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Sometimes unexpected but dramatic events tear off the thin veneer of respectability and convention. What follows is the exposure and repudiation of long-existing but previously covered-up pathologies.
Events like the destruction of the southern border over the last three years, the October 7 massacre and ensuing Gaza war, the campus protests, the COVID-19 epidemic and lockdown, and the systematic efforts to weaponize our bureaucracies and courts have all led to radical reappraisals of American culture and civilization.
Since the 1960s, universities have always been hotbeds of left-wing protests, sometimes violently so.
But the post-October 7 campus eruptions marked a watershed difference.
Masked left-wing protestors were unashamedly and virulently anti-Semitic. Students on elite campuses especially showed contempt for both middle-class police officers tasked with preventing their violence and vandalism and the maintenance workers who had to clean up their garbage.
Mobs took over buildings, assaulted Jewish students, called for the destruction of Israel, and defaced American monuments and commentaries.
When pressed by journalists to explain their protests, most students knew nothing of the politics or geography of Palestine, for which they were protesting.
The public concluded that the more elite the campus, the more ignorant, arrogant, and hateful the students seemed.
The Biden administration destroyed the southern border. Ten million illegal aliens swarmed into the U.S. without audit. Almost daily, news accounts detail violent acts committed by illegal aliens or their surreal demands for more free lodging and support.
Simultaneously, thousands of Middle Eastern students, invited by universities on student visas, block traffic, occupy bridges, disrupt graduations, and generally show contempt for the laws of their American hosts.
The net result is that Americans are reappraising their entire attitude toward immigration. Expect the border to be closed soon and immigration to become mostly meritocratic, smaller, and legal, with zero tolerance for immigrants and resident visitors who break the laws of their hosts.
Americans are also reappraising their attitudes toward time-honored bureaucracies, the courts, and government agencies.
The public still cannot digest the truth that the once respected FBI partnered with social media to suppress news stories, to surveil parents at school board meetings, and to conduct performance art swat raids on the homes of supposed political opponents.
After the attempts of the Department of Justice to go easy on the miscreant Hunter Biden but to hound ex-president Donald Trump for supposedly removing files illegally in the same fashion as current President Biden, the public lost confidence not just in Attorney General Merrick Garland but in American jurisprudence itself.
The shenanigans of prosecutors like Fani Willis, Letitia James, and Alvin Bragg, along with overtly biased judges like Juan Merchant and Arthur Engoron, only reinforced the reality that the American legal system has descended into third-world-like tit-for-tat vendettas.
The same politicization has nearly discredited the Pentagon. Its investigations of “white” rage and white supremacy found no such organized cabals in the ranks. But these unicorn hunts likely helped cause a 45,000-recruitment shortfall among precisely the demographic that died at twice their numbers in the general population in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Add in the humiliating flight from Kabul, the abandonment of $50 billion in weapons to the Taliban terrorists, the recent embarrassment of the failed Gaza pier, and the litany of political invective from retired generals and admirals. The result is that the armed forces have an enormous task to restore public faith. They will have to return to meritocracy and emphasize battle efficacy, enforce the uniform code of military justice, and start either winning wars or avoiding those that cannot be won.
Finally, we are witnessing a radical inversion in our two political parties. The old populist Democratic Party that championed lunch-bucket workers has turned into a shrill union of the very rich and subsidized poor. Its support of open borders, illegal immigration, the war on fossil fuels, transgenderism, critical legal and race theories, and the woke agenda are causing the party to lose support.
The Republican Party is likewise rebranding itself from a once-stereotyped brand of aristocratic and corporate grandees to one anchored in the middle class.
Even more radically, the new populist Republicans are beginning to appeal to voters on shared class and cultural concerns rather than on racial and tribal interests.
The results of all these revolutions will shake up the U.S. for decades to come.
Soon we may see a Georgia Tech or Purdue degree as far better proof of an educated and civic-minded citizen than a Harvard or Stanford brand.
We will likely jettison the failed salad bowl approach to immigration and return to the melting pot as immigration becomes exclusively legal, meritocratic, and manageable.
