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[Make sure to read Robert Spencer’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
Audrey Elizabeth Hale, who called herself Aiden Hale in her fantasy life as a male, was a product of what the Left has done to education. She couldn’t spell “white privilege,” but she knew it was evil, and was determined to do her part to eradicate it from the face of the earth. On March 27, 2023, she took a rifle into Nashville Covenant School, a Christian school in that city, and murdered three nine-year-old children and three adults, one of whom was black. Audrey Hale epitomizes what the Left inculcates into America’s children: bitter hatred and envy, violence, gender confusion, and abysmal ignorance of what everyone used to take for granted as necessary to learn in order to function well in society.
Ever since her mass murders, Hale’s “manifesto” has been a closely guarded secret. On Monday, however, political commentator Steven Crowder released several pages of this manifesto, making it clear that Hale acted out of hatred for Christians, white people and the wealthy, three groups the Left very much wants us all to hate. Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) officials initially refused to confirm that what Crowder had released was authentic, but Nashville Mayor Freddie O’Connell confirmed the authenticity of Crowder’s material indirectly by directing that an investigation be initiated into how exactly Crowder got hold of this information.
“I have directed Wally Dietz, Metro’s Law Director, to initiate an investigation into how these images could have been released, said O’Connell. “That investigation may involve local, state, and federal authorities. I am deeply concerned with the safety, security, and well-being of the Covenant families and all Nashvillians who are grieving.” Sure you are, Freddie, and meanwhile, thanks for letting us all know that this is really material from Audrey Hale.
Hale puts it a trifle more crudely than, say, Ibram X. Kendi or Nikole Hannah-Jones would, but her ravings could otherwise have come straight out of the latest Critical Race Theory manual. Referring to the day of her mass murders as “DEATH DAY,” Hale wrote: “Can’t believe I’m doing this, but I’m ready…I hope my victims aren’t,” and “God let my wrath take over my anxiety.”
One page of Hale’s writings said in its entirety:
Kill those kids!!!
those crackers
going to fancy private schools
with those fancy khakis + sports backpacks
w/ thier [sic] daddies [sic] mustangs
+ convertibles.
f**k you little s**ts
I wish to shoot you weaka**
d**ks w/ your mop yellow hair
Wanna kill all you little crackers!!! Bunch of little faggots
w/ your white privlages [sic]
f**k you faggots
Enter that into the nearest poetry slam and it would likely take first place, as it sounds all the right notes as far as today’s cultural Left is concerned: the hatred and contempt for middle-class white people, the violent thirst for revenge for imagined wrongs, the idea that having a certain level of material possessions is an indication of moral evil – it’s all straight out of the Marxist grab-bag of resentment and hate that is foisted upon our children in schools all over the country these days.
It’s understandable in light of this that the authorities, all Leftists themselves or cowed and cowardly slaves of Leftists, kept this manifesto covered up for so long. Back in April 2023, TBI Director David Rausch lied outright about Hale’s rantings, claiming that “the killer did not write about specific political, religious or social issues.”
Why would Rausch lie so brazenly? Because he, or those who ordered him to lie, knew that if this manifesto ever did see the light of day, it would lead people to think that maybe pumping confused young girls with testosterone and filling them with class resentment and hatred is a recipe for disaster. Rather than allow for a large-scale reconsideration of the Left’s insane and destructive social agenda, Rausch and whoever orders him around opted to leave the public in the dark, risking future murders like the ones Hale committed, in order to preserve the Left’s empire of gender fantasy.
Even today, otherwise sane news outlets such as the Post Millennial are referring to Hale as “they,” as if there were many of her, and maybe in terms of the demons that possessed her, she was Legion, for they were many. Others are referring to her by male pronouns, without the slightest moment of reflection that maybe it was all the pandering to delusion and madness that led her to desire to commit mass murder in the first place.
But now we know. Audrey Hale is a classic product of American society and Leftist indoctrination today. And she should, poor soul, remain in death a rebuke to and repudiation of that indoctrination, as others step back from the precipice and stop taking the Left’s brutalization of reality in preference to reality itself. That, at least, would make Audrey Hale’s life not entirely a tragic and horrific waste.
Yet more evidence that nurture is stronger than nature, much stronger.
