Lefty orgs are the worst places to work for.
This is case #580. There was Michael Moore, Ralph Nader and Bernie Sanders. And, now, Jesse Sharkey.
The president of Chicago Teachers Union violated the rights of one of his own staffers just before taking over the helm of the labor giant, according to a ruling from the National Labor Relations Board.
The NLRB, the top federal labor arbiter of workplace disputes and union elections, said in an unanimous ruling that the union failed to live up to its own ideals. The board found CTU guilty of “threatening employees because they engaged in union and protected concerted activities” stemming from an incident involving then-vice president Jesse Sharkey, who has since become the president of the 25,000-member union. CTU did not dispute the allegations that Sharkey threatened a member of the staffers union and selectively targeted him for coercion because he had previously filed unfair labor practice charges against the union.
“Jesse Sharkey, in an email, threatened to retain legal counsel and pursue unfair labor practice charges against [the staffers union] because employees engaged in union and protected concerted activities,” the three board member panel said. “The Respondent filed no response. The allegations in the motion are therefore undisputed.”
The NLRB slapping down one of the worst big government unions in the country is sweet.
Jesse Sharkey is Karen Lewis’ replacement. And is trying to outdo her.
The Socialist credentials of Jesse Sharkey, the vice president of the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU), are well-established. An article published last year on the World Socialist Web Site regarding teacher contracts referred to him as “a leading member of the International Socialist Organization (ISO).”
And in 2012, Sharkey was busted on a Chicago radio show for participating in a Midwest Marxism Conference.
This isn’t the worst.
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