My oldest daughter, who is as apolitical as they come, texted me a video link to comments she liked by Michelle Obama during a REVOLT interview just before Christmas where she talked about her dad. After the link, she texted: “Thought about you. Thanks dd. Love you!”
I deeply cherish my daughter’s sentiment, but I’m not a Michelle Obama fan. My gut reaction was to protect what little brain matter I have left by not listening to Michelle’s deadening “I’m a little girl from the South Side of Chicago” script that she’s now rehearsed to a muscle memory.
Thanks largely to her dad, who died from multiple sclerosis in his 50s, Michelle lived in solidly middle-class neighborhoods fairly early in her life where she attended a magnate school, practiced piano and dance, eventually went to Princeton, and graduated with a law degree from Harvard University.
Good for her.
But unfortunately, those are not the credentials that get you the applause from an authoritarian black political culture that demands “black protest to be built in each black person’s sense of self,” as Shelby Steele once put it.
So to fall in line with the black protest culture – to be “authentically black” – Michelle must always be inauthentic in public to the life she’s actually lived.
Barack learned that the hard way. During a 2007 Father’s Day speech while campaigning at a black church, Senator Obama committed the cardinal sin of telling the truth, in public.
“We need fathers to realize that responsibility does not end at conception,” said Obama, who’s own father was never in his life. Too many fathers are “missing from too many lives in too many homes.”
Jesse Jackson, whose biological father was never in his life, was infuriated.
“I wanna cut his nuts out,” the reverend whispered in a hot mic to Fox’s Farai Chideya after the speech. “Barack’s been talking down to black people,” he complained.
To this day, with no office to run for, Barack’s been obedient ever since. When it comes to ideas that could transform the outcomes of lagging blacks, no more truth-telling.
No matter how many thousands of blacks are murdered by other blacks, how many trillions are wasted on perpetuating a culture of poverty, or how much has gotten worse despite the fact that blacks are in so many commercials – the problem, they say, is miscellaneous “white folks” oppressing blacks in a systemically racist society.
“Many of us [blacks] still live in fear as we go to the grocery store …” Michelle told Gayle King last year. “Like so many parents of black kids … the innocent act of getting a [driver’s] license puts fear in our hearts … I mean, all those Black Lives Matter kids, they’d rather not have to worry about this.”
This is a lie.
For the Obamas, simple common sense has become excruciatingly difficult and costly in an era that so richly rewards outright lies. They’ve become, as Steele described, “bound” – abject slaves to a tyrannical brand of racial politics that thrives on ridiculous grievances, such as the subtle bigotry of milk and math.
That’s been my beef with these two. No two people in all of American history had more power to bookend the extraordinary story of blacks moving from abject slavery to occupying what was once Earth’s most powerful office … twice. And no two people have botched it more.
But cringingly, I clicked on Michelle’s video – for no other reason than to get the message my daughter wanted me to hear.
I’m glad I did.
The moment that brought Michelle to tears, for once, seemed very authentic. Despite his flaws, she sketched the picture of a man with colorblind attributes that are the exact opposite of the ones she so loudly advocates for in public.
“When I think about what my dad, as a black man with M.S., could’ve done; he could have never worked a day in his life,” she told the panel, “he could have collected benefits; he could have succumbed to his disease and be depressed about it, but he didn’t.”
And this is where she got choked up.
“He never felt sorry for himself, he never expected others to do for him, and just the sheer act of him getting up every day and going to work was a statement that – ugh, now I’m going to cry – that stays with me every day of my life.”
Nothing that Michelle Obama is best known for (lawyer, First Lady, best-selling author, rich, immensely influential), she said, compares to the intangible lessons she learned from her dad.
“… he is not here to see any of it, and so much because of him. … What my dad did was beyond money, title, influence, nothing. I would trade it all for what my father provided us in that little bitty apartment on 74th and Euclid.”
Why hasn’t this been Michelle’s public message to black audiences in lagging communities – especially to young black men? Using her own words, these are the lessons she deemed to be more valuable than “money, title, influence”:
Never stop working to provide for your family.
Never depend on welfare benefits.
Never allow circumstances beyond your control to get you so depressed that you give up.
Never feel sorry for yourself.
Never expect others to do for you what you alone must do for yourself.
Never let people, groups, circumstances, misfortune, friends or enemies keep you from getting up and going for your dreams and goals every, single day of your life.
Never forget that these intangible attitudes are so valuable that they should never be traded for money, fame, titles, or influence.
Never forget that it is never so much what you say that sticks with your children, but how you live your life.
Through endless government programs, endless racial grievances, and endless “compassion” for an endless line of imaginary victims, the Obamas have spent their political lives advocating for ideals that are antithetical to the ones her own dad practiced.
Those ideals are what resonated with my daughter. It wasn’t a rehearsed political speech pushing government programs that moved her to share Michelle Obama’s video. It was a rare moment of unscripted honesty conveyed so authentically that it spoke to the way she sees her own dad.
