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[Make sure to read Robert Spencer’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
Everyone knows that Donald Trump was the 45th president of the United States, but if Meta, the sinister and malevolent megacorporation formerly known as Facebook, gets its way, that fact will soon go down to the memory hole. The inconvenient little speed bump of 2017 to 2021, delaying our arrival at the socialist internationalist paradise our moral superiors envision for us, will be entirely forgotten as if it had never existed at all.
We see this in a small but glaring fact: Meta’s AI lists Old Joe Biden as the 45th president, omitting mention of Donald Trump as president altogether. Donald Trump? He does not exist and never existed. You are suffering from delusions, comrade!
Chaya Raichik of Libs of TikTok noted the omission on her X account. In the image she supplies, the Meta bot announces: “My name is Meta AI. Think of me like an assistant who’s here to help you learn, plan, and connect. What can I help you with today?” It is given the prompt: “Can you list all the U.S. presidents?” and cheerfully responds: “Yes I can! Here is a list of all 45 Presidents of the United States, in chronological order.”
There then follows an ordinary list of our nation’s chief executives, entirely ordinary, with Grover Cleveland’s nonconsecutive second term helpfully marked “(again),” just in case you might think the repetition of his name was a mistake in the list.
The real mistake, although it was certainly no unintentional error, doesn’t occur until the end of the list, when we see “44. Barack Obama 45. Joe Biden.” Then Meta AI chirps: “Let us know if you have any other questions!”
Yes, as a matter of fact, I do: where’s Trump? Why is Bad Orange Man omitted, vanished without a trace, with the 46th president listed as the 45th so that the unwary might not notice the omission? Was Trump deep-sixed and left off Meta AI’s list because he was not part of the elite group of leftists who despise him and aspire to crush him and the movement he represents?
The answers to those questions couldn’t be clearer. Trump is off the list because the left hates him and wants to program Americans, whom it intends to make increasingly dependent upon AI for basic information, to forget that his presidency ever happened at all.
America First? Oh, that will never do. As America’s managed decline continues, the ruling class and the social media giants want us to forget that there were ever any alternatives to our steadily increasing impoverishment and misery. This is the way it is. This is the way it always has been. Don’t let yourself get caught committing wrongthink or spreading “disinformation.”
This is just how totalitarian regimes operate. The rewriting of history to suit the programs and policies of the ruling elites is one of the central preoccupations of what has apparently become the left’s how-to book on governance, George Orwell’s “1984.” The novel’s protagonist, Winston Smith, works in the Ministry of Truth (you know, like Old Joe Biden’s abortive but to-be-continued Disinformation Governance Board), erasing unwanted information from old newspapers and revising them in accord with the regime’s current stance. The inconvenient facts are sent down the “memory hole” to be incinerated, just as Meta AI has done with Trump’s presidency.
If AI really does become the primary source of information for people in the near future, there will be a great deal more of this sort of thing. Rather than having to explain away Trump’s presidency and detail why there was resistance to the socialist internationalist open borders program of Obama, Biden, and their henchmen, the portals of information will simply pretend that there never was a Trump administration. Then they will go on to erase other aspects of American history that don’t fit with their agenda until finally, we end up with a list of presidents made up entirely of transgender “persons of color.”
It’s no joke. It has already been widely publicized over the last week or so that it is nearly impossible to compel some AI mechanisms to provide a picture of a white person, even people who were known to be white beyond any dispute. If Meta and the other social media giants get their way, before too long there will be an entire generation of young people who never knew anything else, never imagined that there were any heroic or courageous or noble people who weren’t brown or black, and never realized that there could be another way of thinking beyond the way they’ve been programmed.
That’s the totalitarian goal: total control over human thought. The Meta AI presidents list is just one small step toward that goal. There will be much more of this.
You’re right. There will be much more of this. Erasing information and people from history worked In Orwell’s literary Oceana and as he knew, it worked for Stalin. Stalin erased information and people from Soviet history and even erased disfavored people from photos.
I have to point out that AI programs aren’t sentient, although I’m sure you know that. Many people don’t. Meta AI is just a computer program with an anti-Trump algorithm.
Mark Zoidberg and the totalitarian minded scumbags who run Meta are evil. I look forward to the day some enterprising hacker uploads a MAGA overwrite virus into the Meta program.
