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To the Left, former President Donald Trump is a racist. Not only is Trump a racist, but he is only the latest in a long line of Republican racists. From MSNBC’s Ali Velshi:
“Contrary to what some might think, the former president is not an anomaly in American politics. While he may be unmatched in terms of his narcissism, Trumpism itself is not a novel idea. The movement he ushered is in line with the Republican Party’s Southern strategy, a long-term plan developed in response to the civil rights movement that sought to exploit white Southerners’ racial anxieties. It was a plan that Richard Nixon leaned into for his political campaigns and his presidency. He used the phrase ‘silent majority’ to refer to the white Southerners he was trying to court, and his call for law and order was a dog whistle opposing the protests and marches that were common in the 1960s and early ’70s.”
So, former President Richard Nixon, who employed the Southern strategy, was a racist, right? Yet another big fat liberal lie.
Pat Buchanan was the aide to Nixon and an architect of the so-called Southern strategy. The goal? Woo Southern Democrats and get them to vote Republican. Buchanan wrote: “In 1956, as vice president, Nixon went to Harlem to declare, ‘America can’t afford the cost of segregation.’ The following year, Nixon got a personal letter from Dr. King thanking him for helping to persuade the Senate to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1957. Nixon supported the civil rights acts of 1964, 1965 and 1968.”
Martin Luther King Jr. had a much closer relationship with Sen. Nixon then he did with Sen. John F. Kennedy.
Buchanan, in his book “The Greatest Comeback: How Richard Nixon Rose From Defeat to Create the New Majority,” wrote: “Nixon blasted Dixiecrats ‘seeking to squeeze the last ounces of political juice out of the rotting fruit of racial injustice.'”
Buchanan continued, “During the civil rights struggles of the ’50s and ’60s, Gov. Orval Faubus used the National Guard to keep black students out of Little Rock High. Gov. Ross Barnett refused to let James Meredith into Ole Miss. Gov. George Wallace stood in the door at the University of Alabama, to block two black students from entering. All three governors were Democrats. All acted in accord with the ‘Dixie Manifesto’ (generally known as the Southern Manifesto) of 1956, which was signed by 19 senators, all Democrats, and 80 Democratic congressmen.
“Among the signers of the manifesto, which called for massive resistance to the Brown decision desegregating public schools, was the vice-presidential nominee on Adlai Stevenson’s ticket in 1952, Sen. John Sparkman of Alabama. …
“The Democratic Party was the party of slavery, secession and segregation, of ‘Pitchfork Ben’ Tillman and the KKK. ‘Bull’ Connor, who turned the dogs loose on black demonstrators in Birmingham, was the Democratic National Committeeman from Alabama.”
Then-Rep. Keith Ellison, also former deputy chair of the DNC, thought segregationist Alabama Gov. George Wallace, who ran for president in 1968, was a Republican. Ellison, in attacking Trump in 2016, had the following exchange on a panel hosted by George Stephanopoulos of ABC News. Stephanopoulos, the former top aide to Bill Clinton turned “journalist,” failed to set Ellison straight. Unfortunately for Ellison and Stephanopoulos, there was another panelist, Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.):
Ellison: “At the same time (referring to Trump), we do have the worst Republican nominee since George Wallace.”
Cole: “Well, first, I want to correct my friend. George Wallace was a proud Democrat and ran for the Democratic nomination.”
The Democrat memory hole also forgets it was the party of slavery, the Confederacy, Jim Crow, Dred Scott, the KKK and the Southern Manifesto.
Under Trump, the strong economy, low inflation, low gas prices, criminal justice reform, opportunity zones, and support for school choice and policies promoting a secure southern border disproportionately benefited blacks.
This might explain why, according to a USA Today poll, only 64% of blacks support Biden, far from the 87% who voted for him in 2020. But Trump, of course, is racist.
Intrepid says
Isn’t it amazing how every Republican nominee is magically a racist. Nixon, Reagan, Bush 1and 2, Trump. And Hitler as well. I suppose when racism and Hitler are all you have every 4 years one has to play that worn out card.
