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[Make sure to read Robert Spencer’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
The New York Times proudly announced last Monday that it had “won three George Polk awards, including two for its coverage of the Israel-Hamas war.” Those prestigious journalism awards went to “Samar Abu Elouf and Yousef Masoud of The Times” for “photojournalism for their photographs of the conflict from inside Gaza, capturing the horrific toll of Israel’s airstrikes on civilians, including the death and injury of many children.” The Times neglected to mention, however, one telling detail: Masoud has been unmasked as a member of Hamas who participated in the Oct. 7 jihad massacres inside Israel.
The Paper of Record shows no sign of firing Masoud or returning the George Polk award he won, but the Jerusalem Post had the story on Thursday, noting that the media watchdog Honest Reporting had “highlighted his accreditation to a photo provided to the Associated Press, with the caption, ‘Palestinians wave their national flag and celebrate by a destroyed Israeli tank at the Gaza Strip fence east of Khan Younis southern Saturday, Oct. 7, 2023.’ How had Masoud gotten on the scene so quickly, so as to be in a position to take this picture? Honest Reporting “questioned Masoud’s explanation of his presence that he’d been woken up at 5.30 a.m. by rocket fire even though the firing only started an hour later.”
What’s more, “Masoud’s name was included in an investigative report from November showing that journalists from leading news outlets, including The New York Times, AP, Reuters, and CNN, joined Hamas terrorists from the Gaza Strip on October 7 to document the events with their cameras.” The New York Times responded indignantly: “The accusation that anyone at The New York Times had advance knowledge of the Hamas attacks or accompanied Hamas terrorists during the attacks is untrue and outrageous. It is reckless to make such allegations, putting our journalists on the ground in Israel and Gaza at risk.”
Honest Reporting, however, said that claims it had “jeopardized the safety of all media working in Israel and the Palestinian territories” were nothing more than “a deliberate attempt to deflect from the real issues we raised.” And that’s true. Why doesn’t Masoud explain how he came to be on the scene of a Hamas operation on the morning of Oct. 7, and why he stated that he was awakened by rocket fire an hour before the rocket fire started?
After all, there is nothing remotely implausible about the idea of a New York Times “journalist” being a Hamas operative. Honest Reporting pointed out the Times’ “backing of a decision to rehire Gazan freelance filmmaker Soliman Hijjy despite HonestReporting previously revealing how he had praised Hitler on social media.” What’s more, the Times and the rest of the establishment media have for years been consistently anti-Israel, and have worked assiduously to whitewash the bloody reality of Islamic jihad. Why would the Times, or any other establishment propaganda arm, hesitate to hire a supporter of Hamas and fanatical hater of Israel and Jews? Media observer Hugh Fitzgerald states that “save for a single columnist — Bret Stephens — the New York Times has no one on its staff, among its hundreds of reporters, columnists, and op/ed contributors, who could be described as willing to give Israel a fair shake.”
We have just recently discovered how closely the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) collaborated with Hamas, allowing the jihadis to operate on UNRWA premises, employing Hamas operatives, and teaching hatred of Jews and Israel in its textbooks for Palestinian schools. If this could happen before the eyes of a watching world, what would possibly prevent a “journalist” from a deeply biased and essentially pro-Hamas outlet from going whole hog with his support for the jihad terror outfit?
The New York Times has a great deal to answer for, far beyond Yousef Masoud. Masoud may indeed have been a Hamas jihadi, in which case his George Polk award should be rescinded and the Times should not use him again. But the fact that none of that is likely to happen is in large part a result of the Times’ indefatigable efforts to make support for jihad violence respectable and mainstream. The Times should at this point perform a thoroughgoing soul-searching, and a wholesale reevaluation of its uncritical support for jihadis. But nothing is much less likely.
We have more reasons to put the NYT’s on out Boycott List this leftists rag needs all its Pulitzers revoked
Starting with Walter Duranty in the 1930s, who described the Soviet Ukraine as a “cornucopia” during a planned famine that starved 10 million people.
If The New York Times wrote about blacks, “Palestinians”, transgender and gender non binary folks and of course, Muslims the way it writes about Israelis and Jews, its offices would be a smoldering ruin and its correspondents would be pelted with rocks and cries of “Intifada!” if they showed their faces in public.