These are simply pages of notes she took on the day of the killings. They do not constitute any kind of “manifesto” describing goals and motivation. “Breakfast at home at 7:30” does not explain anything.
The FBI is keeping her motivations and goals a deep, dark secret – from which we can safely deduce that she was fully subscribed to the woke insanitiies.
That would define “nurture” as drug involved, she was on hormones to counter dna. An impossibility. Those MDs try to stop the pituitary gland. But doing that causes more issues that those MDs understand. I will not forget then in the summer of 2021, the radio announcement in Seattle that Children’s Hospital would now be doing gender surgery for children. Seems they forgot their Oath to ‘do no harm.’ The dissing of real science by these leftists should be punished. If any MD lost their license to practice, it should be those who voted to remove licenses from intelligent MDs.
Only for a while. Nature always wins in the end.
Didn’t Hale attend the very same school whose students she later found such an objectionable bastion of white privilege? She seems to have been full of self hatred – for her race, her gender, her upbringing, you name it.
If she was indoctrinated into Christian magical-thinking from infancy, then that religious mentality could be easily manipulated into other forms of irrational and magical-thinking.
What does “magical thinking mean?” Are you referring to Christian-in-name-only liberals who
do not take the Bible literally? Or are you referring to the likes of Bible
believing Christians who take the Bible as the only word of God?
Not that all who have a “liberal understanding of the Bible” are not really followers of Jesus
but there are those who would be classified as such who also say Christ did not die for
our sins and resurrect.
There is nothing magical about believing in God. And that you’re not Him.
You should try it, little fella.
A supernatural miracle, such as creating something from nothing simply by a magical thought, the Parting of the Red Sea or the Resurrection, by definition can only be done by magic. Simply by a magical thought.
The person who believes in God is believing in a magical thought God. His thoughts alone create something out of nothing. His magical thoughts can make a woman give birth to elephants if he so wills it and thinks it.
“Can God perform miracles? A miracle does not mean merely the unusual if a woman gives birth to twins that is unusual; if she would have given birth to elephants, that would be a miracle. A miracle is an action not possible to the entities involved by their nature; it would be a violation of identity.” – Leonard Peikoff
I appreciate your willingness to defend your position and you’ve done so admirably.
I must say, your constant insulting of believers is not exactly the way to gain adherents. In fact it probably drives more people to God. That is probably why you are always winning the downvote derby.
After all, who would want to be part of a different religion that embraces a complete P.O.S. amateur like you
…”A supernatural miracle, such as creating something from nothing”… Are you referring to the Big Bang theory wherein the universe was created with no outward direction at all, from material that had never existed before?
If God is the true creator God of the universe, nothing would be impossible, would it?
I and many others are willing to work with you in understanding. it’s not simply believing. it is observing and suddenly Bam! a tiny understanding of the obvious. just being in nature seeing the purity of the perfect self correcting Swiss watch it is, the less than a tiny grain of sand the galaxy is. the infinite number of galaxies in the universe what and more importantly why as human beings we can even dimly contemplate the reality of it.
very simple really. once the light bulb comes on. it’s a hell of a thing. breathtaking.
Actually, the atheists like yourself have a far worse legacy of bloodshed. In your philosophical camp are all the atheistic Marxists.
Mao, Stalin, Pot – are they your heroes? They killed Christians and other theists by the 10s of millions. Owning a Bible was a death sentence in Mao’s China and 60 million were killed between 1949-52.
Like you, Audry Hale was an atheist, and yet she did the most irrational act possible.
“A supernatural miracle, such as creating something from nothing”
Isn’t that exactly what physicists say about the Big Bang, that came out of nothing.
“A supernatural miracle, such as creating something from nothing simply by a magical thought, the Parting of the Red Sea or the Resurrection, by definition can only be done by magic.”
But there is overwhelming scientific evidence that in the beginning, something WAS created from nothing – as the Book of Genesis tells us. We call it the “Big Bang” which created what we call our universe.
What was before the Big Bang? Nothing.
Not believing in magic does not disprove God.
The Summa Theologica is a famous work written by Saint Thomas Aquinas between AD 1265 and 1274. It is divided into three main parts and covers all of the core theological teachings of Aquinas’s time. One of the questions the Summa Theologica is well known for addressing is the question of the existence of God. Aquinas responds to this question by offering the following five proofs:
1. The Argument from Motion: Our senses can perceive motion by seeing that things act on one another. Whatever moves is moved by something else. Consequently, there must be a First Mover that creates this chain reaction of motions. This is God. God sets all things in motion and gives them their potential.