You would think that people would get tired of being gaslighted, but Democrats aren’t known for their intelligence.
Deplorable Me says
When it comes to racism, sexism, intolerance, and prejudice, focus on what politicians, pundits, media and business titans, and other thought-molders DO and NOT what they say.
The Clintons sent Chelsea not to the diverse DC public schools, but to the Sidwell Friends Academy.
The Obamas did the same with their kids.
The Clintons and Obamas live in the whitest and least diverse neighborhoods of Chicago and New York, perhaps the most diverse cities and states in the country.
As for old Senile Joe Biden, well, the list of racist remarks he’s made on a hot mic is 10 miles long.
Snowfrog says
When all other obstacles are removed call him a racist. The petulant children on the left are at it again. If you lose ground pull out the R word and see if it sticks. The utter boredom of it all.
jerry glenn says
Nowadays “racist” means: Someone with whom I disagree but whose arguments I am unable to refute rationally.
A-Mess-NBC the Lying Peacock News but certainly not alone since ABC, CBS as well as CNN are all Fake News and the Printed Press as well
Robert L. Kahlcke says
velshi, was WHELPED from a SWINE (pig).
Say oink to mommy.
Brock O Lee says
Name just one thing Trump has said or done that would justify calling him a racist. Look at Mumbles civil rights legislation history and who’s the one that said he didn’t want his kids going to school in a jungle?
Luz Maria Rodriguez says
The irony is it’s the Dems who make such false claim are the REAL racists. For example, there is not Republican who can compare to Joe Biden for his racism. Biden has been a racist his whole (corrupt) political career. Otoh, projecting is what the Dems do.
Andrew Blackadder says
Speaking to a young black guy on a Podcast, Old Joe told him he aint black if he votes for Trump.
Speaking at a DemocRAT Rally in the deep South Old Joe said.. ” There going to put ya ALL back in chains”, forgetting of course that it was the DemocRATS that put them in chains in the first place and the Republicans that took them off..
I was well informed about the acts of the DemocRAT Party and their attachment to the Jim Crow, KKK, Anti Civil Rights, Slavery issues of the day when I watched the Documentary from Dinesh some years ago and my mind was opened to what truth was about who and what the DemocRAT Party actually is and always has been..
Larry Elder for Governor of California.
Martina Vaslovik says
When the Marxists want to control or destroy something they just call it racist until they do.
Semaphore says
Actually, politicians calling their opponents racist is just another stupid ploy to hide the fact that neither party has any solutions for the problems unique to inner-city Black America. The voter turnout for poor Blacks has normally been low. Inner-city neighborhoods, predominantly black, are held hostage by gang violence, drug trafficking, poverty, and high illigitimacy rates. These are social, not political, problems. And there is no such thing as a political solution to a social problem. But the pols need votes, so why not name-call? OK…
Nunya Busyness says
But when politics CAUSED the social problem, maybe you just need to reverse those politics….
Dems have for YEARS glorified single family homes and done everything they can to downplay and even eliminate the “standard, nuclear” family. They have also done everything they can to remove God and religion from America. Dems approach the 1st Amendment as Freedom FROM Religion, not Freedom OF Religion.
When you de-emphasize strong families, when you eliminate moral arbiters, and when you glorify deviance, you should never be surprised when you get a bunch of amoral deviants.
Maybe the solution is to return to an emphasis on the nuclear family, on family values in general. Maybe the solution is to return to a time of recognizing and APPRECIATING religiosity, instead of denigrating it. Maybe the solution is to stop trying to normalize deviance.
But heck, what do I know?
I hated Richard Nixon, having been steeped in the leftie mindset from birth, especially as a teenager within my family. After my awakening because of American businessmen helping me, I voted for Ronald Reagan. Today as I listen to bits of Nixon’s conversations/interviews, he makes total sense and seems well modulated. He says they got rid of him (framed) because he was dead set on revamping a few major things in the govt apparatus. So interesting!!