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“The investigation has advanced to the point that writings from the Covenant shooter are now being reviewed for public release and that process is underway and will take a little time.”
That was a spokesman for the Metro Nashville Police Department speaking to the New York Post last Thursday. That day marked one month since Audrey Hale, a woman who thought she was a man, murdered Evelyn Dieckhaus, 9, Mike Hill, 61, William Kinney, 9, Katherine Koonce, 60, Cynthia Peak, 61, and Hallie Scruggs, 9, at the Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee.
Nashville police “could not give a firm date when the writings would be released.” Shortly after the murders, Nashville city councilman Robert Swope told reporters “the manifesto is going to be released. It’s just a matter of when.” In the meantime, the FBI is reportedly “processing” the material.
“It’s really not even a manifesto,” according to Nashville city council member Courtney Johnson. “It’s diaries of a mentally ill person.” The councilwoman, a real-estate agent, did not explain how she was qualified to diagnose Audrey Hale, who carefully planned the attack for months. “What I was told is, her manifesto was a blueprint on total destruction, and it was so, so detailed at the level of what she had planned.”
According to Johnston, “that document in the wrong person’s hands would be astronomically dangerous.” So it was the “document” that was dangerous, and Johnston didn’t understand “these claims that law enforcement is hiding something.” That should be a simple matter.
In any murder case, the key question is motive. What motivated Audrey Hale to murder three adults and three children, including pastor’s daughter Hallie Scruggs? The FBI and Nashville police are concealing the document most relevant to that question. As Mark Tapson explained, the Trans Resistance Network took it to another level.
According to a statement from the group, Audrey Hale “had no other effective way to be seen than to lash out by taking the life of others.” For all but the willfully blind, the group sees the mass murder of innocents as somehow justified. Parents of the three slain nine-year-olds might wonder what dynamics might backdrop that belief.
As Spanish artist Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes observed, “El sueño de la razon produce monstruos” – “the sleep of reason produces monsters.” Hippolyte Taine, historian of the French Revolution, has a different take.
“Nothing is more dangerous than a general idea in narrow and empty minds,” Taine writes, “as they are empty, it finds no knowledge there to interfere with it; as they are narrow it is not long before it occupies the place entirely. Henceforth they no longer belong to themselves but are mastered by it.” In the true sense of the word, Taine explains, the owners of the empty minds become “possessed.”
The mass murder of innocents qualifies as terrorism but condemnations of Audrey Hale are hard to find. Joe Biden, who claims to be a Catholic, failed to name a single victim and attended not a single funeral. Biden’s press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre proclaimed, “our hearts go out to the trans community as they are under attack right now.
As this confirms, the trans ideology enjoys uncritical support at the highest levels. That spells danger for the people, particularly for Christians and their children. They might recall a scene from The Year of Living Dangerously, released in 1982.
Journalist Guy Hamilton (Mel Gibson) learns that his driver Kumar (Bembol Roco) is a member of the PKI, the Indonesian Communist Party, which has just received a shipment of weapons. “When the killing starts,” Hamilton wonders, “will you be part of it?”
In America, as Audrey Hale’s attack confirmed, the killing has already started. The trans militants have to decide if they are going to be part of actions that take the lives of others. Everybody else has to decide what they must do to stay safe.
The people might start by demanding the immediate release of Audrey Hale’s 20 journals, five laptops, two memoirs, five Covenant School yearbooks, seven cell phones and other materials. These should be released in their entirety, with no redactions, deletions or alterations.
The people, and their elected representatives, are entirely capable of assessing the materials. Understanding Hale’s intentions and plans will help protect innocents from similar deadly attacks. As the people should know by now, the FBI is not going to protect them.
With all its money, resources and allegedly brilliant minds, the FBI did nothing to prevent domestic terrorist Audrey Hale from murdering six innocents, including three children. As the people should recall, the FBI failed to prevent domestic terrorist attacks at Ford Hood in 2009 (14 dead), San Bernardino in 2015 (14 dead), and Orlando in 2016, with 49 dead.
In the case of Fort Hood, the FBI knew of Hasan’s deadly intentions but did nothing to stop him. In similar style, the FBI played no role in taking down Audrey Hale before she could murder more Christian children and adults.
The people have a right to know what motivated Audrey Hale, and why the FBI withholding the information.
The Mayor of Nashville, John Cooper, is a far left Democrat (some would say a Bolshevik) who leaves office later this year (he has received so much criticism for his policy decisions the last four year that he has ‘chosen’ not to seek re-election). He is the brother of the immediate past Congressman for the Nashville Congressional District, Jim Cooper, another far left Democrat (ditto a Bolshevik) who was ‘gerrymandered’ out of his seat last year and who ‘chose not to run’ for re-election last November. THIS is where the problem lies. The Metro Nashville Chief of Police serves at the pleasure of the Metro Nashville Mayor, and until Cooper is ‘gone’ nothing but the final court order of a judge will change the current state of affairs re the Nashville ‘trans’ shooter manifesto etc. Litigation has been filed, and the case is progressing in court, promises have been made, but not kept, and everyone waits. I think the matter is as simple as the fact that Cooper is a radical D’rat pol who does not want to offend those in his party’s ‘trans’ voting bloc, and how this might damage the D’rats in the upcoming political causes (e.g., gun control) and other campaigns.
