The short version.
The Trump administration finally moved the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem which is Israel’s actual capital. The Biden administration wants to neutralize that move by opening a consulate to the PLO in Jerusalem. Even though the PLO government is actually in Ramallah and even Russia and China have housed their diplomatic missions to the PLO in Ramallah.
The Israelis have suggested that if Biden wants a mission to the PLO, he should open one in Ramallah. But Biden’s people want Jerusalem.
And that’s where we left off.
Normally, the Democrats would just bring further pressure to bear, but there’s one big problem: Netanyahu.
Israel’s governing coalition is an illegitimate leftist-Islamist-grifter mess that was forged together to topple him. It will collapse if you look at it the wrong way and in a parliamentary democracy, that means the government falls to a no-confidence vote, and then it’s all over.
So, like a certain famous scene in Blazing Saddles, it has the incredible ability to take itself hostage that had only been previously enjoyed by the PLO.
Driving the news: Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid discussed the consulate issue during their meeting in Washington last Wednesday.
Lapid pushed back on the U.S. position, saying, “I don’t know how to hold this coalition together if you reopen the consulate,” according to Israeli officials.
Blinken said he understood the sensitive political situation and wants to start a dialogue to work toward a solution, the officials say.
The solution being the one that he and his boss want. But the calculus here is whether toppling the Israeli governing coalition and putting Netanyahu back in office is worth the price of the consulate to the PLO.
The U.S. and Israel are planning to form a joint team to hold discreet negotiations on the reopening of the U.S. Consulate in Jerusalem, Israeli officials say.
Discreet indeed.
The Biden regime wants its terror consulate. Lapid and much of the coalition would be fine with it, but they have to keep the few “conservative” members of the coalition from bolting at the betrayal of Jerusalem. And to do that they need something that seems compelling. Blinken’s people are likely to offer worthless security guarantees on Iran, or apparently a deal with Saudi Arabia, but that’s paying for the relationship with Saudi currency. And neither one is likely to make Israeli voters and those politicians who hope to have a future in public office rethink this betrayal.
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