting exams, two instructors said. Such a result historically meant dismissal from the academy — a red line that many instructors considered sacred, given the risk involved with employing officers who can’t properly use their weapons.
The Washington Post takes a long time to get around to the inevitable.
The why.
“We would voice our concerns, and it would go on deaf ears,” said James Lash, a former academy instructor and Crisis Intervention Team coordinator for the Memphis department who retired in 2022. “There were several officers in that group with Tyre Nichols that everybody wondered about when they were in the academy. You reap what you sow.”
Although I’m surprised that in 2023 anyone even dared write these words in a major newspaper.
Haley and the other four officers charged with murdering Nichols are Black. Each joined the department after the police killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., in August 2014, which triggered protests across the country and a renewed focus on diversifying law enforcement and revamping police training curriculums.
The hiring of Haley and several of the others coincided with a years-long effort in Memphis to field a police force that better reflected the racial makeup of the city. In 2014, the department was 46.7 percent White, while the city of Memphis is 27 percent White, according to census data. The department is now 37 percent White, according to the city’s website.
Memphis academy instructors said the racial dynamics involved in hiring in recent years — combined with the department’s staffing push — ruled out disciplinary measures they had once relied upon.
During the first week of the 123rd session, in 2017, a car blew past an instructor driving to the academy, going well over the speed limit, the instructor told Lash and others. The instructor told colleagues he caught up to the driver at a stoplight and followed him into the academy, making note of the name on the back of the driver’s uniform after he exited the vehicle, Lash and three others said.
In a meeting room with the entire class present, instructors identified the student and revealed what he’d done, said Lash, who said he considered the incident a teaching moment.
“It’s been determined you’re a reckless driver,” Lash recalled telling the recruit. “What should we do? We’re cops. We’re supposed to uphold the law.”
Lash’s lieutenant then proffered a pair of handcuffs, and Lash cuffed the recruit and led him out of the room and into a hallway. The recruit burst into tears, Lash said. He described uncuffing the recruit and talking to him about how police operate in a fishbowl. A few minutes later, he said, the recruit was allowed to rejoin the class.
The next day, Lash, his lieutenant and two other instructors were summoned to Rallings’s office to explain themselves, Lash said. The instructors were White, and the recruit was Black. Rallings said he’d received a complaint accusing the officers of racial bias and considered the handcuffing unacceptable, Lash recalled.
The lieutenant took responsibility, Lash said. He was soon working a midnight patrol shift, his time with the academy cut short. The lieutenant, who is still employed by the department, didn’t respond to a request for comment.
The Memphis killing was caused by systemic racism after all. Not some sort of imaginary white systemic racism, but the ubiquitous systemic racism of affirmative action and diversity, combined with the soft bigotry of low expectations.
The systemic racism of affirmative action killed Tyre Nichols.
valyria starstorm says
The only systemic racism in America is affirmative action.
Cat says
There us currently anti-White, anti-male, anti-Semitism and anti-Americanism thats almost systemic as in critical race theory. I don’t think its most people’s inclinations or I hope it isn’t.. But it is being taught in K-12 and in colleges.
Jeff Bargholz says
The recruit burst into tears? I wouldn’t cry if you you tortured me.
What a pussy.
Only cowards cry.
Una Salus says
I’m betting tired of this, where is that NY Trump idiot? He’s nowhere. He’s nowhere because that’s where he can be found.
Jeff Bargholz says
He was just in Iowa, dumbass. He gave a typically awesome address.
Una Salus says
Over here we have idiots that imagine Trump is going to sort everything out, Trump couldn’t attach everything even if his rear end was attached.
World@70 says
6 out of 7 comments above and I still don’t know what the crap you’re talking about.
112 says
50 cent trolls in China are not very effective, but they make up for it in effort sometimes.
Jeff Bargholz says
What is it it with your TDS?
Jeff Bargholz says
Trump was the best and most successful President in living memory and I’m old as fuck, so I remember a lot of them.
I remember Jimmah Carter, Billdo Clinton, Boosh and ballsack Hussein Osama, and sure as fuck the demented. retarded, pretender in chief, impostor in office now.
Your Prime Ministers have been real pieces of shit, too, ever since Thatcher. She was a real madam. None since her have been worth a shit.
