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You’d think the Democrats would have learned a lesson. They lost the presidency to a man whom they and their media propagandists relentlessly demonized for eight years. They lost both houses of congress. The number of people who say they’re Democrats is in steep decline. The election results should been an occasion for soul-searching, with party top dogs reconsidering their embrace of every leftist cultural fad that comes down the pike, no matter how destructive it is to individuals and the nation. But the party mascot isn’t a donkey for nothing. On Saturday, the Dems elected a new leader, and in the process, showed that the 2024 election results haven’t taught them a single solitary thing.
Fox News reported Saturday that at the annual winter meeting of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), which must have been a grim and angry gathering even in the years when the Democrats were running the table and winning at all levels, the assembled leftists, lunatics and lilliputians elected Minnesota party chief Ken Martin as their new national chair.
Fox observed that “the election of Martin is the party’s first formal step to try and rebound from the November elections, in which President Donald Trump recaptured the White House, and Republicans flipped the Senate, held on to their fragile majority in the House and made major gains with working-class, minority and younger voters.” Apparently the Democrats have decided to “try and rebound” by doing exactly the same things they did before, for the choice of Martin doesn’t represent even the smallest break with the principles and approaches of the party of Barack Obama, Old Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris.
Indeed, Martin is a made guy, a pillar of the Democrat old guard. Fox notes that “over the past eight years,” Martin “has served as a DNC vice chair and has led the association of state Democratic Party chairs.” And now that he is DNC chair, he is ready with a fresh new message that isn’t anything like what Democrats have said before.
“We have one team, one team, the Democratic Party,” Martin, flush with victory, told his DNC accomplices. “The fight is for our values. The fight is for working people. The fight right now is against Donald Trump and the billionaires who bought this country.”
That’s right: in the teeth of clear evidence that the Democrat Party has become the party of the political and cultural elites, who are increasingly out of touch with what the actual working people of this country have had to endure because of years of Democrat misrule, the new DNC chair has doubled down. All he had to offer was the same old tired rhetoric about how the party of men who think they’re women and socialist internationalist traitors who never saw an America-hater they didn’t like is fighting for ordinary folks against the top-hatted plutocrats.
Predictably enough, Martin is also likely to continue with the Democrats’ hair-on-fire hysteria over the “threat to our democracy” that the president supposedly poses. In the summer of 2020, Martin wrote that Trump “should be immediately impeached and then put on trial for treason” over a false story that Russian was paying bounties to the Taliban for killing American soldiers. The idea that Trump should have been impeached by that was predicated, of course, on the Russian Collusion hoax, the now thoroughly discredited leftist claim that Trump worked with Russia to gain the presidency, and was Putin’s tool in the Oval Office.
Despite this evidence of Martin’s anti-Trump craziness, he won the big chair by a large margin, leading Wisconsin Democratic Party chair Ben Wikler by over 100 votes with only 428 votes cast. Clearly the Democrats really like this guy, and they actually think that he is going to lead them out of the wilderness. New Hampshire Democratic Party Chair and liar Raymond Buckley was enthusiastic about the choice, saying: “It’s an important opportunity for us to not only refocus the party and what we present to voters, but also an opportunity for us to look at how we internally govern ourselves.”
Actually, Buckley, picking Martin looks as if you and your fellow leftists are going to keep serving up the same noxious swill you’ve been giving us for years. And that’s fine. A losing formula is a losing formula. Keep it up!
LOL! The DNC dumbasses elected a Minnesotan as their Chair. Even by Dirtbagocrat standards the Minnesotan ones are crazier than rabid raccoons. Another presumably straight white guy to represent DEI and trannies, no less. Ken Martin? Has anybody ever heard of the loser? I doubt that even any Minnesotans know who he is.
President Trump is going to spank him silly for the next four years. Quite frankly, I doubt anybody could keep up with the President and his action packed days but that milquetoast, Martin, is especially outmatched.
The D-Bags are incapable of learning, and like you wrote, that’s a good thing for America right now. As long as their mission in government is to bite President trump’s ankles, they’re going to be ridiculed and sidelined into impotence.
My schadenfreude level is near the max.
David Hogg 👶 has been tapped to be Vice Chair. 😆
He’s probably more despised than the Kamel.
Someone needs to remind this Dumb-O-Crat that Clinton(Bill)was the Traitor and so were Obama and Biden. But the Democrat Jackass is way too stupid to learn
Well that’s the exact definition of insanity lol! Is anyone here surprised?