2. The Argument from Efficient Cause: Because nothing can cause itself, everything must have a cause or something that creates an effect on another thing. Without a first cause, there would be no others. Therefore, the First Cause is God.
3. The Argument from Necessary Being: Because objects in the world come into existence and pass out of it, it is possible for those objects to exist or not exist at any particular time. However, nothing can come from nothing. This means something must exist at all times. This is God.
4. The Argument from Gradation: There are different degrees of goodness in different things. Following the “Great Chain of Being,” which states there is a gradual increase in complexity, created objects move from unformed inorganic matter to biologically complex organisms. Therefore, there must be a being of the highest form of good. This perfect being is God.
5. The Argument from Design: All things have an order or arrangement that leads them to a particular goal. Because the order of the universe cannot be the result of chance, design and purpose must be at work. This implies divine intelligence on the part of the designer. This is God.
First, PhDs in physics today are starting to doubt that we have a good understanding of our universe. E.g., Dark Matter is turning our understanding of physics upside down.
Second, you would be shocked at what some remarkable people in Indonesia have developed an ability to do. Itis mind boggling. But it is real. Humility is needed to even trying to learn.
In high school physics class you are taught that something cannot be created from nothing. So where did all the physical matter that exists come from. The big bang can’t bang if there is nothing material existing.
Fact: Objects like chariot wheels were recently found on the bottom of the Red Sea.
Her manifesto & actions that followed suggest otherwise.
The evil bitch was marinated in leftist dogma.
Leftist atheists hate Western values rooted in Christianity, and she acted on it.
The Western values of freedom, liberty, individual rights, private property rights, Laissez-Faire Capitalism, and the personal pursuit of happiness on earth are thoroughly SECULAR values that have nothing to do with Original Sin, the Fall of Man, or being the servant and property of any God.
“All rights rest on the ethics of egoism. Rights are an individual’s SELFISH possessions — his title to HIS life, his liberty, his property, the pursuit of his own happiness. Only a being who is an end in himself can claim a moral sanction to independent action. If man existed to serve an entity beyond himself, whether God or society, then he would not have rights, but only the duties of a servant…
The individual, says the intrinsicist who accepts rights, is God’s creation and therefore His property, not the collective’s. Such an approach implies the denial of rights: it means that only God is morally sovereign. in practice, this leads to the conclusion that man on earth may be used and disposed of by God’s representatives on earth.
No religious society has ever cherished or protected individual freedom, which is a purely secular value and achievement. Rights, contrary to a formulation common during the Enlightenment, do not derive from man’s source or “creator”. They derive from the fact of man’s existence and the requirements of his survival, however he came into being.” – Leonard Peikoff, “Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand”
That was not an answer, because you have no answers. Giving us the same Ayn Rand garbage when confronted that you always do is not how to answer their posts. But you couldn’t resist calling Christians people who believe in “magical thinking”, irrational.
These posts sure sound rational and reasonable to me. You initial post was simply amateurish and insulting. But I guess when you are being irrational that is what you do. It almost seems that you are glad the school got shot up.
You are the one that believes in magical thinking.
There is no such thing as Laissez-faire capitalism in America.
Your entire Argument fails in your first sentence.
You quote everyone you believe in, and reject all others. Like Barack Obama and the entire Democrat party. All despising the Bill of Rights. And only able to do so with Marxist dogma. Because all believers in progressive communism have two things in common. They reject a higher power, and like you, don’t have an original thought in their head.
Communists cannot abide the Bill of Rights. The Founders believed that your rights do not come from Government. If your rights come only from Government, then only government can take them away. The purpose of communists is to reject God, then your Bill of Rights. In that order. The erosion of the Truth.
If you cannot believe in God, why do you want government to play God? You must believe that humans are naturally good, rather than evil. The Bible teaches the exact opposite.
You must not believe in God, because he gave you a mind, but all you have are the words of others to disprove Him, and not your own.
It’s not magic to believe in God. It’s magic to believe you are God. It must be depressing.
