(Photo of C.H.O.M.P.S, not Digidog. If you have a thing for bad 80s movies, you’ll get the joke.)
Sad, but inevitable. Police officers have unions. They have to be lynched in court. And then the defense witnesses and jurors have to be intimidated by lynch mobs organized by the media and a few billion-dollar think tanks.
Robot dogs are much easier to take down.
I wrote about the robot dog who fell afoul of Sandy from Westchester here.
After prolonged negotiations, the thugs began releasing their hostages, but they demanded pizza. Unwilling to risk officers or a delivery boy, the police sent in Digidog: a robot dog carrying up the pizza. The thugs eventually freed all the hostages and gave up.
Digidog is unarmed, incapable of racism, and is just a walking drone mounted with cameras. His only real contact with criminals has been to deliver pizza to one of them. But once the NYPD took custody of Digidog and painted him in department blue, he became a racist. In our dystopian future, everyone will be accused of racism for 15 minutes. Even robots.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez accused Digidog of racism for being deployed in “low-income communities of color.”
Then Digidog officially became “controversial”. That’s media newspeak for “things we don’t like”. Ilhan Omar and AOC aren’t controversial. Only Republicans and robot dogs who work for the police are controversial.
And controversial things get canceled.
The New York Police Department (NYPD) will no longer be using the controversial “robot dog” following mounting uproar against the machine’s use, officials confirmed Wednesday.
The action was taken in response to a subpoena issued by New York City Councilman Ben Kallos (D) and Council Speaker Corey Johnson (D) for records relating to the device.
Miller told the newspaper that the robot’s lease had initially been scheduled to end in August, but the contract had been terminated earlier because it was being improperly used to fuel arguments about race and surveillance, saying it had become a “target.”
“People had figured out the catchphrases and the language to somehow make this evil,” Miller said.
Bill Neidhardt, spokesman for New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D), told the newspaper he was “glad the Digidog was put down,” describing it as “creepy” and “alienating.”
Creepy and alienating is a great description of Bill de Blasio. Not to mention Cuomo, Spitzer, Scott Stringer, and the entire Democrat elite.
As a bonus here’s my chat with Jamie Glazov on the Glazov Gang about Digidog.
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