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Agree entirely! Well said!
continued from above
Further, as the brother of a former Congressman, Cooper knows the ‘tricks’ and has the contacts to use the FBLie to his political advantage! One more reason to CANCEL this now despicable once proud law enforcement agency. (And I said END it, NOT reform it! How many times has it supposedly been reformed already? Just get rid of it! Parcel the important pieces of it (e.g., its crime laboratory) out to other LEO agencies, and be done with it!)
This Courtney Johnston certainly knows how to sing from the official government approved hymnal, she ought to become a rising political star.
According to Johnston, “that document in the wrong person’s hands would be astronomically dangerous.”
So for your own safety we can’t release it.
Yesterday New York Supreme Court Justice Robert Reed tossed Trump’s lawsuit against the New York Times and ordered him to pay all of the paper’s legal fees, asserting that the Times’ reporting on Trump’s taxes was “a matter of high public interest,”
Yet the writings of a homicidal maniac transgender murderer don’t rise to the same standard? in what universe, other than the one where there are two standards of “justice?”
This situation is somewhat misleading, Mr. Ahlert. (And I am NOT saying that YOU are misleading.) New York State is one of the very few States that has a strange court structure going back to colonial times–it’s TRIAL court is called the Supreme Court (what most States call a Circuit Court). NYS’s highest APPELLATE court (what most States now call their Supreme Court) is called the Court of Appeals. It’s judicial nomenclature is odd to most lawyers. The point being that I expect that President Trump will appeal to the next court in the appellate level court structure (I think it is called the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court–and ultimately he will probably have the right to appeal to the Court of Appeals itself) to review this decision. I myself think (based upon what I read in the press) that this decision will be reversed.)
What if the “Manifesto” was not the work of Hale, but her instructions?
“The people have a right….” That statement no longer has any meaning in this country. The “manifesto” will be released months, years (?) from now, after other similar acts of violence have been committed and no one can remember one from the other. The people have no right to know anything …
“Trans Massacre Manifesto Still a Mystery.” This manifesto will remain a mystery because the Biden DOJ & FBI have pressure the local police and state officials to not release that document because it will bring ill repute and delegitimization of the Transgender movement. Making this situation even more discomforting is the fact we see no lawsuit against the agency, that is withholding this manifesto, to publicize the manifesto in its entirety. The DOJ & FBI know that if they force this action and enough time passes that the American people’s short attention span will kicjk in and this manifesto will be forgotten.
So, this is where we are now as a society, our so called leaders defending an atrocity like this.
“Biden’s press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre proclaimed, “our hearts go out to the trans community as they are under attack right now.”
The administration’s talking anus spews more lies. If this is true, why is it that the trannies are doing all the killing? They think we’re stupid.
Everything that comes out of her mouth is a lie. She’s a lesbian, so what did we expect? She feels sorry for the trans community because we don’t celebrate their depravity. She doesn’t feel sorry for the innocent victims because they were Christians.
Imagine Karine Jean-Pierre (or perhaps a white press secretary) after Dylann Roof’s killing several members of a black church saying “Our thoughts and prayers go out to white community because they are under attack right now.”
Imagine black-on-white violence providing an understandable excuse and explanation for Roof’s vicious crimes.
Imagine Roof’s manifesto being held in secrecy by our government and press.
Reasonable minds cannot differ about the causes of these differences.
The longer the delay, the more obvious it is that these writings show the true danger of the “Trans” movement that would make trying to :main stream: themselves impossible. For many the mental disease has progressed well beyond the fantasy of dressing in the clothes normally worn by the other sex and become a fundamentalist DEMAND for recognition, approval, and support that society will never provide. The anger that generates makes them true, unpredictable loose cannons. This random unpredictability makes them far more dangerous than BLM or ANTIFA, both of which are somewhat predictable. Authorities are having great difficulty in figuring out how to SPIN this in a “politically correct” way.
Blaming guns for all this violence is as stupid as blaming McDonalds or Burger King for Obesity and as we know Liberals and Liberal Democrats are always blaming others for their own careless behavior
They do blame McDs, and BK for obesity. Availability is the problem to them, not their lack of self restraint. They aren’t wwrong for stealing, we’re wrong for making it possible for them to steal. They are the immoral people John Adams spoke of, who are unfit to live under our constitution.
Think about needing to kill to “be seen.” What exactly does that mean? On the face of it, if you don’t see (that means agree with, I assume) their delusion they have to kill you.
Or shall we assume that being brainwashed into dressing up as something one is not, taking sickening dangerous medications, cutting up their body makes a person so profoundly despondent that they become not only suicidal but homicidal.
What cones to mind is suicide by driving into oncoming traffic with no regard for the innocent lives lost in the other cars, suicide by jumping in front of a train with no thought for the train conductor or similarly suicide by cop. Desperate, self-hatred with a total loss of compassion for others. And isn’t that same self hatred where the transitioning urge began to begin with? Yes.
Good analysis Cat 🙂
They have no concern for anybody but themselves. They can’t really change their sex, so they will always be unhappy.
A heavily redacted tome is about all we will get. The pro-trans narrative must be held….intact.