You can’t have an uprising of mothers, as happened in Virginia and is taking place in other states as well, if you get rid of mothers. That is the Orwellian approach.
And the teachers’ unions, which claim to have full rights to control your children and all money they can seize through them, love the idea.
The National Education Association proposed a resolution that would change the word “mother” in contracts to “birthing parent” for the purpose of being inclusive to the LGBTQIA+ community.
NEA’s resolutions, called new business items (NBI) represent the teachers’ union’s opinions and beliefs. Many resolutions were voted on Wednesday by the Representative Assembly (RA), comprised of 6,000 educators, in Chicago as well as virtually. The resolution on the language change – NBI 63 – was ultimately not brought to a vote.
“Using this contract language, members need not worry about how a Board of Education/solicitor defines ‘maternity leave,’ ‘mother,’ and/or ‘father’; the language is an inclusive reflection of how LGBTQIA+ members build families,” the proposed resolution said.
Since there’s only one natural way to build a family, at least if you have an even grade school familiarity with biology (which one should not assume that even biology teachers do nowadays), replacing that with “partners” and “birthing parents” is a nasty political agenda.
What’s next Birthing Parents Day?
Motherhood is a powerful idea around which we structure significant components of our culture and society. Eliminating it is not about equity, but social transformation along the lines that leftist theorists have been laying out for some two centuries.
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