It won’t end with Trump.
The Left rejected the votes of the American people and announced plans for a coup by various means. It did it when it lost a presidential election in 2016. Now it’s doing it with a gubernatorial election in Georgia.
And top Obama people are pushing this meme.
Norm Eisen, a former ethics chief under President Obama, on Sunday said he does not believe Georgia Gov.-elect Brian Kemp should be treated as a “normal head of the state” after a tight race marred by voting issues and accusations of voter suppression.
“I was a U.S. ambassador,” Eisen, former U.S. Ambassador to the Czech Republic, tweeted on Sunday, linking to an article about those who were allegedly prevented from voting during the Georgia elections. ”If my host country had attacked democracy in this way, I would have publicly slammed them & called for economic sanctions.“
“I certainly would not have treated the ‘winning’ candidate is a normal head of the state, & we should not do so here,” Eisen added.
Republicans are inherently illegitimate. Only Democrats who win elections are legitimate.
States that elect Republicans must be sanctioned.
Remember when the crime that got you sanctioned by California or New York was opposing illegal migration or gay marriage. Now electing a Republican is enough.
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