The world’s attention has moved on to COVID and China and Kevin McCarthy, but our authorities remain vigilant and as focused as ever on the real issues, foremost among which is making sure that nobody thinks ill of the religion of Islam. Thomas Galati, the New York Police Department’s chief of intelligence and counterterrorism, on Tuesday offered details of the New Year’s Eve attack in Times Square, in which a 19-year-old from Maine, Trevor Bickford, stabbed two NYPD officers. Galati, however, seemed more interested in exonerating the Islamic religion (Bickford is a convert to Islam, as he made abundantly clear in his manifesto) than in actually illuminating what Bickford thought he was accomplishing.
Galati, who has the classic look and sound of an NYPD cop straight out of central casting, looked massively uncomfortable as he admitted:
He knew what he was doing, he knew why he was doing it, he thought that he probably would die as a result of carrying out this attack. Um, y’know, during the attack he did yell out “Allah akbar,” um, you know, and, um, you know, I – I believe he thought that this would be, um, you know, k–, suicide by cop, uh, basically, at the end of this attack. This is a distorted, uh, you know, um, uh, uh, version of him being radicalized and thinking that what he’s doing is right, um, you know, just, uh, want to make sure that that’s clear, he’s not representing, you know, uh, the Islamic religion, but rather, you know, a very, very small percentage of people that get radicalized.
Thomas Galati is repeating the same blather that officials all over the West have repeated for years after every jihad attack that they couldn’t explain away as “mental illness” or something else. Usually authorities say these things without Galati’s level of fumbling, embarrassment, and hesitation, but still, we hear this kind of statement after every incident of Islamic jihad violence. And that is extraordinary in itself. Does any other group have people who aren’t members of it so anxious to do public relations for it? Does any other group have so many people committing violence in its name, with people who aren’t in the group at all then rushing to make sure you don’t think anything negative about the group, or get the idea that the people doing violence are representative of this group?
If he had an ounce of actual concern for New Yorkers and not just concern for not offending Muslims, Thomas Galati would be publicly asking today how it is that Trevor Bickford and so many other converts to Islam somehow get their new, peaceful religion all wrong, and what Muslim leaders are doing to prevent this. But no one ever dares to ask that.
Galati actually came close to providing some helpful information about the attack when he explained that Bickford hoped to die during it, but he did not get close to explaining why Bickford wanted to die in the first place. Was Bickford depressed to the point of suicide, but unable to summon the self-destructiveness necessary to kill himself, and so was trying to provoke a police officer into killing him? That’s the usual “suicide by cop” scenario. There are, however, no indications whatsoever that Bickford was in the pit of despair and wanted to end his life as a result. Rather, the attacker believed in the Qur’an’s guarantee of a place in paradise to those who “kill and are killed” for Allah (9:111). He went to Times Square hoping to murder the police officers he attacked and then to be killed himself as a result, so that he would be assured of entering the heavenly realms. Aside from that Qur’anic passage, there is no guarantee of paradise in the Islamic holy book; for true believers such as Trevor Bickford, this is a powerful motivation to commit an act of violence: it’s the surest way to be certain that one will avoid hellfire.
Thomas Galati cannot and will not tell the world that, because it has to do with Islam, and he is dogmatically committed to the proposition that Islam is a religion of peace that has nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism. But in characterizing Bickford’s attack as an attempt at “suicide by cop,” he is actively misleading the public about why the attack took place at all. In his anxiousness to cover for Islam, he is giving people an actively wrong impression of what motivated the attack. In doing so, he is only ensuring that nothing will be done to prevent more attacks of this kind. And so there will be more. Many more.
Please enlighten us about his motive then.
Be careful America, be very careful. The blasphemy laws introduced in Europe were under the disguise of preventing imams from radicalising their followers.
Hmmmm… interesting point
The man who stabbed two NYC police officers while yelling out the now all-too-familiar phrase Allahu Akbar had written a manifesto making clear his Muslim faith as the reason for his actions. Perhaps you can explain to the rest of us the Jewish motives of the man who stands accused of killing the four students in Idaho.
Disregarding Islamic ideology is a key element of the woke world view
Have the terrorists at the terror org CAIR chimed in on their fellow ackbarbarian’s actions? If they were honest, they would just admit that a muslim killing infidels is no more problematic than a Catholic praying the Rosary or a Jew lighting Sabbath candle. It’s in the koran, which was shat into the arabian sands by the pedophile pig-faced dog “mohammed”, the inventor of (p)islam and author of the terror guide, the koran.
“Akbarbarian.” Nice.
W Bush framed the groveling to this filthy cult just two weeks after 3000 Americans were vaporized by islam.
His obsequious visit to a mosque with his shoes off was a nice touch.
His bullshit, apologetic approach guaranteed we’d have diminishing results in our wars against islamic scumbags.
Back then, I thought the pic of his wife in a burka was the bizarre. Now, I know which side he was on.
Not ours.
It is well known that the Bush family had biz relationship with Saudi Arabia before, during and after bthe attack
Islam and the alleged 19 Saudis were the modern day Lee Harvey Oswald. Neither the former nor the latter carried out the events of those days
And many American military people died or were disabled because of his idiotic notion of “nation building” in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I remember that … “Islam is a religion of peace”! It was the first sentence of his speech! Disgusting!