To avoid further loss of public confidence, institutions like the FBI, the CIA, the Pentagon, and the DOJ will have to re-earn rather than just assume the public’s confidence.
And we may soon accept the reality that Democrats reflect the values of Silicon Valley plutocrats, university presidents, and blue-city mayors, while Republicans become the home of an ecumenical black, Hispanic, Asian, and white middle class.
They know Hussein has their back.
I am not as optimistic as Vic seems to be. The progeny of Mommy’s prescriptions have inundated society and have provided willing street screamers as foot soldiers for the ruling class. These recruits will do anything for social acceptance.
The financial requirements of greedy mediocre lawyers in Congress are easily addressed by the Wall Street groups and have shown there is no depth they will not stoop to for funds or acceptance by somebody. You cannot go too far in life writing wills or fixing drunk driving citations.
The rot of prescription drugs and the allowance of the criminal mindset are too far advanced for a standard reversal politically. The primitive rulers of our large blue cities will not release their hold on power easily. Therefore a chasm has appeared. Will we use the evil white power to clean up the situation? I doubt it.
The descent will accelerate when inflation rules and the winners, evil whitey, will again have to conquer the primitives to regain some semblance of civilization unless you prefer to live in the Congo or Mecca.
Let’s face it
America is ruined.
The GOP as well as the woke leftist dems are both responsible for America’s demise.
I am focused on taking care of myself, my family, my friends, and kindred spirits.
The devil take the hindmost.
In a failed nation, the “ I’m taking care of myself and my family” doesn’t work for long. And that attitude, although understandable, is in a sense cowardly, and it empowers evil.
Without a pushback, those “taking care if themselves’ are targets for roundups, imprisonment, and slaughter.
If no one is willing to fight the tyrants head on, the tyrants get more bloodthirsty. They see they are winning and they kill. En masse. History will repeat itself.
” … we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honour –
4 July 1776. The final words of the Declaration of Independence—a solemn pledge to the human rights of “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness”—
How many of America’s elite ruling oligarchic class are really ready and committed ?
Nope. No way, José, or Pepe. We are NOT ruined.. ye.
You go ahead and focus inward on you and yours, and see where that gets you. Whilst you are focused on “me and mine” you will not be attentive to what surrounds Nor will you be able to remain vigilant on your own. Others will take note, decide the sores you have laid up for yourself and yours are a fair target. On your own you will be powerless to stop or avoid them. You and yours and your stuff will be taken, and you will not like it.
Consider in sharp contrast the militia of colonial times. The town’s men worked together, knew and spent time with each other, knew the strength and weaknesses, skills, each of everyone else, and became a finely oiled machine able to do amazing things. General Gage was silly enough to think his well dressed and well drilled (he thought….) troops were the superior of those rowdy unkkempt rough and ready colonials. With no radio, telephones, or internet, FOURTEEN THOUSAND of those armed and trained militia took the field overnight and showed up where it counted, ready and able to do what must be done. By the end of that one day Gage had lost fully a third of hus OFFICERS and a quarter of his foot.. to “a bunch of stupid farmers with their squirrel guns” (his prior assessmen). . It only took those wielders of the squirrel gun another ten years to completely rout the largest, best supported, most fully equipped fighting force seen up until then anywhere on the planet.
Those MEN did not accomplish that feat by “looking after me and mne”. Nope. They looked outward, pulled together, and beat the best out there.
Yu might want to reconsider your position.
Well …. Maybe I stand corrected, and overstated my position.
Still, the GOP RINOs over the years and the woke leftist dems have done massive damage to America and US citizens.
Biden’s open border and illegal alien INVASION policies will are murdering America.
Mexico murders more than 100,000 US citizens per year with Mexican manufactured drugs pushed into America by Mexico, and the politicians do absolutely nothing about it.
I must take care of myself, my family and friends and kindred spirits. That is a priority.
It does not negate other actions.
Sadly, I must disagree with Mr. Hanson.
I have ZERO expectations that the ” border to be closed soon and immigration to become mostly meritocratic, smaller, and legal, with zero tolerance for immigrants and resident visitors who break the laws of their hosts.”