As opposed to what? A degenerate “government is god” progressive ideology that also promotes the surgical mutilation or chemical castration of of otherwise healthy children under the auspices “gender affirmation,” while their like-minded followers stage the biggest domestic manifestation of anti-semitism in American history?
It doesn’t get more “magical”–or abhorrent–than that, comrade.
Thankfully THX Jesus taught, and teaches, his followers to “lay down” their weapons.
How’d that work out for England in 1936?
If Hamas laid down their weapons , there would be peace. If Israel laid down its weapons, there would be no more Israel.
Quite a lot about Jesus Cristo is taken out of context.
E.g., he did not suggest people should do suicide or do things that would bring about their death. When he ran the money changers off, he used force in action AND voice. When he decided to allow the Romans and Jews to try and then sentence him, the issue he addressed was something entirely different.
Btw, death by crucifixion was a method DELIBERATELY invented by the people of what is now Iran some 200 to 400 years before Cristo. They wanted the most tortuous method thinkable to kill someone. Then a few years later ;-), the political elite of France decided to burn Joan of Arc alive. Modern humans have a subhuman, reptilian trait still.
Hello Richard, as you probably know, Jesus warned that his followers would be defenceless in the world – “sheep among wolves”. And he also pointed out that Christianity was “a narrow road” – not a path that many would find or choose to take.
I don’t know if you have ever thought about the fierce opposition, from both the religious authorities (church) and state, that Christians have faced from the beginning?
But Jesus also said that before the current wicked system of things on the earth is brought to its end, the “good news of the Kingdom” would be preached worldwide..
That preaching work is being done now – often in the face of great opposition.
Soon our Creator, the God of Abraham, will end the time during which “man has dominated man to his harm”.. Have you ever read Daniel 2:44, and thought about the implications of what is prophesied there?
The only weapon against evil is Truth.
The Bible teaches nosuch thing.
Psalms 97:10
10 Let those who love the LORD hate evil, for he guards the lives of his faithful ones and delivers them from the hand of the wicked.
Ultimately, no one can be at peace unless they embrace the God who embraces them.
More like atheist magical thinking.
Like atheists believing the myth that the communist utopia is possible to achieve.
Like atheists believing in “climate change”.
Like atheists worshipping at the altar of their “science deity”, regardless of how many times it has been proven to be fallible and more importantly CORRUPTIBLE.
Like atheists believing there are 72 genders, that men can menstruate, get pregnant and breastfeed their infant.
Or how about atheist magical thinking that the mentally ill should be held up as role models for children and that children should be sexualized from infancy then groomed to believe they are mentally ill transgenders so that they have their own genitals mutilated?
Well said and correct. The leftists have lost their minds and ability to see reality. They keep repeating the same cause and expecting a different outcome. For this reason, that Political Party chose the Donkey as its symbol and model for thinking.
If Christianity is just “Magical Thinking” then what Hale did has no basis for condemnation.
Ayn Rand wrote fiction. Fiction is magical thinking, but the irony is lost on you b/c you worship her.
It definitely looks like you’ve been indoctrinated into liberal “magical-thinking from infancy”.
Christian magical thinking? Just stop breathing and you’ll be able to see yourself as the joke. No? See, you are the joke. No commitment to your fantasy.
You are so full of shit it’s laughable. Throughout all of time and all around the world you want us to believe mankind stumbled through life believing in any number of fantasies until An Rind and Leo Cornpop figured it all out. From the looks of it, they haven’t gained much ground as far as recruiting followers. Maybe insulting and degrading others not in your camp isn’t working. Try carrying an AK-47 and a sword to persuade the non-believers instead of spouting mumbo jumbo from a couple of G-d wannabe’s.
What kind of mumbo jumbo is that?
Sounds like a case of demonic possession, but no one believes in that medieval stuff, so forget I mentioned it.
Or maybe Hale was an outsider without the family resources she imagined everyone else to have.
“the idea that having a certain level of material possessions is an indication of moral evil”
That idea comes from Christianity. Marx got it from Christianity. Marxism is religion disguised as rational science.
Christianity is profoundly anti-wealth and anti-rich people. Just like Marxism.
“For the love of money is the root of all evil” – 1 Timothy 6:10
“Just then a man came up to Jesus and asked, “Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?”
Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”
When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth.
Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” – Matthew 19:16-24
Leftism is magical-thinking religion disguised as rational science. A Virgin Birth, an Immaculate Conception, the Resurrection of a dead body, all these claims are as irrationally mystical, superstitious, magical-thinking, and religious as Transgenderism.
You don’t understand the lesson in Matthew 19. The young man’s wealth and self righteousness blinded him to his real weakness, which is why Jesus told him what he did. He walked away sorrowful because he loved himself more than his neighbors, & he loved his wealth more than he loved the Lord, hence he didn’t keep the commandments. No one can—Jesus came & fulfilled the law, & paid the price to reconcile us to God if we choose. And if you think about it, money is the motivation for much evil in the world.
I am not an intellectual like you, & haven’t your education. I am just a bayou woman, raised by people with little to no education. They walked in integrity and faith. I learned from their example, it’s not how much money you have, or education, or skin tone—it’s your character that matters.
They were the wisest and most joyful, people I have ever known, & I wish you & the killer, Audrey, had known such people. Your perspectives might be different if you had.
AWESOME!! Best post I’ve read in a LONG time! You are definitely a good person!
You are smarter than THX is. He fancies himself an intellectual but all he is doing is copying and pasting the work of others. And apparently he doesn’t like people with advanced degrees….he doesn’t have one.
Ironically, you’re INTERPRETING the words of Jesus to suit your own SELF-INTEREST. Just as there are other Christians who interpret the Gospel of Jesus their own SELF-INTERESTED way to suit them.
That’s why we have dozens if not hundreds of different denominations and sects of Christianity. We even have the Mormons, are they REAL Christians? They certainly believe so.
Who gets to interpret Jesus correctly and objectively? Who gets to decide who’s a real Christian? Christians persecuted and killed each other for centuries over exegesis and interpretation until finally they had enough sense to realize there is no way to objectively prove what Jesus really meant and they decided to leave each other alone and in peace. But that only happened after the Age of Enlightenment.
When reason became respected enough by Christians to make reason dominant over faith. Before then reason was considered inferior to faith and if the conclusions of reason contradicted faith the conclusions of reason were rejected and silenced by force.
“Even taking the Gospels at face value does not solve all the problems of interpretation. The teachings of Jesus are unsystematic, and many of them, particularly those related in parable form, are notoriously obscure. This unclarity has resulted in a wide spectrum of opinion among Christian scholars as to what Jesus really meant….
To avoid disclaiming the teachings of Jesus, theologians continue to do what they have done for centuries: they INTERPRET. Passages unfavorable to Jesus are reinterpreted in a more favorable light, or they are dismissed as unauthentic interpolations. Anything will do as long as it permits the theologian to profess agreement with the ethics of Jesus; the minute he ceases to conform in this respect, he is no longer a theologian, nor can he continue to pass himself off as a Christian.” – George H. Smith
You need to troll elsewhere.
The liberal virtues you claim by and large came from Christianity, which treated all people as worthy of dignity. Paganism and atheism didn’t and don’t do that.
Marx was an atheist. He got his ideas from atheism, not Christianity. Stop lying about that. And since when do you get to authoritatively interpret the Scripture you reject?
You may despise Christianity (and other religions) as “magical thinking”, but you’re sitting on the branch you’re sawing off in your blind hatred. Christianity produced Western civilization. A simple bit of research would prove that, if you had any intellectual curiosity instead of a closed mind. The Church gave the world hospitals, universities, the scientific method, and the preservation of ancient writings no matter the source. During the fall of Rome, the Benedictine Order sent its members to collect whatever knowledge it could so it wouldn’t be lost to the world. During the Middle Ages, a Dominican monk named Thomas Aquinas brought the writings of Aristotle from Islam to Chrisitanity.
Magical thinking is what that poor girl was immersed in, culminating in her belief that she could swap her sex using hormones and elective surgeries. Instead, her denial of basic reality caused her to do violence both to herself and then to those around her. It wasn’t Christianity that led to that. It was the progressivism of the Left, which worships self over all. The self is their god. Puny god.
You are also interpreting things to fit your world view. I do not understand the gospel of Ayn Rand. I answered you because of my best friend—who was an intellectual too…. I recently found him dead on the floor.. He helped me to learn many things. I answered you, hoping that you would contemplate the things that truly matter in life while you still have it.