I would actually use my worthless Meta account then. Until then I’ll stick to taking dirty photos and videos of my girlfriends. No malware has gotten to them yet although I did erase a whole bunch of them along with most of my contacts because I don’t know what I’m doing.
Here’s to an overwrite of Meta that makes Trump one of the Founding Fathers, Obama a harem catamite and Biden a muttering moron with his diapers being changed by his nurse garegivers. Oh, wait. That last one is already true.
If you have an apple product, it may not be you. One reason I’ll never buy another apple product. I only bought that phone (Apple 3GS) because it came with an unlimited call, data, and text plan for a steal, that they quit offering after about 6 months, and wasn’t beat for 4 years.
I keep an external SSD that I have all my contacts, music, photos, documents, and phone backed up on. Extenal HHDs fail after a while, and SSDs have come down in price. Storage is pretty cheap, and when I’m not backing up I keep it in a Faraday cage, with some other essential backup electronic devices, and components.
Check the Walmart Family Plan. It’s still only %50. a month or $48. with the automatic payment plan for unlimited everything: local and long distance calls in America, Canada and Mexico, texts and data.
Yeah, Walmart canceled Mike Lindell and got caught selling T-shirts glorifying Mao, Lenin and I think Stalin (disguised as humor) and has other evil business practices but Apple and Google are even worse. There’s just no way for us around toxic businesses, sometimes.
SSDs are cool and I’ll get one before too long. I don’t trust Clouds. I don’t care that my files are visible to voyeurs and spies but I don’t trust any outside source to protect them. It broke my pervy heart when I lost my home movies and chick pics.
And we all carry big brother in our pockets which listen to every single word we utter. Turn off Siri and Goolag and Alexa. They don’t make it easy to do that and I suspect that they still listen to everything whilst appearing to be switched off.
it’s actually not that hard to turn off google’s AI “assistant” on your phone.
go to Settings>Apps>All Apps and scroll down until you see “google” tap on that, and hit “disable” then “force stop” confirm you do in fact want it turned off, and you’re good to go.
It’s one of the first things I do when I get a new phone.
Not saying google isn’t sketch af, they are, just giving you a quick fix
Switching off Google supposedly switches off all its useful services along with the useless and intrusive ones, although I don’t know for sure because I haven’t done it. I do know that all Android phones track you no matter what apps you remove (no Google app which comes with the phone can be removed) or disable, even if you turn the phone off or remove the battery.
And yes, I disable Google “Assistant” and most of the other Google crap on every phone I buy.
I have to grudgingly admit that Google maps is a great resource, though. It charts an animated representation of your starting point, destination, travel and progress in real time, estimates time of travel and provides distance measurements, has a speedometer and even charts bottlenecks, traffic jams and police checkpoints with alternate routes to avoid them.
I have my address stored as “home” so I don’t have to type in the full address whenever I want to get there from a strange faraway place and I don’t remember the exact way back.
It’s by far the best resource ever made to help you get to someplace you’ve never been across land you’ve never traveled. I guess not even Google was able to waste ALL of its untold billions on evil and things that suck.
Even if you turn off Siri et al., they still track you, and I don’t believe they actually turn off the mics. Your phone/leash has all kinds of telemetry.
In my iPhone 12 there are 6 microphones. You CAN pay around $75 and have them removed and use an external mic. Or attempt to do this yourself. I’m going to go the later route. Like it or not, we are at their mercy, unless we all go dark. — which I’m afraid is harder than we think.
All true and confirms my assumption that Apple uses iPhones to spy on their owners just like Google does with its Android phones.
To bad for those evil, depraved and anti-American companies that it’s impossible to monitor more than a tiny fraction of our phone lives. They’ll continue to prey on us, of course.
Google tracks you even when your phone is turned off. If you have a phone with a removable battery, it still tracks you if it’s removed. I don’t use Apple phones so I don’t know if they have removable batteries and don’t care but I don’t think any Android phones are made with removable batteries anymore and haven’t for at least a decade. I think. I sure haven’t seen any.