And despite American’s disgust with the current trajectory of American downfall, I do not see this ship turning anytime soon. Trump will continue to be hounded into oblivion, and may be jailed or assassinated by democrats.
Agree. I don’t see where the political will exists to mount much of a defense against leftist tyranny. IMO, far too many Americans laugh off or consider the idea of a “lost” America as realistic. We have become too comfortable to think anything could bring down “the good life” we wallow in. The fact nearly half the nation will vote Democrat this fall is a pretty good indication of that. To quote a TV personality I watch, “we are not a nation of laws, we are a nation of political will.”. He is correct and, at this time in our history, the political will of the leftists is, essentially, unchallenged. Their oblivious supporters do not see this wave of “lawfare” as an undermining of the social fabric. To them, it’s just a win for their side every time a 75 year old grandmother is jailed for praying in public. After spending a week before and a week after the election paying attention to “politics”, win or lose, they all go back to Netflix, the NFL and the social justice war. The level of apathy will be the largest contributor to the extinction of our Republic than anything else.
Victor is more optimistic than I am in all this. The rot has progressed too far to bring our nation back. The average life of a republic is about 200 years before it collapses from it’s own internal corruption, and ours has been internally corrupted completely by the Marxist long march through all of our institutions. How do we come back from that? Can we? I am not so sure we can.
USA and the world is being played and has been had by every demonic quarter because these youth have nothing to hold up to righteousness and right and wrong because the systematic removal of G-D out of the classroom and public places. Not even a 10 Commandments to frame and reference by new generations. This is what happened to the Jews in the BC era and they were sent wandering on the diaspora that caused Jews to lose their identity and vote for the wrong people from hitler to briben. Here comes Donald Trump a man of YHVH and the demonic left rails against him and endlessly persecutes President Trump in masse. Unrelentless demonic activity in the USA and this world. Just as Bible prophesy says. This is how Bible prophesy is being played out and unfolding like a child’s pop-up book. Antisemitism with anti-Trumpism is the opiate of the elite and privileged. The rest of us are suffering because of demonic possessions and influence.
I will disagree, slightly. but significantly.
God being kicked out of the public institutions is not terminal, nor unsurviveable. It is when God is tossed out of the home things to to hell in a handbasket, a burning one at that. And THIS is what has been happening. God has commanded this : FATHERS teach YOUR children. Simple.. And rarely done in this culture any more. Fathers have abdicated, leaving their specifically assigned task to “others”.. the state, media, entertainment, false cults, greed….. So the government schools have indeed evicted God entirely. Take your children back and teach them yourself, or find another way.
Purdue engineering students and grads that I’ve met have their heads on straight.
Plenty of Useful Idiots out there those in the Photo are just some of them
Some say we will descend into civil war. I think a more likely scenario is revolution. When in the course of human events. . .
Americans just aren’t miserable, angry or interested enough to want to do anything about what’s happening to the country right now. Things will have to get far worse than they are right now to provoke the majority into taking action and forcing change on the fools in Washington DC.
Anything less than a revolution or a civil war will not effect the required change that is so desperately needed. The neo-Marxists (aka, democrats) know this and will do whatever they need to do to mollify the public and stave off a revolution or civil war until they can gain full control of America and start implementing totalitarian rule unopposed.
Ergo, enjoy the US Constitution while it lasts for it’s days are numbered.
They’re now in full control. We must best them directly or indirectly or we live in tyranny. We need to be determined and stop preening about how we are better than them. We have to be meaner than them for a while. I’d start with their media. Others may have a better idea.
Here is the plain simple Truth ….
The American ruling class, American political leaders ( GOP and Dems), and social and corporate leaders have betrayed America and US citizens for decades with their insane policies.
America is now ruined and I seriously doubt it will ever recover..
Good people, US citizens and Patriots … take care of yourselves, your family, your friends and kindred spirits.
The devil take the hindmost.
The turn-around will take “de-nazification” level cleansing of public institutions, media , intelligence, academia and armed forces .. It will have to be fiercer and quicker than the Un-american activities committee of the 1950s . Amongst the top level casualties will be Barry Soetoro and Hillary Clinton .who will do time .