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Biden recently suggested that the final clause of the 14th amendment gives him the right to print as much money as he pleases while over in New York, an Obama judge claimed that the first clause gives Muslim migrants the right to invade any part of New York that they please.
Judge Nelson S. Roman, a clownish Obama appointee, ruled in favor of an ACLU lawsuit on behalf of Sidi Mouhamed Deide, Adama Sy, Abdallahi Salem, and Mouhamed Said Maloum Din filed against counties in upstate New York that were preventing New York City’s Mayor Eric Adams from dumping illegal alien migrants there.
Roman spent the hearings ranting that the attempt to keep hotels from becoming migrant shelters were “Jim Crow” and issued a ruling falsely claiming that the fourteenth amendment protects the rights of migrant invaders to go anywhere they please in the country they invaded and thus also that local governments may not interfere with any resettling project.
Of course, this makes the efforts by Dems in Texas and California to go after Florida Gov. DeSantis for flying migrants tricky, but it’s not as if lefties are bound to any interpretation of the law other than whatever is convenient at any given time.
Roman’s order is obviously illegal, ignorant and an assertion of the shameless political bias he displayed during the hearings, ranting that it smells “like a Jim Crow law − not that I’m saying it is”.
But Román grew increasingly irritated during his colloquy with the Rockland attorneys, to the point where he started yelling at Feiden.
After Feiden noted “the potential for harm” and “the potential for mayhem” that would ensue if the hundreds of asylum seekers were allowed to reside at a Rockland County hotel, Román fired back, “Do you get a sense for what this sounds like?”
But Feiden insisted that “we don’t want the city imposing their problems on Rockland County.”
But let’s take Roman’s order at face value.
If any attempt at restraining or controlling migrants is a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment, then any immigration laws of any kind are unconstitutional.
Why should someone who hops over the border be treated any differently than an American citizen?
Presto, there’s no more immigration law enforcement, no more border and nothing but a mass invasion.
That is apparently what Judge Roman and his party want.
The Fourteenth Amendment and the Constitution are not suicide pacts. The clause that Roman is abusing was there to protect freed slaves, not to maintain open borders.
Ugly Sid says
Access to our courts, like access to everything else of ours, is for our citizens.
This is the whole point.
Daniel Greenfield says
and eliminating citizenship as a class of owners of the nation under the guise of liberation is the whole purpose of the Left
Gary Von Neida says
Marxism is like rust it never sleeps and it’s goal is to collapse the structure—such as the structure OUR CONSTITUTION provides for—One point about the federal government is obscured by the left: the fed’s first job is to PROTECT US FROM INVASION, not encourage it
js says
Your comment sounds good, if only those that act as judge followed the law instead of make it up.
Fred says
The only comment I would like to make regarding this article is the fact that the 14th Amendment is not legal Do your research and realize how corrupt the government was even in 1867 and 1868.
According to an article I read, the House was three votes short of the required number of votes needed to pass the bill regarding the 14th Amendment .
Daniel Greenfield says
A lot of the Civil War legislation wasn’t
Fred says
Mr. Greenfield:
There were other reasons why the 14th Amendment was not legal as well. Yet the 14th Amendment has been used on occasions by the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn laws that were passed legally and signed into law. One of those legal issue was whether children of illegal aliens were entitled to a public school education while in the United States illegally. That particular issue is costing billions of dollars each year in added cost for education The U.S Supreme Court stated that they were entitled to attend our schools based on the 14th Amendment.
How many illegal aliens would come to America, if their illegal children could not attend schools? The answer is Zero.
Algorithmic Analyst says
I’m not expert on the legal aspects, but reading military history, apparently Lincoln violated all kinds of laws in order to win the war.
Jeff Bargholz says
Yes, he did. But he did win.
Good Luck says
This Judge needs some help, because he is not right. This Judge needs a medical doctor and a Mental check up.. He does not know what a Constitution is.
Chief Mac says
That is ground for impeachment or execution for treason
Beez says
That is grounds for impeachment, removal, and later, trial for treason and about 100 other violations of federal law. On conviction for treason, execution is constitutionally authorized though not mandatory. Other punishments are imprisonment and /or fines.
Angel Jacob says
There’s a difference between immigrants and invaders.