Lucky for me I don’t give a shit if I’m spied on. Nobody on my contact list is a nefarious character, my texts are as mundane as the next person’s and I’m healthy single man so almost all my photos are of chicks in lingerie or various states of undress and all my videos are of us going at it, so whoever spies on me can die of boredom or whack it or rub it to their pervy, voyeur, heart’s content on company time. Sickos.
I hear ya, but I do give a shit if I’m being spied on. It just chaps my ass. Who the hell do they think they are?! Rhetorical question of course. They are Progs — the scum of the earth.
Yeah, your attitude is understandable and normal. Mine isn’t but I’ve had my personal life pried into so often it doesn’t affect me anymore. It does chap my ass that spies and voyeurs get away with it and there’s not much we can do about it, though. It seems like companies spying on their customers should be illegal but oh, yeah – those crooked companies collude with our crooked legislators in Congress.
My roommate uses goolag and even gets suggestions and ads for things her phone picks up from people around her. She’s resigned herself to google, the government, and anyone who’ll pay google for her data, knowing everything about her, and anyone around her. Anything with wifi and voice recognition can listen in, and anything with video or camera can watch. We’re in the, “In Soviet Union, TV watches you!,” age.
She can turn off the personalized ads in settings. In settings she can hit “Google services and preferences” where “Ads” is at the top of the alphabetical list. Once the personalized ad feature is turned off, she won’t get other people’s ads anymore, just the random crap that pops up on websites. If she clicks on any of those, she’ll get more of them from the same advertiser although she can block any particular one she may especially hate. The ads themselves have the option to block them. It’s tedious but quick.
She’ll want to check all the “Services on this device” listed under Google and disable the ones she doesn’t want because the phone comes with ALL of them enabled. They can’t be removed, though. None of the Google apps or services can.
I had to remove some women’s clothing and women’s purses ad sites that kept pestering me on my phone and even worse on my connected laptops because some chick had one of them for 19 or 20 days and really screwed up my tabs, files and stuff. (I have three that are all the same crappy HPs so I gave her one but she took the one I use because she’s a dumbshit even though she’s hot.) They don’t come to my TV even though it’s connected. They don’t have the tech ability to invade that connected device, ha ha.
Your roommate can definitely make Google on her phone less annoying.
Thank God AI B.S. cannot control me.
AI is controlling you whether you believe it or not. Its not just these generative AI like Chat GPT or Gemini.
AI is everywhere, and we’re only in the infant stages. You will be controlled by AI and you won’t even know it.
It will be more like a biological virus. It will infect the host and spread until it kills the host. The Leftists in Silicon Valley and academia are destructionists and will eventually turn any asset they control to that purpose. Like the scorpion who stings the frog taking him across the river to death says, it is their nature. Only if they destroy the existing society can they clear cut the environment for the construction of the brave new fantasy world they seek.
The destructionists definitely have it in for us, Western civilization and American society in particular but AI programs aren’t sentient. They can be used to screw us over but they cant take us over because they don’t think, they just process data like our computers and aren’t real artificial intelligences. They’re just data in, data out programs like any other.
And the fake news media are mistaken or lying to you and the rest of us when they call Santa Clara Valley “Silicon Valley.” They haven’t manufactured microchips here since the 80s. All the microchips worth using are manufactured in Taiwan, although any company which wants to buy dysfunctional garbage can get them from China (snort!) and South Korea, if I remember correctly. Some media trolls know that and lie to hide the fact that our government outsourced yet another seminal type of American technology and disposed of yet another manufacturing resource but most of them just don’t know and love stupid metaphors and nicknames.
The microchip industry was located only in a tiny portion of the Santa Clara Valley even it its heyday, so the term “Silicon Valley” was always an idiotic media affectation. I fell for it too until I moved here. It’s a big valley, about 1,395 square miles with over twenty cities. San Jose is the largest and has over a million people, even discounting all of the illegal aliens and derelicts, which makes it the tenth most populous city in America.
As always, the fake news media are wrong and lying to us which is a bad combo.
Bullshit. AI is a computer dork term for programs capable of processing the type of data that’s been input/uploaded that used to have to be done by a human being, like voice programs on phones and the facial recognition programs used by law enforcement. AI programs aren’t sentient. They are not artificial intelligences, any more than your computer menu is a real menu that you can order a pizza with.
AI is data in, data out, and that’s it.
