The media has made much of the deaths of foreign terror supporters, Rouzan al-Najjar and Jamal Khashoggi. Meanwhile the apartheid state of the “Palestinian Authority” sentenced a US citizen to life in prison for violating its racist laws against selling land to Jews.
And the media won’t report it or cover it.
Palestinian court in Ramallah sentenced a Palestinian-American to life in prison with hard labor on Monday, after finding him guilty of selling a house in the Old City of Jerusalem to a Jewish Israeli organization.
The man was identified as Issam Akel, a resident of east Jerusalem, who was arrested by Palestinian Authority security forces in October.
It remains unclear how he was arrested by PA security forces. As a resident of east Jerusalem, he holds an Israeli ID card that gives him immunity against being arrested or prosecuted in a PA court.
Some reports said that Akel was arrested while he was staying in Ramallah. Other reports, however, claimed that he had been kidnapped from east Jerusalem and taken to Ramallah.
Akel was accused of acting as a broker in the sale of a house jointly owned by the Alami and Halabi families in the Muslim Quarter in the Old City of Jerusalem. Palestinians claimed that the house was sold for $500,000 to Ateret Kohanim, a Jewish organization that has been purchasing Arab-owned properties in east Jerusalem for several years.
A reminder that the Palestinian Authority doesn’t just terrorize Jews, but also Muslims who aren’t hateful enough toward Jews.
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