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[Make sure to read Robert Spencer’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
Leftists generally know nothing about Jesus Christ and care even less, but around this time of year, they find it useful to invoke him, particularly as a prop to support their latest pet causes and buttress their propaganda. And so we have now been treated to the spectacle of that most thoughtful and learned of our elected representatives, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-Would You Like A Lime With That?), informing us that Jesus was from a family of “Jewish Palestinians.”
It simply won’t do, you see, for leftists to acknowledge Jesus as what he really was, a Jew, for if they did, their sharply rising antisemitism would render him useless as a stick with which to beat Christians and patriots. If Jew-haters say Jesus was a Jew, they can hardly turn around and try to invoke his moral authority to justify their perspectives and proclivities. And so Jesus must become a Palestinian, one of the left’s favorite victim classes, and one leftists have loved with a special ardor ever since the Hamas massacre of 1,200 Israelis on Oct. 7, 2023.
In line with this, New York Jewish Week reported Wednesday that AOC’s Christmas message drew “parallels between Jesus’ persecutors and present-day Israel.” The erudite Bronx theologian informed the witless millennials who hang on her every word that Jesus was born in “modern-day Palestine” at a time when the ruling government perpetrated “a massacre of innocents.” If you think this peculiar retelling of the Christmas story is wholly and solely designed to get you to hate Israel and support the Palestinian jihad against the Jewish state, that’s only because you’re right.
AOC pressed her point more explicitly, adding that Jesus “was part of a targeted population being indiscriminately killed to protect an unjust leader’s power. Thousands of years later, right-wing forces are violently occupying Bethlehem as similar stories unfold for today’s Palestinians.” This lurid fantasy has nothing to do with what Israel is actually doing in Gaza, and of course AOC made no mention of the Oct. 7 Hamas massacre of 1,200 Israelis, but this is the sort of thing that’s fashionable on the left these days, and if AOC is anything, she is certainly attuned to what is fashionable.
New York Jewish Week added that “the text in the story post was superimposed over an image of a baby doll in a pile of concrete rubble, a variation of the traditional nativity scene that became a motif for pro-Palestinian activists ahead of Christmas. Christian leaders in Bethlehem, traditionally seen as the birthplace of Jesus, called off Christmas celebrations this year to express solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza.” They not only did that, but they put the baby Jesus in a pile of rubble themselves, in solidarity with the suffering Gazans. The conscience of her generation added piously: “When we justify the bombing of children, Jesus is under the rubble.”
No one is actually justifying the bombing of children, and no bombing would be taking place at all had not Hamas decided to go ahead with its plan to massacre a large number of Israeli civilians, but the “Jesus was a Palestinian” theme was too useful to be hindered by such prosaic things as facts. Nor is AOC the first or only one to resort to it. A Roman Catholic priest, Fr. Edward Beck, said on CNN the day after Christmas that Jesus was a “Palestinian Jew.” And back in April 2019, AOC’s partner in victimhood propaganda, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Mogadishu), retweeted a tweet from a prominent Muslim cleric, Omar Suleiman, claiming that a Palestinian Christian had asked this of the Christian right in America: “Don’t they know we’re Christian too? Do they even consider us human? Don’t they know Jesus was a Palestinian?”
Saying that Jesus was a Palestinian betrays an ignorance of history. As “The Palestinian Delusion” explains, in the year 134AD, the Romans expelled the Jews from their homeland of Judea (“land of the Jews”) after the Bar Kokhba revolt and renamed the region Palestine. That was 100 years after Jesus, who lived in Judea. When he was crucified, the Roman governor Pontius Pilate had the charge placed on a sign over his head: “King of the Jews,” that is, a supposed insurrectionist. Pilate did not write “King of the Palestinians.”
The Romans had plucked the name “Palestine” from the Bible; it was the name of the Israelites’ ancient enemies, the Philistines. But never did the term “Palestinian” refer to anything but a region — not to a people or an ethnicity. In the 1960s, however, the KGB and Hajj Amin al-Husseini’s nephew Yasir Arafat created both these allegedly oppressed people and the instrument of their freedom — the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). The idea of a “Palestinian people” is one of the most successful propaganda fictions in human history. AOC and her allies are trying to extend the success of that propaganda by incorporating Jesus into their fictional scenario. It is all the more important, in the face of this, for patriots to be aware and informed of genuine history, and equipped to do battle against the propaganda deluge.
