Our military is under attack by “anti-racism” activists whose message is that white America is racist.
“Critical Race Theory” is the academic discipline that is used to justify the attack. Critical Race Theory is a hateful Marxist fiction that maintains America is evil because the majority of its citizens are white, and that its Constitution is evil because it was written by white people. The agents of this dogma, including those lecturing at the Naval War College, teach that white people – from the Founding Fathers to the 200 million white people in the country today – are oppressors, who are an internal enemy,
Critical Race Theory began by destroying the moral integrity of colleges and corporations. Now its target is the U.S. Navy.
Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Michael Gilday has told the third of a million naval personnel that they should be reading and learning from Ibram X. Kendi, a mediocre, fact-challenged university professor who has become the go-to “anti-racism” expert for America’s woke elites.
In a congressional hearing, Admiral Gilday was asked by Representative Jim Banks to denounce Kendi’s view that white people are criminals – that they created the AIDS virus to kill black people. The Admiral refused to do so, dismissing it as a “cherry picked” quote about which he had no other opinion.
By adding Ibram X. Kendi’s book – How To Be An Anti-Racist – to the Navy’s Professional Reading Program, Gilday put the weight of the U.S. Navy behind Kendi’s hatred of white America and all white people as the allegedly racist oppressors of blacks.
Kendi defines anti-racism as opposition to America’s “systemic racism.” Systemic racism was outlawed by the Civil Rights Act of 1964. If it were an actual problem there would be a tsunami of lawsuits and a tsunami of judgments awarding millions of dollars in penalties to the victims. There are no such tsunamis because systemic racism is a myth manufactured by leftists to disarm their critics and force their retreat. In Kendi’s dogma, the only way not to be a racist is to agree with him that racism is in America’s DNA, and white people are racists because they are white. In Kendi’s own words: “There is no such thing as a not-racist idea, only racist ideas and antiracist ideas.” Either you agree with Kendi’s leftwing politics, or you’re a racist. Gilday was not only endorsing Kendi’s racism, but also his politically partisan agenda, which claims ridiculously that dissent from the left is racist even when it comes to global warming. “Do-nothing climate policy is racist policy,” Kendi argues, “since the predominantly non-White global south is being victimized by climate change more than the Whiter global north.” But the world’s greatest polluters are China, India, and Pakistan . – countries that are not white, and that refuse to implement the Paris Climate Accords. Gilday’s support for Kendi is part of his effort to divide and weaken the Navy by imposing Critical Race Theory and radical Identity Politics on the men and women who defend us. Last year Gilday promoted “conversations” that endorsed Black Lives Matter’s view that all whites are racists and encouraged recruits and naval officers to believe that, like America, the navy is systemically racist – no evidence required. According to Gilday-Kendi, life for black people is miserable in America, and white people have to be “transformed” by atoning for their white skin privilege . “White Skin Privilege is, in fact, a term invented by the Weather Underground: a notorious terrorist group which bombed the Pentagon in the 1970s. An official Navy video introduced by Gilday featured a black aviation tech complaining that, “being African-American in America is not fun;” a black lieutenant commander who claimed that he had experienced “systemic racism” and “implicit bias”, and a white female musician confessing her “privilege as a white person” and attacking America over unfounded claims of “systemic racism” The video of Navy personnel putting down America, blaming their problems on systemic racism, and reciting Marxist talking points was the centerpiece of what Gilday called vital “conversations” about racism. Usually, a conversation has more than one side. But not in today’s U.S. Navy which has become a Critical Race Theory echo chamber. While the theme of Gilday’s racial crusade is, “One Team, One Navy”, its real message is that there are two navies and two Americas: white and non-white. The goal of the admiral’s new “diversity and inclusion” mandate is for the victimized non-white Navy to defeat the oppressive and racist white Navy. Or as one crew member in the video declares, “Tomorrow’s Navy will finally stand on the right side of history when we realize that black lives matter.” Considering that the latest ethnic genocide, involving millions of Uighur Muslims, is taking place in a non-white nation, China, today, it would be interesting to know what “the right side of history” is, or whether history has a side. An official video sponsored by Gilday, broadcasts the anti-American claim that the 245-year-old Navy has been on the wrong side of history, that John Paul Jones, who fought the British, Stephen Decatur, who fought Islamic pirates, and the men who fought on the USS Kearsarge to end slavery during the Civil War, were all on the “wrong side” of history until Gilday and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez came along to set them straight. |
