Polling is chancy and these days, especially so.
American Jews are a small group and so polls of them, especially conducted by or on behalf of lefty groups, are stunningly worthless attempts at creating an echo chamber. But the JTA, a lefty propaganda outlet, has really hit the jackpot in pushing a garbage pro-Biden poll.
Another sign in the poll that Trump has alienated Jews is that just 16% of respondents admitted to voting for him in 2016; exit polls at the time showed 24% voting for him. The gap suggests that some respondents might have convinced themselves that they never voted for Trump.
Is that 8% difference a sign that something may be wrong with our poll?
Nah, it must means that 8% hate Trump so much now that they’ve become delusional.
When your explanation for a statistical problem with your poll is that 8% of your respondents are delusional or insane, then you and your poll have big issues.
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