Duranty was Stalin’s trusted little Propagandists helping to cover up Stalin’s Cries Against Humanity Herb Mathews did the same for Castro the NYT’s covered up for the Viet Cong to more reasons to totally Boycott the leftists rag
Masoud lies as unconvincingly as every moslem I’ve ever met or heard of. You’d think people from a culture and religion of inveterate liars would be good at it. American children are better at it.
The Pseudostinians are such inveterate liars that their unedited propaganda footage show “corpses” climbing onto and off of stretchers at “hospitals” that function mostly as Hamas command centers and weapons depots.
I’ve seen some of those videos. I’ve also seen ones where “corpses” fell off biers in street processions and jumped back on and covered themselves back up. And then there are the ones where they pose next to walls and pretend they’re being shot at from off camera.
Perhaps the New York Times should change its name to the New Koran Times.
That’s a good one! And good advice.
Or Der Stürmer. That would alert readers who are not its illiterati about its content.
The New York Pravda
Dead silicone dolls from China.
The NYT has a sorry record of being anti Israel whitewashing Conmunism ignoring the rise of Nazism and the uniquely Jewish aspects of te HolocZust
Soul searching requires a soul. They ain’t got no soul.
Also, stop calling the war in Gaza the Hamas-Israel War.
This is not a Hamas-Israel war. That’s a distortion and a terror PR weapon using language to promote a lie.
This is The Hamas War.
It’s been waged against Israel since 1987, when it, like so many other terror entities already in existence, was founded to destroy Israel.
Israel is finally putting an end this war; not that she didn’t want to before now; but apparently the world didn’t think the attacks on Israelis were horrendous enough to warrant Israel‘s stopping the war, and so, time and time again, pressured Israel to keep the Hamas War going.
Recovering almost immediately from the shock of seeing a meticulously documented massacre in every gory detail, the world still doesn’t think the attack of October 7th was horrendous “enough” to end the Hamas War to exterminate Israel and the Jews.
These awards are meaningless. They’re another form of evil congratulating itself.
Antisemitism is a cancer that has metastasized! it is prophesized in the BIBLE. We are living in those times! The antichrist will come to solve the world’s problem and those who are looking to the rapture in way too many sects will be carried away and follow the antichrist proclaiming this is Yeshua Messiah Jesus Christ when it is the falling away. This is going to get unbelievably worse as we have seen those so-called world leaders in the UN and Davos and every other freaking media and government position!
Antisemitism is a cancer that has metastasized! it is prophesized in the BIBLE. We are living in those times!
This is the result of a “natural progression”:
Journalism stages:
1) report the news and facts as unbiased as possible (those were the days)
2) report a “NARRATIVE” regardless of facts (just yesterday)
3) CREATE “facts” based on the narrative you want (now our brave new world)
We are in stage 3 – don’t just stand on the sidelines as
people are raped, tortured and murdered…
There was a great line in an article I read, which had George Orwell saying of his novel “1984”, “It was a horror story, not a manual!” I think C.S. Lewis, who graphically described a then unheard-of degree of journalistic falsification (and had no hesitation in dubbing it “criminal”) in That Hideous Strength, might say the same thing. (Of course, saying that falsification was unheard of does not have to mean that it did not happen – but it was not assumed to be par for the course).
How can the NYT perform a thorough-going soul searching when it has no soul? Or, for that matter, ethics, integrity, or honesty.
But it has! It’s just that its soul is a Siamese twin to Al-Jazeera. Wonder if there’s any Qatari funding involved?
Someone should devise an alternative term to “journalist” for writers whose portrayals bear no relation to reality. After all, a journal is an account of events, admittedly from the viewpoint of the author, but still with some adherence to known truths. If a 19th century rural journal says that Mr Higgs’ prize marrow won first prize at an agricultural show, the chances are that it did – whether or not the writer then goes on to express his/her own views as to the fairness or otherwise of the award.
If a person produces a narrative, perhaps that makes them a narrator?
Duranty was Stalin’s trusted little Propagandists helping to cover up Stalin’s Cries Against Humanity Herb Mathews did the same for Castro the NYT’s covered up for the Viet Cong to more reasons to totally Boycott the leftists rag