Right now blackface is the social justice outrage of the moment. But what if black people don’t really care?
The latest poll on Governor Northam, who appears to have successfully hung on to his job, suggests as much.
Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam appears to have quelled any widespread public clamor for his resignation in the wake of his blackface scandal.
Two new polls out Wednesday show pluralities say the Democrat should not quit or be forced out over a racist photo that appeared on his medical-school yearbook page 35 years ago. Most African-American voters agree that he shouldn’t go, according to one of the surveys.
In a Quinnipiac University poll, 42 percent of voters say Northam should resign — but more, 48 percent, say he shouldn’t. White voters are split evenly — 46 percent say he should resign, and the same percentage say he shouldn’t — but a majority of black voters, 56 percent, say Northam should not quit.
The much higher support from black voters is interesting. Only 31% of black voters believe Northam should resign.
The scandal was silly to begin with. But the attempt to revive blackface as a real threat in 2019 was silly to begin with. And black voters appear to have shot it down.
Meanwhile Lt. Gov Justin Fairfax appears to have an even split. But only 24% of black people want the accused rapist to resign while 41% of white people do.
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