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Every now and then you see a headline that makes you smile. This one made me laugh out loud:
“Iranian university offers scholarships to US students expelled over protests.”
The president of Shiraz University, a major religious center in Iran, is offering all-expenses paid scholarships to U.S. students expelled for anti-Semitic, pro-terrorist protests, so they can “pursue their studies” in Iran. The Shirazis are so generous they are offering similar stipends to college professors fired for taking part in the same protests.
So now those students and professors who have been chanting “Death to America” and “Death to Israel” can go home to the regime that invented the slogans.
What a wonderful opportunity for all those screaming and incoherent female pro-Hamas supporters to go home again to the birthplace of female liberty. I bet they must be lining up right now.
I imagine every gay, lesbian, and trans pro-Hamas individual is scouring the Internet, trying to find out where they can get their free ticket to the Iran. This great new offer from Shiraz University comes as a relief to my fellow conservatives who have been offering free tickets to Iran to these folks in recent weeks.
And now two other universities in Iran are offering similar opportunities to our woke youth.
Going to Iran shouldn’t be much of a culture shock, either. They will just have to trade the masks they have been wearing to hide from the police and their tactical gear for the full-length Islamic hijab. (Sorry, ladies: you can’t wear a face mask with the hijab in Iran, because the regime wants to track your movements).
We learned recently from the New York Post and the Wall Street Journal that George Soros’s Open Society Foundation has been funneling millions of dollars to pro-Palestinian groups in the United States, both directly and through the Tides Foundation of Teresa Heinz-Kerry.
These Soros and Heinz-Kerry funded groups have names like Students for Justice in Palestine, the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights, and Education for Just Peace in the Middle East. Several of them pay stipends between $2000 to $3000 per week to student activists who spend eight hours a week organizing pro-Hamas protests.
Democrats in Congress are whining that anyone suggesting George Soros is funding anti-Israel protests is an anti-Semite, since Soros was born Jewish.
Soros admitted in a now-famous interview with CBS Sixty Minutes that during the Holocaust in Budapest, he helped the pro-Nazi regime identify Jews living in hiding with Christian families and feels absolutely no remorse for helping send them to the death camps.
The Open Society Foundation is now run by his oldest son, Alexander Soros, whose domestic partner is Huma Abedin, the former chief of staff to Hillary Clinton who separated from husband Anthony Wiener after he was caught sexting an underage girl.
Huma and her family have long-standing ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, of which Hamas is the Palestinian emanation. As I wrote in the Hill during the 2016 presidential campaign, Huma is “nothing short of a Muslim Brotherhood princess, born into an illustrious family of Brotherhood leaders.”
And Soros and Heinz are not alone in funding these anti-American, anti-Semitic groups. The Ford Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation have given them grants as well.
President Biden this week condemned the anti-Israel protests, and in the very next sentence equated them to Islamophobia, an invention of the anti-Semitic, pro-terrorist Left.
Congress established an office in the State Department to track anti-Semitism abroad. It’s time federal and local prosecutors enforced existing hate-crimes legislation to prosecute the anti-Semitic and anti-American campus hooligans, some of whom are professional agitators and not even students.
But for the rest of them, I say: bon voyage! Next year in Shiraz.
The irony will be lost on the dumb over educated progressives. They are oblivious to the fact that many Iranian young men come to the west for the freedom they need during their early adulthood before going back into regime funded jobs in Iran.
“What a wonderful opportunity for all those screaming and incoherent female pro-Hamas supporters to go home again to the birthplace of female liberty. I bet they must be lining up right now.”
Imagine if they manage to get to Iran how they will feel about having to cover up and being attacked by the religious police gangs. And getting raped by the terrorists.
Off topic: I keep asking who is supplying all the checkered towels we see beauties wearing?
I keep wondering why the police officers who have to wade into these gangs of shrieking, robotic harpies don’t grab the dish towels off of them and grind them into the mud. They could grind the dish towels into the mud, too, while they’re at it.
I hope that none of the students accept this offer – because they would be potential hostages, which is too severe a punishment for stupidity.
In those Middle East Nations where they can take Free Flying lessons just one word of warning you might not some out of it alive