I even remember] Dick Nixon. An underrated guy who did a decent job. Watergate was bullshit. Even as a nine year old, I knew that.
rocco barbella says
There was a neighboring police dept that a friend of mine worked. He advised every time there was a promotional exam for Sgt (or above) the black candidates either failed or scored near the bottom. The test always produced the same results. Whites scored the highest, Hispanics second and blacks last. The black officers complained that they were underrepresented and it was due to systemic racism.
Black groups like the NAACP, black community leaders, etc, complained the test for racist towards blacks. It was then agreed upon to make a completely new test. The test would now be constructed with the assistance of black groups and “leaders”. After the test was made and reviewed by these black leaders it was approved.
Guess what happened the next promotional testing go around. Whites scored first, Hispanics second and black last. If you can believe it the black officers, advocacy groups and the same people involved in re-making the test complained it was still racist.
The police dept then decided to have three separate lists inside of the one. You had to pick the top scores from the white list, top scores from the Hispanic list and top scores from the black list. Even though a white had a score of 90% he/she would have to be passed over to pick a black officer from the black list even though they scored a 73%.
rocco barbella says
In addition, the police dept would tread lightly if black officers were incompetent. Yes, being allowed to re-take tests until they passed, allowing candidates to stay “late” to qualify on the range if they failed multiple times, are all examples of what’s been happening in police dept’s across the country.
World@70 says
Let’s face it rocco. There are people who want to redefine the term “equal treatment”. What that re-definition is depends on who, what and where, so any remedy is a moving target that once tied down can be moved if the outcome isn’t what was desired.
Kasandra says
There is even a name for this. They call it “race norming.” It’s an obvious violation of equal protection but here we are. BTW, can anyone point me to a standardized test where, by group, the results aren’t, in descending order, Asian, white, Hispanic, black? I know I’ve never seen one. Just askin’.
rocco barbella says
There isn’t one. It doesn’t matter what test it is the results are always the same. Whites score first, Hispanics second, and blacks last. If Asians are in the mix they score first.
To add more info to my last post the police dept, and an outside research group, conducted a study as to why the black candidates were routinely scoring last on the promotional tests.
News flash it wasn’t due to racism. The study showed the white candidates studied on an average of 2 hours a night. In addition, the white candidates utilized study groups.
Contrast that with the black candidates who, according to the study, put in maybe an 1 hr or so “A WEEK” to study, and did not utilize study groups, or study material.
So, of course, it had nothing to do with the test being racist. It had everything to do with blacks, generally speaking, putting very little into education and study time.
Kasandra says
But I’m sure somebody somewhere has already come up with an explanation that the block’s failure to study and form study groups is whitey’s fault and a legacy of slavery. BTW, surveys have demonstrated that, on average, black high school students spend half as much time doing homework as their white counterparts and only one fourth as much time as Asian students. And why shouldn’t they? Sure they’ll get worse grades as a result but affirmative discrimination programs will get them into elite universities anyway.
Jeff Bargholz says
Black guys tend to be dumb and violent. Everybody knows it but we’re supposed to pretend otherwise. Black chicks are much smarter. Better looking, too. All my girlfriends are black.
Cat says
Shall we call someone to make a wellness check? Idk the etiquette based on a comments section if someone seems to be either very drunk or teetering “on a ledge.”
At best, we are at a disadvantage without a mute, block and report feature.
Jeff Bargholz says
I hope you aren’t referring to me!
Spurwing Plover says
Abolish Animative Action totally abolish it by 100% and end this sort of liberal stupidity
Jeff Bargholz says
You don’t like cartoons or something?
Kynarion Hellenis says
If roles were reversed, and whites made low scores and advanced in spite of it, whites would still complain about the incompetence it produced. Whites would, in typical westerkind fashion, take responsibility and try harder or find work that better suited their aptitudes. Not all, of course, but meritocracy seems to be part of westernkind DNA.
Affirmative action hurts everybody, including the people who SHOULD be insulted by it and are not.
Jeff Bargholz says
Tyre Nichols was a scumbag. He deserved to die. Fuck him. And his name was racist.
TruthLaser says
Affirmative action in disregard of merit is a form of reverse evolution. That is not to disparage any group, because all are victims when this agenda deprives all of their human needs.