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When New York Times Editorial Page Editor James Bennett agreed to publish Senator Tom Cotton’s call to crack down on BLM, he did not realize that he was signing a death warrant for his career. Bennett, who at least kept the editorial page reasonably interesting, was ousted. Now he’s back and telling his story, at great length, in an Economist article.
One episode concerns the different treatment of conservative writers.
The Times’s failure to honour its own stated principles of openness to a range of views was particularly hard on the handful of conservative writers, some of whom would complain about being flyspecked and abused by colleagues. One day when I relayed a conservative’s concern about double standards to Sulzberger, he lost his patience. He told me to inform the complaining conservative that that’s just how it was: there was a double standard and he should get used to it. A publication that promises its readers to stand apart from politics should not have different standards for different writers based on their politics. But I delivered the message. There are many things I regret about my tenure as editorial-page editor. That is the only act of which I am ashamed.
A.G. Sulzberger is the paper’s publisher.
As conservatives, we spend a lot of time talking about double standards while the media spends a lot of time denying it. Behind closed doors though the publisher of the New York Times was apparently open about the bias.
This kicks in around Sen. Cotton’s op-ed.
He did not explain why, if the Times was an independent publication, an op-ed making a mainstream conservative argument should have to meet such different standards from an op-ed making any other kind of argument, such as for the abolition of the police.
The answer, as Sulzberger admitted, is systemic bias. When a group controls an institution or an industry, it will have two sets of standards: one for members of the in-group and another for members of the out-group.
There’s a double standard at the New York Times and across the media. Get used to it.
Excellent article, thanks!
Conservatives are decades-long used to being lied to by the dishonest media
Yes…and doing absolutely NOTHING about it,
Liberal Democrats solutions to everything?! Big Government or make that Big Brother
There’s a Second Amendment and Progressives and Liberals Should Get Used To It.
Some Pea Brain named Bogus(Appropriate Name)just wrote a book claiming the 2nd Amendment was written to Protect Slavery. Just another know nothing with sawdust for Brains trying to impress Jessie Jackson and the UN/Globalists Gun Control Movement supported by Obama and Kerry. This Nit-Wit knows nothing about how the Democrats wanted to disarm the newly freed Slaves(Freed by the GOP) and Uncle Toms like Jessie Jackson
For a minute there, I thought you were an editor at the New Dork Slimes, Greeny. I had to read the the first paragraph twice to get it straight. Thank God. I could never read your stuff again if you were ever an NYT guy.
What a relief that you weren’t. I guess I better work on my reading comprehension. That’s a bit embarrassing for an ex English teacher.
Media has always been biased and bigoted, with its people incessantly working to prove themselves right or persuade “lesser” minds of their altruism and nobility. The WWW exposed this denied bias for all who wished to, to see. .And the media tyrants have been burying and lying about it now for decades.
Modern crony “journalism” was systematized in January 2009 when the exchange of personnel between the media and government (mostly CIA) began in earnest and has now become a metastatic symbiosis.
So while we are each individually dying of whatever the next genocide de jour may be, and as we bemoan our untimely expiration, if we rouse ourselves to look in the mirror may we all recognize the face of fatal ignorance and apathy.
Adding bones to beliefs. As conservatives, we’ve always known this was happening, but Bennett’s comments further solidifies to each of us that the only tinfoil hat wearers out there are liberals who choose not to believe what they hear or aren’t allowed to hear it at all.
What does one call the bonding of the qualities of consistency and dishonesty?
Pathological lies
The New York Pravda(Times)has been covering up for the left since 1932 and Stalin this leftists rag id nothing but leftists propaganda and fake news and therefore should be on the top of everybody’s Boycott list
I Have been watching the development of the feminist/communist party from the inside for 36 years. They are years ahead of any other organized political group. In most states now the elections are rigged by “machines”. They took over the education of the next three generations through their dominant control of our schools. They have for many many years been well organized in advance for pushing the gay agenda. WTH do you think they are doing in preparation for 2024 election? Oh, I know they are going to bring criminal charges against Trump–will that surprise anyone? Maybe they will just shoot him–who knows? I guarantee you they know the plan well in advance! Having developed a one sided media has made all of that planning ahead so much easier! Here is one way to do it:
Yes. By the time the Normies “wake up” …
… they will find they are already boiled.
… sadly …
… by that time we will all be boiled. (Or at least many of us.)