On the heels of New York Democrats blaming Mayor Eric Adams for convincing people that crime exists, we’ve got MSNBC’s Joy Reid trying to blame Republicans for inventing inflation.
Joy Reid: Republicans “taught people the word inflation. Most people…have never used that word ever in their lives…” pic.twitter.com/yQdkafL9bQ
— Townhall.com (@townhallcom) November 4, 2022
What you’re seeing here is a movement that has completely lost the argument and decided to just take one look at reality and jump out of the plane without a parachute on.
We’re way beyond Peter Jennings claiming that voters threw a tantrum or Van Jones’ ‘Whitelash’.
Having lost the argument on crime and inflation, the Left has decided to double down on these being imaginary problems invented by Republicans. And then claiming that Republicans have brilliantly convinced people that crime and inflation are things that actually exist.
Joy Reid, who was born in 1968, which means that she was a kid, but still around the last time inflation went stratospheric, pretends that Republicans somehow taught people the word ‘inflation’ and then people are ignorantly using the word to describe all sorts of prejudices and problems.
The Democrats should be sharpening their argument in the final stretch of the midterms, instead, they’ve decided to go full Iraqi Information Minister on the problem.
But then again this SNL Carter parody is now the actual political program of California Democrats.
Also apparently Republicans taught the word inflation to Saturday Night Live and Dan Ackroyd.
The consequences may be biblical in scope.
Who cares. Everybody will be a millionaire!
A new low in stupidity.
No worries AA, Joy and MSDNC will flush out ever increasing depths to sink.
But maybe I spoke too soon. Just saw James Clyburn (Rep. SC) compare Republicans to the 1933 Nazi movement in Germany. He even claimed that Germany was “the greatest democracy going” until then.
Yeah, that’s crazy. I looked up the German government of that period today. What a mess. I knew a little bit about it before that also. I should do a deeper study if I get a chance.
Did you see the election results? Some mother fucking cheating going on. Kari Lake and Herschel Walker lost to a pair of basement dwelling mutants? I don’t think so.
They stole that shit right in front of us. While we were watching. They don’t even care any more. They know we’ll bend over.
Fetterstein? Are you kidding me? We all know that was fake.
If joy had a brain, she’d take it out and play with it. The dems are doing a really ‘good’ job of teaching Americans about inflation all on their own, joy, we don’tneed Republicans to point it out to see it. Common tongue? What else is it called, build back better?
By the way, good choice of that SNL video (I just now got a chance to watch it).
Ever heard of HIGHER PRICES?
Baghdad Bob! I miss that guy. Reid isnt quite as good, but she gives Bob a run for his money.
If Republicans”Invented”the word”Inflation”,Jimmy Cawtah and Joe “Bite Me” PERFECTED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It could be worse. Joy Reid could have been installed on the Supreme Court. The I don’t know what a woman seat was occupied and there was no room for the public does not know what inflation is seat. You do not have to be a biologist to know what a woman is and you do not have to be an economist to know what inflation is. These are part of everyday life. I missed such takes in Freud’s “Psychopathology of Everyday Life.” It seems that nowadays the denial of everyday life is a path to career advancement.
A-Mess-NBC The Lying Peacock news they never learn from the little bit with GM back in 1993 their not real news just leftists propaganda like the rest of the M.S. Media
Do you remember the “Gremlin?” That was a real fucking car. What were they thinking.
Low IQ people saying low IQ things.
Yeah, that’s what your mom said.
Communists don’t have a lot of wiggle room, because of all the lies they tell and receive. You can tell when they’ve gone full commie, as the lies become so ridiculous that they invite laughter. The sad part for them, is that they make themselves believe the lies are the truth, in order to spout/repeat them. The sad part for us is that the lies trickle downwards, and remove our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.