I read FrontPage so I can learn things. Y’all use words I have never heard spoken aloud in my entire life. But the writers are so good at their craft, that it reaches me. I don’t understand most of what you say, but if it makes you happy, it’s your life and your choice. I haven’t mocked or bashed your beliefs. Please don’t disrespect mine.
THX can’t help himself. His goddess is a dead fiction writer, a magical thinker if there ever was.
No matter what truth is put before you, you will continue to reject it. Time to shake the dust off the feet and leave you to your own devices.
To THX, there is no truth apart from science and mathematics.
Of course what we really want and need is one monolithic teaching, creed and thought from the biggest fascist of all…the queen of Randism. No interpretations allowed. What happens when someone strays from the approved agenda. Off to the re-education camp for beyond fun struggle session.
Ein Volk. Ein Reich, Ein Fuehrer. And who would that leader be? Why it’s the DOA goddess and her little familiar Lenny, and of course you……He who fancies himself to be an Objectivist Johnny the Baptist, THX the not so great and powerful
Your interpretation of the Judeo-Christian scriptures is, well, … nothing more than an interpretation.
Ironically, you are being ironic!
You are interpreting Scripture too. You interpret it to be meaningless.
News Flash: Jesus appeared in the world about 1700 years before the scientific method.
In my experience, true intellectuals don’t try to impress you with their intellectual capacity. THX does.
Picking a few Bible quotes at random tells me you have no idea who Christ was or what Christianity is.
It’s simply THX’s course in Christianity for Objectivist dummies. But hey whatever fits your warped narrative, right?
One thing I am sure of, since you told your girlfriend you didn’t have much money, is you don’t have a lot of money. But what do you expect from someone who never accomplished anything.
Christianity is profoundly ANTI MARXIST.
Christians believe in the Ten Commandments, which state “Thou shalt not steal.”
Marxism is nothing but THEFT. No one owns any property under marxism, they don’t own the fruits of their own labor, the state steals everything.
Christians believe in the teachings of Jesus, who taught “Do unto others, as you would have done unto you.”
Marxism is slavery. Every person is enslaved to the marxist state, and the state even owns your children and you have no say in how they are raised or what is done to them.
Nice try with your technobabble, but you are just full of leftist BS.
Atheists are monsters who have replaced God with either themselves or the government.
Atheist communists have murdered well over 100 MILLION people in just the past 100 years and still murdering with no signs of ever stopping.
I have no problem with belief or unbelief in God. It could be worse. It could be Scientologists, the galactic masters of magical thinking.
I watched the ‘Louder With Crowder’ podcast yesterday in it’s entirety and I highly recommend others do the same. I’m sure it’ll be available on Rumble for some time.
As a Tennessean, I’ve been waiting for the other shoe to drop for quite awhile and wasn’t surprised by what I saw and heard. The guys on the show brought up an interesting point: This will be a litmus test for the immediate future. Does your “trusted” source of news and information bring up this new revelation? If not, maybe they’re not as trustworthy as you think.
To that point, I was relieved to see this topic front and center on ‘Front Page Magazine’. Kudos.
Nashville authorities did not say, “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.”
I must give props to the two police officers who ended its reign of terror. Very professional, brave and effective.
The BIPOC Queer coalition lusts for the genocide of white people. She is no different than Hamas baking Jewish babies in ovens. It is the same demonic ideology that motivates all the Identity groups.
Correct Darryl. Hatred of white people is the heart and soul of the Left. It explains everything they do.
If they lust for the genocide of the Jews, they lust for the genocide of all.
Try finding this revelation on any left-wing/Democrat website. They won’t reveal this because to them, Hale is white and therefore a White Supremacist and surely, a MAGA. If anyone dared to tell a person the truth about Hale to a Leftist, their comeback is always, “You watch too much Fox News.” Their CULT never bothered to correct it so they’ll keep repeating it.
In the right hands, this tragedy would make a truly compelling. movie or teleplay, but Hollywood would never touch it.
The government is more concerned by the release of the document than with its contents.
The Communist and Fascist are running our country.
She couldn’t spell “white privilege,” but she knew it was evil
That general principle applies to a lot of the left.
