This monster, not having a conscience of his own, would like to “shock your conscience”.
A state senator from Franklin County has called for the immediate resignation of Pennsylvania Health Secretary Dr. Richard ‘Rachel’ Levine, saying his actions were a major factor in the large number of covid-19 cases and deaths in the state’s nursing homes.
Wolf’s Secretary of Health, Dr. Richard (Rachel) Levine, had transferred his own mother out of a nursing home and to a hotel.
To date, state figures show that nursing homes residents have accounted for 2,529 of the state’s 3,707 reported covid-19 deaths. That is a pattern that has been echoed in most states across the country, however.
In a policy guidance issued in March, the Health Department stated, in part: “Nursing care facilities must continue to accept new admissions and receive readmissions for current residents who have been discharged from the hospital who are stable to alleviate the increasing burden in the acute care settings. This may include stable patients who have had the covid-19 virus.”
The death toll is a good deal higher now.
Biden decided to pick Dr. Rick, who wrongly identifies as a human being, as Assistant Health Secretary. Now he’d like to “shock your conscience”.
Assistant Health Secretary Rachel Levine said trans youth are being “driven to depths of despair” and committing suicide at alarming rates, during a speech on Saturday about the dangers of anti-trans laws being passed in red states across the country.
“I want to say this very, very clearly: lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer Americans are committing suicide at a rate that should shock our conscience,” Levine said during the Out For Health Conference.
“If you don’t let us mutilate your children, we’ll play the victim some more.”
Suicide rates for people with untreated delusions tend to be high. That’s why you treat them, rather than enabling them. Enabling delusions and delusional people makes things worse, not better. Just ask the dead nursing home patients of Pennsylvania.
And you certainly don’t play Munchausen by Proxy with little kids.
But if Dr. Rick wants to push this, shall we compare the number of dead nursing home patients in PA to the number of actual fatal transgender suicides?
“Even after decades of progress, the most vulnerable among us continue to suffer”
The most vulnerable among us were the grandmas and grandpas subjected to the tender mercies of Dr. Rick. They’re still waiting for justice.
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