It’s not the AI controlling you …
… it’s the AI controlling the people around you.
What are you going to do when those around you believe something that is simply not true …
Here in my small town most folks knew the plandemic was a plandemic … we’ve been living with the America Last agenda so long …
… most of us were skeptical right off.
But … we all work for someone … so everyone was masked up and socialist distancing … and lots of folks made light of it, but many of us were scared – not of Covid or each other … but of getting fired. And there was lots of talk about the jabs and how to avoid them (fortunately most employers here accepted religious exemptions) …
I believe that’s how it will really work. They only need to let their minions know the drill … and the rest of us will be forced to comply or lose our jobs or homes.
… and AI will also be used to identify those who do not comply.
This is an example of de-boosting. Basically, content platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter would boost content that aligned with their political preferences and algorithmically hide content that they don’t want new people to see. Views they don’t want them to hold. You could still find them by directly searching for them, but they’d shape public opinion by making the views they held seem more popular and suppressing the views they didn’t want people to have.
This isn’t a glitch; it’s a tell they have algorithmically suppressed Donald Trump; omitting news articles or statements about Donald Trump is being done deliberately by Meta. It’s just that they didn’t foresee entries like this being too obvious. I 100% guarantee this is not a glitch. It’s a feature.
The other thing that I have seen, which is more likely to be human in origin, is material which has hundreds of tags, so that whatever you search for, it appears. I noticed this for the first time on – I would do a search with the search term “monastic cartulary”, and up would pop a copy of the Qur’an. Or a book on converting to Islam. I complained to (which in all other respects is excellent) and they sent me back a sanitised version of what I should have written, which apparently should not have included any reference to the faith community in question – but they did say they were tackling it, and, in fairness, it has happened less of late.
Just a couple of years ago the left was saying Ai was turning into a life form and a god. They had special terms for it The moment Ai became self aware and transcended humans was the glorious culmination and ecstatic thrill for humanity. Blah blah blah. I got onto some of these chats. It was like a navel gazing religion wrapped in tech talk mumbo jumbo.
Ai is just more leftwing programmed search engines with sort of natural language skills. How ridiculous was the idea of it as a god or leader. I don’t buy google search results as valid or the information rendered by any tech platform. I think it’s bizarre to believe Ai isn’t just more garbage in and garbage out.
The lefty tyrants are the garbage.
They discovered they couldn’t have sex with AI, so they downgraded it from deity to helpful elf.
Yeah, and their idea of sex is masturbation.
You have trouble believing AI is anything other than garbage in and garbage out because that’s exactly what it is. There’s no such thing as an artificial intelligence or even sentience. There never will be in our lifetime and if it’s ever developed I think it will be thousands of years from now, minimum.
I am finding that it is much harder to source the information that I want on the internet, than it used to be. Simple instructions seem to be interpreted in perverse ways. Of course, this is only the case when one is pursuing a non-majority narrative. I initially thought that it was due to the sheer explosion in available information, now I wonder if there is something intentionally twisted in the algorithm design.
Wonder no longer, your suspicion is correct. Algorithm designs in social media and search engines which all originate with Google are intentionally twisted.
This is why paper books are so important, and why the left has made a concerted effort to “recycle,” books they don’t like. I’ve acquired, vacsealed, air/water tight cased, and buried several coffin sized collections of essential books, on public and private land. Others should do so, so that the past can never be truly erased. I started doing that about 15 years ago when I saw what leftists were doing to airbrush history and knowledge.
Coffin sized? You should’ve added some lefties to the collections………
I read “Fahrenheit 451” when I was 13. It’s a compelling story that’s stayed with me ever since.
Rob Braxman sells de-googled phones and has a YouTube channel that goes in depth about AI and internet privacy.
Do they still have web access?
AI is fake news on steroids in the hands of the LAWLESS LEFT.
Those on the right with all that money are powerless. How is that possible?
… mainly because … those on the right don’t have any money at all.
Unless God does something completely unexpected, so cataclysmic, so massive bringing
America to he knees in repentance and a renewed trust in the risen Christ, she will continue this quick time march to the dumpster of failed nations.
While I still vote, I hold no confidence at all in the work of any professional politician.
Trump was the 45th and 46th President (but for a stolen election).