In news from the Florida Sun-Sentinel.
Antisemitic incidents surge in Florida, growing more than nationwide. – Sun Sentinel
Those South Florida incidents, from the early weeks of 2022, were at the beginning of a surge that produced the highest annual number of antisemitic incidents ever recorded in Florida and nationwide in the Anti-Defamation League’s annual Audit of Antisemitic Incidents. ADL has compiled and verified assaults, harassment and vandalism since 1979.
It was worse in Florida than in the U.S. overall, the third year in a row that the state’s increase outpaced the national increase, Sarah Emmons, ADL’s Florida regional director, said in a video presentation on the report.
While it’s a good idea to be concerned about antisemitism, Florida’s high is still less than half of New York’s.
In 2022, New York had 580 antisemitic incidents, making it the highest in the country.
This is a 39% increase from 2021, when 416 incidents were reported, and more than double from a decade ago.
The ADL says that incidents in New York alone accounted for 15.7% of all documented antisemitic incidents in the United States in 2022.
New York does have a much higher Jewish population (although Florida is quickly gaining). But the antisemitic incidents in New York are also much more likely to be violent while in Florida they’re just hateful writings.
And Florida’s increase isn’t even that much of an outlier as the story tries to imply.
The number of antisemitic incidents increased 41.5% in Florida to 269 last year compared to the year before. Florida’s total was more than triple the 76 recorded in 2018.
Nationally, the report showed a 36.1% increase in antisemitic incidents to a total of 3,697 — an average of 10 a day. The U.S. total was almost double the 1,879 recorded four years earlier.
36% vs. 41% outpaces the national average but not by that much.
Using the ADL’s numbers (I haven’t checked them, but just for the sake of argument) New York had 72 assaults, California had 13, Massachusets had 4, and Florida had 1.
I suspect these numbers are incomplete because antisemitic incident databases tend to draw heavily on minor incidents that will be reported (a swastika leaflet) involving more secular and wealthier areas while ignoring more violent incidents involving poorer and more religious areas. But they still do paint a picture.
During the pandemic, New York’s governor, the media and its elites spent much of it harassing and blaming Orthodox Jews for the outbreak. Florida went a very different way. The ADL doesn’t want to talk about that.
I suspect there are a fair number of false flag incidents carried out by the left, as graffiti is a quick and easy crime.
Golly gee. All those people in the photo have the same skin tone. The same tone as every anti Semitic and old Asian lady attacker. The same as those who loot stores.
What a strange coincidence.
And my girlfriend is black, by the way, so I don’t want to read any accusations of my supposed racism. I don’t assault Jews and old Asian ladies or loot stores. And my pants don’t hang down under my ass, either.
We all know who the real racists are. Black street thugs. They’re a bane on every normal black American.
Everyone knows the group most responsible for hate crimes against ALL groups of people are blacks. It’s not even close. But, we have to pretend we don’t see it.
I had what turned into an argument with someone at the peak of attacks on Asians in NYC. Every video of Asians being beaten, or shoved onto the subway tracks captures the perpetrator as black. Every news story (that the media attempted to hide the race) about Asian assaults was done by blacks. When I brought this up this typical white guilt ridden imbecile showed his faux outrage: He sarcastically laughs and says “Right. It’s only blacks. This just shows how racist you are.” I replied “Stating the truth isn’t racist, and yes, it’s overwhelmingly blacks. Show me 1 video of whites pummeling Asians and for every one I’ll show you 10 videos of black doing it.”
As I pulled up story after story of blacks as the suspects he was fumbling with his phone trying to dig up stories of whites assaulting Asians. He couldn’t. Then instead of just admitting what everyone knows he storms off and said “bye racist.”
Lol. You can’t make this stuff up.
Typical leftist. A reality denier and anti white racist, even though he’s white himself.
These people are incomprehensible to me.
It was easier to shout you down and insult you than to admit the truth. Some people can’t handle the truth.
Florida’s total “more than tripled” that recorded four years earlier.
The US total is “almost double” the total recored four years earlier.
I’d say that Florida’s increase is significantly higher than that of the US as a whole, based only on the evidence you provide here. You did see those numbers, which you ut right there, right? Because you completely ignore them in your “analysis.”
Do you have a point? Other than craving attention?
WTF are you talking about, you anti white racist imbecile?
36 percent vs 41 percent
The difference between New York and Florida and as different as Night and Day New York is run by a Liberal Democrat and Florida by a Conservative and New York has strict Gun Control while Florida has the Stand Your Grounds allowing residents of the Sunshine Sate to use Firearms in defending themselves their loved ones and their place from armed criminals the Democrats keep releasing