Intrepid says
It would have been better if AOC had crossed her eyes to make her look even more “intelligent” than she already is \sarc off.
Darryl says
AOC comes off as a dumbass, but really, she is just another leftist liar who has no respect for the truth.
In terms of analogy and history, Palestinian Arab Muslims are the conquerors of Rome in the Middle East and as suchhave the land and political power,. The Jew is the one threatened with tortuous death.
But Jews are not Christians and they are not to interested in reliving the cross thing this time.
Not this time. Never again, in fact.
As a historic people, the Philistine has left no genetic trace with the people of the region. It is all the genetics of the ancestors of Abraham, Ishmael and Jacob at this point.
And the child murdering gods of Canaan have very much been kept alive in the lives of the sons and daughters of Hagar.
Kasandra says
Ah, but the author is stating facts. In our glorious new post-modernist world, facts don’t matter. Indeed, they don’t even exist. Everything is simply a narrative.
AOC is full of more nuts then 250 acres of Walnut Trees at Harvest Time
SkippingDog says
The sign place above Jesus on the cross was to mock him and his followers. Jesus was a subject of Rome, a resident of “Judea,” and his ministry was a direct threat to Roman power and authority. Even at the time, Rome referred to Israel as “Canaan and, informally, as Palestina, until Hadrian formally changed the name to Syria-Palestina in the 1st Century AD.
So yes, Jesus was a Palestinian, a Cannanite, and a Roman subject it Rome’s province of Judea.
Jeff Bargholz says
No, Hadrian did not refer to Judea as Canaan or “Palestina.” Nobody did. You’re full of shit, as always, Shitting Dog.
Ed Snider says
The bug-eyed bird brain really has it in for the Jews. Perhaps if they were a shade darker . . .
Jeff Bargholz says
Alexandria Me Cago Cortez looks like a wall-eyed donkey with teeth big enough to eat corn cobs without shucking them.
And I notice all her clothes are donated by fashionistas. Nancy Reagan used to catch shit for that but Dirtbagocrats get nothing but praise from their spin doctors in the Dirtbagocrat fake news media for sucking up corporate welfare.
Steve says
Actually, Jesus would have to have been born in Nazareth (within the “Green Line” boundaries of Israel) rather than Bethlehem, because Bethlehem is controlled by the Palestinian Authority which bans Jews from every square meter of land it controls and makes sale of land to Jews a capital offense.
Additionally, since the Palestinian Authority took control of Bethlehem in the 1990s, Christians have been reduced from a majority of its population to less than 10%. Another example of “the Religion of Peace” at work.
Luz Maria Rodriguez says
Wow, she knows as much about the history of Christianity as she does about economics, the field of her college major. Gee, i wonder how she earned such a degree. Oh wait….
jeremiah says
That’s why we know this whole thing is not a conspiracy, first they control the weather and then they steal Jesus. .And it’s obvious that they have animals spying on us once you know how they do it. They
train witches using the mystical practices of the Kabballah to shrink people so they enter pigeons and dogs and control their brains.
In the hereafter., I’m going to tell the HNIC, (let’s face it, for me it will be Satan after the charbroiling or whatever torture amuses her), human BBR explain’n to Satan about Joseph and Mary and how they weren’t actually Jewish., but tools of the zionist Rothschilds to expand their banking empire. No doubt I will be highly rewarded me for such useful information and they will get Jesus to his proper parents.
Mark Dunn says
All the cool kids know Jesus was a Palestinian, and other stuff that is wrong.
Jeffrey L. says
Hey if Hamas surrenders and returns the hostages, the killing in Gaza is over. That is how wars end —except in the Muslim world. How many years has the fighting gone on in Syria? In Yemen? In Somalia? Chechnya? Libya?
Sir Peter says
TRex says
If you gave her a STOP/SLOW sign and parked her at a road construction site that would be more taxing than she could handle and way more authority than she deserves.
john blackman says
AOC , the same imbecile that didnt know what an insinkerator was when she moved into her apartment . so its not surprising she supports barbarism . primarily because she doesnt know what it means . she will continue to be a dumbnut because harvard along with all the other leftist functionaries will fund and vote for a bartender as opposed to anyone who has half a brain and doesnt spout such errant nonsense .