Under Gilday’s leadership, minority members of the Navy are being told that it’s okay to question whether they should be serving their country. They’re being encouraged to view all of their interactions with white personnel as racist because all white people are inherently racist. Including their commanding officers and their comrades in arms. Communist China could not be damaging the Navy’s readiness any more than Gilday is with his divisive accusations about the racism of the majority of his troops. In the two years since Gilday took over as Chief of Naval Operations, morale is down, and instead of preparing them to fight America’s enemies, he has set off a civil war within his own ranks. China doesn’t need to fire a single shot if Gilday is successful in destroying our military’s cohesion, morale and will to defend the country. Biden is slashing the Navy’s shipbuilding budget even as the People’s Republic of China is building more ships than the U.S. Navy. The United States is losing the command of the seas. While Biden is undermining the physical infrastructure of the Navy, Gilday is waging a relentless war against the moral infrastructure of the service men and women under his command. Gilday and other military leaders are replacing military readiness with military radicalism. Admiral Bill Moran, Gilday’s predecessor and President Trump’s choice, had a reputation for standing up for his people. America First was his guide. Gilday has focused instead on political wokeness and demonizing those who resist his new order. Gilday – a vice admiral – was unqualified for his promotion to Chief of Naval Operations in the first place. He got his job through a political coup. His predecessor, Admiral Moran was forced out over a fake scandal generated by Senator Kirsten Gillibrand. Gilday, a vice admiral, should not have been in line to be Chief of Naval Operations, but Democrat politicians and bureaucrats were determined to purge as many of President Trump’s appointments as they could. Their goal was to undermine his America First policies. They were so successful that no one qualified to be Chief of Naval Operations actually wanted it. As Chief, Gilday quickly showed why the same people who persecuted Moran left him alone. The men and women of the Navy can rely on Gilday to promote Black Lives Matter agendas, but they can’t count on him to watch their backs. Using race as the measure of all things, Gilday unleashed a political indoctrination campaign as the Black Lives Matter riots got underway. Video confessions of white privilege and condemnations of America are the heart and soul of that campaign. He initiated the Task Force One Navy whose report called for reinventing the Navy to fight “racism, sexism, ableism and other structural and interpersonal biases” – perfect Marxist slang for their war on America. White members of the Navy are being told to check their white privilege, to believe that they didn’t earn their ranks, but were awarded them because of systemic racism, and that the more they achieve, the guiltier they are of getting ahead at the expense of disadvantaged minorities. Officers are being told to stop thinking about ability and merit – racist categories – and to focus on meeting racial and gender quotas when it comes to mentoring and promotions. They’re being warned that their judgement is racially biased and that any decision they make will be racist. There is talk of using computer programs to achieve racial quotas for personnel and of subjecting officers to “implicit bias” training which is based on the hateful idea that whites are racists by virtue of their skin color. These are the same poisonous attitudes that destroyed American achievement on college campuses so that China’s educational system now outperforms our own, and racist mediocrities like Ibram X. Kendi become intellectual celebrities. Gilday and his allies are hard at work trying to reward activism over ability, and sow doubt about the merits of any sailor who is white. The Chief of Naval Operations is dividing the men and women of the Navy by skin color and turning them against each other. When you are a 19-year-old deciding whether to risk your young life for your country how does being told by your military commanders that America is a 400-year-old cesspool of white racist oppression help you to make the decision to fulfill your oath to defend that country and its Constitution? Gilday is undermining military readiness in the face of a possible naval conflict with enemies of the United States, especially the increasingly aggressive regime in Communist China. Gilday’s indoctrination program is already a threat to national security and must be terminated before it’s too late. And the best way to do that is for him to resign or be forced to step down. Our national security is at stake. Sign this petition and take a stand against Gilday’s destruction of the U.S. Navy. Sign this petition and take a stand against Gilday’s destruction of the U.S. Navy. |
Sincerely, |
David Horowitz
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