It was the truth.
“Thought about you. Thanks dd. Love you!”
I get it.
She (Obama) was never a victim, she and her husband were privileged, very privileged and now, after a lifetime of never doing any real work are now multimillionaires.
Yes. It is a character issue. One to which many people succumb. An opportunity to betray the truth, the values given by a beloved and revered parent, and grasp unimaginable riches.
Matthew 4:8 “Again, the devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. 9 ‘All this I will give You,’ he said, ‘if You will fall down and worship me.’ ”
Romans 6:16 “Do you not know that when you offer yourselves as obedient slaves, you are slaves to the one you obey, whether you are slaves to sin leading to death, or to obedience leading to righteousness?”
If memory serves me, she was also able to take acting lessons after their exit from the White House.
Privilege does not play as well as victim when catering to the Sheeple
and Lowinfomofos in our society.
She was given a $317,000 for a sinecure position at University of Chicago Medical.
Any actual work she did involved bullshit diversity outreach, and patient dumping on community hospitals.
The position was a pay-off to jug-eared Barry. We know this, because when she left the position for the White House, it wasn’t refilled.
Her entitlement mentality also ensured that any trips she accompanied jug-eared Barry on cost double.
She took her own entourage in her own plane on her own convenient schedule. (After all, it wasn’t HER money that she was squandering 💸.)
I’m sure her book did sell. I’m more certain it collected dust on the bookshelf, rather than be read.
Hillary’s “Living History” sold, but below expectations.
After that the bloom fell off the rose. After that, she couldn’t quite get her books to sell.
Some of her book signings couldn’t draw large crowds, and one incident had them delay the signing for an hour so a crowd could finally gather. (The unlucky fools who showed early/on time suffered going without water or breaks.) After that, signing events fell off sharply and then ceased.
I thought her father was some kind of low-level political operative for Mayor Daley’s Democrat machine. I guess you could call that “work”, but was it “honest”?
Many people believe she is he
My kids and grand kids will ,out of the blue pay me what the think is a compliment. I have to give it a moment to realize where they’re coming from . They mean well and I accept it as such.
Michelle’s Truth: “I’m a Communist and I’m attracted to them as they are to me. I married one, who’s more Commie than I could ever be, and brought along another, Val, to live with us. We’re also Black Supremacists where ONLY Black Lives Matter! Now we have Black Student Unions, Black’s Only Dorms and Safe Spaces, and even Black’s Only Graduations.” (And they still Honor Rosa Parks?)
SC: “BEWARE of the Person with the NEVER-ENDING SMILE, for when you turn your back, they show their FANGED TEETH!”
I wrote that for Obama, Michelle, Hillary, Ellen, added Kamala/Psycho, and some locals who also smile, like Kamala, when even talking about a serious issue! I think it’s now a Campaign agenda that they smile alot.
Love it when the millionaires tell the rest of the population that they’re” in it” together with us. There’s communism and then there’s communism of the wealthy.
Michelle Obama is an odious and malignant narcissist-fabulist, in the same vein as her narcissist-incompetent husband. Birds of a feather, and all that. Her constant victimhood-posturing and “woe is me” fables are utterly offensive and contemptible, given that she is one of the wealthiest and most powerful women in the world. But, notions of victimhood and grievance — no matter how fallacious and contrived — represent currency, in Dumb-o-crat circles.
Mrs. Obama’s wretched character and brazen dishonesty were revealed in that shameful episode of her cosplaying as a working-class wife during a publicity stunt visit to a Virginia Target store, while disguised in baseball cap and dark sunglasses.
After first playing the photo op visit for laughs on late-night television, relating a “feel-good” incident in which Obama was asked by an elderly woman shopper (who plainly didn’t recognize her) for assistance in reaching an item situated on a high shelf, Obama later recycled the very same incident, years later, in a Vanity Fair puff piece, casting a totally innocent and innocuous request for assistance as an alleged racist incident in which she had been treated by the shopper as the hired help — brazenly lying about the incident, and, slandering an innocent and clueless woman, as well.
This incident says all that one need know about this reprobate’s viciously self-promoting and mendacious character.
So you raised your daughter to be a liberal.
We don’t save the nation if we lose our daughters to stupidity.
Smartacus! I love it.
“Why hasn’t this been Michelle’s public message to black audiences in lagging communities – especially to young black men? Using her own words, these are the lessons she deemed to be more valuable than “money, title, influence”
This is the key excerpt of the essay. The Obamas have never preached anything other than a message of alleged, fallacious, corrosive and manifestly self-destructive black grievance/victimhood, like the rest of the vile Dumb-o-crats have done, since LBJ’s administration. Neither the Dumb-o-crats, nor the Obamas, have ever disseminated a message of empowerment, self-sufficiency and agency for black Americans, because the Dumbs understand full-well that the specter of alleged “pervasive” and “institutional” racism, and, the fallacious notion of myriad, alleged and insurmountable obstacles to their achieving success in life, is too powerful and too potent a political tool to ever dispense with.