People with no passport and no visa are invaders.
Immigration is a LEGAL process.
Wyatt says
Hmmm , someone is paying attention ! An immigrant comes to a place and peacefully asks for admission . They do not just barge in and set up house . By this judges interpretation , Joe Schmo could just barge into someone’s home and set up housekeeping in the livingroom .
Bobbo says
That’s coming soon, very soon!
JSS says
Not when a president that has dementia and he allows for the country and its people to be endangered by said refugees!
JSS says
Right, but that’s AFTER going through legal channels. No one should be able to jump our border and claim or get anything. After there is another nine eleven attack, we’ll throw them all out.
Sword of the Spirit says
Folks we have a major flaw in our approach in this fight. The flaw is that we still try to fight by rule of law. The DemoCraps and their goons (ANTIFA, ACLU, SPLC, Senate, etc.) totally ignore the law and they are very successful. Time for us to do the same. We need to fight dirty and that means doing whatever we want and totally ignoring federal judges. The conservative states, and counties, should just do whatever they want and not even care what the fed thinks, does, or says.
Rodger A. Cottrell says
Spot on. We on the right need to fight as hard as the left. We should Ignore unfavorable illegal rulings by left wing judges on the state and federal level. Fight back or we are going to lose our constitutional republic to the tyranny of the left and the democrat party.
Obama the Traitor just like Clinton(Bill) and Biden the Globalists and the UN/CFR
Mickorn says
Obviously the court’s decision is NOT that “any attempt at restraining or controlling migrants is a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment.” The judge would not have said that, since that is moronic. When you ascribe a moronic argument to your opponent so that nobody will take serious, that is employing the straw man fallacy. You are an excellent deployer of straw men.
Equally as obviously, it DOES NOT follow that, even if the judge had ruled that restraining migrants violates that particular amendment, that “any immigration laws of any kind are unconstitutional.” Here you are deploying a slippery slope fallacy. You use these all the time to great effect.
When I explain to my students the difference between your writing and that of the other hacks on this site, I use these fallacies to argue that, unlike your colleagues, you are not an ideologically-blinded moron, but that in fact you know exactly what you are doing when you lie and obfuscate. You are not a fundamentalist. You are a cynical, self-serving conman.
danknight says
Wow … what rock do you live under?
Enjoy your new baby raping super citizens burning down your neighborhood …
… because that’s what you’re going to get with such ‘brilliant’ commentary.
G-d love ya’
Algorithmic Analyst says
Thanks Dan!!!!!
Daniel Greenfield says
My sympathies for your students who have to endure their idiot teacher refighting his lost internet fights in the classrooms instead of actually doing his job.
I can’t think of any better method for ensuring your students turn into alt-righters.
I can only hope for their sake that your students are wholly imaginary.
Jeff Bargholz says
And you’re a gaylord. God help your students because you’re an obvious ideologue and shitty teacher.
I was an English teacher for years and I know a shitty teacher when I encounter one. Your writing is dog shit and you’re a woke leftist so I know you’re a shitty teacher.
Dick licker.
Ron Weiss says
That’s really clever of you to teach your students to read opinionated blogs/musings/shorts of which you portray with disdain. Even more so, you know how others ‘really’ think and ‘really’ feel without regard to their writings. Please send me you contact info so I can nominate you to the “Friggin’ Amazingly Smart Teaching Society! I’ll look around and see if you also qualify in the “Pychics Who Know What Other People Think and Feel Club!
Thank you so much for being you, M!
TruthLaser says
Your conclusions are without merit. You also made no attempt to discuss the ruling the judge made. You cannot be serious or be taken seriously. You must be lonely without the author’s articles.
JSS says
Unbelievable that a hack that can’t even spell speaks of ideological remarks and you have students?
Kit_Jefferson says
The time has come, the walrus said, to repeal the 14th amendment.,
Leonard Geerhardt says
It would be helpful if you have a copy of Roman’s order, to post it or a link. I assume you don’t which is why it’s not available in your article.
Now the counties have to go through with appealing his unhinged order. Meanwhile, the invasion continues.
Eugene ross says
anything that obama touched was anti-AMERICANthis worthless piece of shit should be eliminated for existing