–I saw a pic of a pro-Hamas supporter carrying a sign that says Jews=Nazi. She knows the organization known for Jewish genocide is evil, but she doesn’t associate it with Hamas and it’s stated goal of committing Jewish genocide.
–Monopolies are bad. So let’s put all health insurance in the hands of government.
–Populist is anti-Democratic. It literally means rule by the people. File this with save our Democracy. The DNC has supervoters just in case the party nominates a person the elite don’t want. In 2016, they canned Debbie Wasserman-Schultz from the DNC leadership for trying to rig the DNC primary…and replaced her with a person that was feeding Hillary debate questions.
–The Dobbs decision was fascist. It took a ruling that was effectively a law created by unelected judges and returned it to the voters.
–Conservatives are divisive. LOL. Deplorables. Just about everything the left stands for is about dividing people into groups and promoting favorite ones. Inclusive…whites need not apply.
etc. So many words the left knows are bad. They just don’t know what those words actually mean.
That’s why they are constantly hijacking terms and redefining them to fit their agenda. It’s a form of re-education that only makes sense to them. It’s Bizarro world jumping off he comic book pages.
If it’s left – there will be hate. But, now we know why this mess had to have it’s writing keep from the public. She showed us all why she took a gun to school.
Thank you for publishing this Manifesto. It seems to exemplify the very “spirit of the world”, the same hatred so tragically on display on the 7th of October attacks.
The Inspired Scriptures make an interesting and powerful comparison when they say:
“Now the works of the flesh are plainly seen, and they are sexual immorality, uncleanness, brazen conduct, idolatry, spiritism, hostility, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, dissensions, divisions, sects, envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and things like these. I am forewarning you about these things, the same way I already warned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit God’s Kingdom. On the other hand, the fruitage of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self-control.” – Galatians 5:19-23
Are children learning love, peace, patience, goodness, faith, mildness and self-control in our educational systems? If not, what are they being taught?
This “kid’s” sick brain the result of these things;
1. Being taught that normal males and females are bad.
2. The gender in which God made you was a mistake.
3. Being taught that white people ( like her ) are evil and privileged.
4. Being taught she should have no self esteem as a normal white girl.
5. Being taught that white people should be killed.
6. Being taught that murder is ok – as long as you’re murdering white people and / or Jewish people.
7. The USA as we know it is racist.
8. The Christian doctrine she was taught is wrong.
9. Jesus is not really God.
All these things together produced this sick mind.
The suprising thing is the absense of explicit anti-Christianity (at least in these excerpts). Since she’s transgender and attacked a Christian school, everyone thought that was the main motive. Turns out the main motives were anti-whiteness and class envy.
Yeah, because an attack on a Christian school is not even remotely an indication of hatred for Christianity. ?
Article states, “Audrey Hale epitomizes what the Left inculcates into America’s children…”
Substitute the words “public schools” for “Left” (and drop the s of the verb) and it’s just as accurate.
Children aren’t magically being indoctrinated by the left in a vacuum.
Just think about the ideological lessons of Marxism and DEI that have been inculcated in America’s classrrooms over the last few decades! They keep rearing their ugly heads thanks to willing educators and the likes of Soros, Obama, and their disciples!
Obama is a traitor. He achieved his goal of destroying this country by his lies about his true beliefs.
You will see all kinds of mental illness and depravity in the last days. They are haters because their own lives have been lacking in happiness, and purpose, therefore they want to kill anyone who has made something of themselves, worked hard, and made a living. Jealousy and hatred drive these insane killings.
Hey Liberals and Media lowlife polecats you cant blame this on the NRA they were not involved in this
I suspect that, like myself, alot of other people reading this would much rather have Rae than Thx as a next door neighbor.
a girl who thinks she is a boy , a feckless citizen of america who thinks he is the president . if she had been a he and shot up an all black school we would have never heard the end of it . the manifesto would have been spread far and wide . BLM would have burnt everything down and defund the police would be back and ol feckless joe would have launched his fictitious white supremacy rant all over again . but alas it didn’t have the hallmarks of his fictitious narrative and was quietly buried and trans rights were the preferred fiction . 81 mill. . voted for this . congratulations america . orange man bad is not so bad after all .
She wrote about having dinner at home and put a little heart by it than wrote about spending time with her stuffed animals prior to leaving for the school.
She was a child radicalized enough to kill.