Why hasn’t she changed her script in public…..NO MONEY.
This is an article celebrating the virtues of self-reliance, self-confidence, self-esteem, personal independence, personal courage, working tirelessly to achieve your personal and rational values, achieving your personal happiness, in other words an article celebrating the virtue of RATIONAL SELFISHNESS.
But then why do so many people believe that Ayn Rand’s moral code of rational selfishness is evil? Because they don’t understand what rational selfishness actually IS and what really is the real meaning of altruism and sacrificing, i.e., betraying, your selfish, personal, individual values.
“In Defense of Selfishness: Why the Code of Self-Sacrifice Is Unjust and Destructive” – Objectivist Peter Schwartz
No such thing as rational selfishness. Only your own self-involved selfishness.
Lutheran altruism and self-sacrifice destroyed Germany and is destroying America.
I would be extremely ashamed of being a Lutheran and being a follower of that rabid, anti-semite, Martin Luther. But you aren’t, you’re proud of being a follower of that psychotic lunatic.
Be careful, your ignorance and hate are showing.
If you tell the facts about Mohammed and Islam it’s reporting the facts but if you tell the facts about Martin Luther and the Lutheran Church it’s hatred and ignorance? You Christians love to whitewash your history as much as the Muslims do.
You’ve already broken your New Year’s Resolution to (mis)use these pages for your endless tedious Agenda ?
Pity 🙂
Meant to write “stop (mis)using”
Michelle’s self-absorption & self-indulgence know no limits.
She hasn’t moved much (if at all) in wisdom beyond the (barely intelligible) Senior Thesis at Princeton.
I did catch one thing she spouted recently, that she “hated” Barack for about 10 years when their girls were little.
Finally, something in common 🙂 (although I don’t “hate” Barack; just find him a tedious narcissist)
Despite his Wall Street, big business, Big Tech, and billionaire donations, Biden has attempted to portray himself as a small-town fighter from Scranton, Pennsylvania
“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the
Clinton (LAWYERS-2) Foundation and the (LAWYERS-2)
Obama book and television deals. Then there is the Biden
(LAWYERS-3) family corruption, followed closely behind by
similar abuses of power and office by the (LAWYER) Warren
and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent
book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the
surface of government corruption (YOU CAN ADD LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS
Does this amount to a third term for Obama? It definitely looks like it. And that’s creepy, given that not only was Joe Biden not elected freely and fairly, given his fraudulent election, but neither was Obama. Bad as Joe is, he got some votes, though, and Obama got none. Obama’s not allowed a third term, but we can recall how much he talked about one. Here’s another thing: he doesn’t even like Joe. His contempt for the dotard is legendary. MONICA SHOWALTER
Biden positions, after doing nothing, save for the end, at best, to help Biden’s presidential campaign, suggesting that the hollow-victory Biden administration is just a placeholder for the return of an Obama third term. It’s a sign that Obama éminence grise is more than a little active, behind the scenes as she always is.
“Obama’s new home in Washington has been described as the “nerve center” of the anti-Trump opposition. Former attorney general Eric Holder has said that Obama is “ready to roll” and has aligned himself with the “resistance.” Former high-level Obama campaign staffers now work with a variety of groups organizing direct action against Trump’s initiatives. “Resistance School,” for example, features lectures by former campaign executive Sara El-Amine, author of the Obama Organizing.”
Michelle was the next to attend Harvard, in her case Harvard Law School. “Told by counselors that her SAT scores and her grades weren’t good enough for an Ivy League school,” writes Christopher Andersen in Barack and Michelle, “Michelle applied to Princeton and Harvard anyway.”
And yet, this privileged, er, twit complains incessantly that she’s a victim. And stupid people buy it. A few years ago she was rated a the most admired woman in the world. For what, lobbying her husband when he was in the Illinois legislature to defeat a bill that would have required Michelle’s tony Chiraq hospital employer to admit and treat impoverished patients?
If we don’t get beyond such malignant tribalism we’re doomed. Or a dictator will take over – just like what happened in ancient Rome at the end of the Roman Republic and its shift to Empire. A strong man comes in and the freedoms of liberal democracy are crushed. That’s the tragedy of the endgame of such sociological schisms. Racial etc. My grandparents came here from Greece three gens ago bec they believed that here if you were clever, worked hard and made the right decisions nobody cared what your ethnicity was & you could achieve material success. No guarantees & ability – determined your outcome. Not true in European societies.
Stephan Morrow, Art. Dir. The Grt Am Play Series
(as well as being willing to stand up and fight for your freedoms e.g. the way the Ukrainians are doing fighting an inexcusable Russian aggression. But in this pd ‘great power competition’ again, just like in the Roman decline – we will crumble from within if we continue w/such fracturing.
Can we just sum it up? Can you spell g-r-i-f-t-e-r?
Matthew 7:15 Watch out for false prophets, “They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves, By their fruit you will recognize them.