The little shithead Ahmed Mohamad “clock boy” was not only excused for his brazen dry-run at MacAuthor High School; he was celebrated.
This latest incident is just another installment of chickenshit authorities rushing to the microphone to tell us that we didn’t see what we actually saw. Patriots are sick of this bullshit.
Patriotic MAGA/Christians are not accorded such protection – just the opposite.
An example: Paul Pelosi gets attacked by the punk he brought home after trawling the streets, and the press immediately shout “Look, look! a guilty MAGA!” As it turns out, just like in the case of Brian Sicknick – it wasn’t MAGA; it was Paul.
(There was a DC cop killed by a protester at the Capitol, but it was a BLM prick. The press were so deflated to learn that.)
It’s not even a question that islamist scumbags will get endless excuses & protection from the press, while patriots will get their life story turned upside-down to find anything to accuse; innocence be damned. (For years, Timothy McVeigh was touted as an example of Christian terrorism ad nauseum. Only problem is that he was an atheist.)
Islamists / BLM / Leftists: INNOCENT until proven otherwise..
Christians / MAGA: GUILTY; never to be proven otherwise.
You’re mostly right but not a single cop died at the Capitol
“Does any other group have so many people committing violence in its name,”
I don’t know about in it’s name, but blacks seem to have a monopoly on committing crime, and the media, as well as law enforcement, do all they can to avoid pointing out the suspect is black.
Well, the Left has this ziggurat of victimhood. Right now transexuals are at the top but next week it could be another group that has ascended. Both blacks and Muslims are also on the ziggurat. Once you’re on it you are immune from criticism. It’s an exaggeration of of the French Popular Front’s dictum of “Pas des enemies a gauche” as extended by Herbert Marcuse in his 1965 essay, “Repressive Tolerance.” In short, the Left can do no wrong and must never be criticized. The Right does only wrong and any tactic used against it is warranted and justified.
“…he’s not representing, you know, uh, the Islamic religion, but rather, you know, a very, very small percentage of people that get radicalized.”
And yet, that small percentage are virtually all from the religion of Islam- avoiding hellfire and all, by being murderers.
There are no other major religions that ask such of it’s adherents, and in fact it’s just the opposite. That should evoke a waving finger from everyone at Islam for it’s denial and for our elites who fantasize that they need merely to make victims of all others and the west’s influence and power as ‘guilty’ and then that will keep the world ‘just’. Nuts.
This has to be intentional ignorance on the part of the officials of the NYPD with its misleading statements about what really motivated that Muslim to stabbing the police officers.
This pubic denial about the Islamic motivation of the jihad attacks might be from pressure not only from Muslim groups as CAIR but maybe even from the higher up’s in power in NYC and and State of New York and naturally the Federal government sine Joe Biden and those who uphold him in Office are very devoted to the agenda of the Red/Green alliance.
Can you imagine the cop stammering and stuttering in an attempt to deflect blame if the perp was a MAGA supporter or a Christian? Then, blame would be spread far and wide.
I suspect Galati was told to misdirect any blame from Islam or was trying to address this crime without subjecting himself to all the abuse he would receive from CAIR or the NYC mayor. CAIR would label him a racist and the mayor might suspend or terminate him.
It’s sad that telling the truth has to be weighed against any personal and/or family repercussions. “Anything you say can be used against you” is the new norm here in 1984.
Critics of the position of Galati would be charged with bigotry that would be blamed on others without any needed connection. Galati’s treatment of the suspect is the reverse.
Leftists and Islamists are all dedicated to the same overarching priorities: Death to the West and the Great Satan. It would be surprising only if NYPD weren’t conscripted into submitting to jihad.
Clearly a case of extremist domestic White supremist terrorism. /s
It just explains how we are dealing with liars , both in New York with the liberal democratic mayor and the rest of his ignorant people that work for him. How the mAyor criticized the Governor of Texas for sending migrants to the city , saying it was a political operation and tool to embarrass him. Which is the main problem Politicians have , they are ignorant , liars , only looking out for their own self interest , could care less about the constituents they are supposed to represent. The only time they appear is when they want your vote , or donation to their campaign. It’s the liberals who bring up all the diversity which divides the country . We as Americans never criticize other religions if we believe in truth , some others who commit crimes should be dealt with that’s what we call accountability, responsibility and Justice.
The truth is that Islam wants to destroy all other forms of religion and social order, PERIOD. One only has to wonder how many of our political leaders and media are feeding at the islamic trough of money, selling America and Christianity down the river.
Last time I checked, Greece had a problem with Muslim terrorists, Lebanon had a problem with Muslim terrorists, Israel had a problem with Muslim terrorists, India had a problem with Muslim terrorists, Thailand had a problem with Muslim terrorists, China had a problem with Muslim terrorists, Russia had a problem with Muslim terrorists, and pretty much the rest of Dar al-Harb that allowed Muslims to enter in sufficient numbers had a problem with Muslim terrorists.