The Point By Daniel Greenfield
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical left and Islamic terrorism.
FBI Gives Bernie Sanders’ Wife a Pass on Alleged Fraud
Daniel Greenfield
Laws are for little people.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Lied About Being Too Poor to Afford D.C. Apt
Daniel Greenfield
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ran her campaign on phony claims of being a poor girl from the Bronx, when she was actually an architect’s daughter from Westchester. And she’s still at it. In one of the more laughable moments, the socialist who will be receiving a six-figure salary for her antics and lies, claimed that she…
“I Think I Know What I Think This Country Should Do,” Says Salt, Soda and Gun-Hating Dem 2020er
Daniel Greenfield
After spending a $100 million or so to buy the Democrats some seats, Michael Bloomberg, who hates soda, salt and guns, is talking about running for the White House. Having spent a fortune to help elect Democrats this fall, former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg declared lifetime allegiance to the Democratic Party on Tuesday…
Hamas TV Plays, “Death to Israel”, then Gets Bombed
Daniel Greenfield
The media claims that Islamic terrorist propagandists like Hamas’ Al-Aqsa TV, Hezbollah’s Al-Manar and the Muslim Brotherhood’s Jamal Khashoggi are “journalists”. Here’s how some of Hamas’ latest journalism wrapped up, courtesy of an investigation by Palestinian Media Watch. About a half hour before Hamas’ TV station in the Gaza Strip was bombed by Israel, the…
The Women’s March’s Refusal to Condemn Farrakhan
Daniel Greenfield
The Women’s March has put out yet another statement trying to act as if it’s condemning Farrakhan, without actually condemning him. The statement by the lefty group, whose leaders, Tamika Mallory and Linda Sarsour have made anti-Semitic statements and expressed support for Farrakhan, is a masterpiece of careful wording. Women’s March wouldn’t exist without the…
It Took Senator Gillibrand 2 Weeks to Flip-Flop On Her Lie
Daniel Greenfield
This is how much contempt politicians have for the public when they know the media has their back. Case in point, Senator Gillibrand. She said she’d serve a full six-year term, but having handily won re-election to the U.S. Senate, Kirsten Gillibrand says she might be off to the races again, seeking the presidency in…
Jamie Glazov Takes on Europe’s New Blasphemy Law (VIDEO)
Daniel Greenfield
In this Glazov Gang moment, Jamie Glazov speaks out against the cowardly adoption of blasphemy sanctions for Islam in Europe. If you can’t criticize Mohammed in Europe, where can you criticize him? To see more Glazov Gang videos like this, subscribe to the Gang’s YouTube channel.
Senate Loser Running 3rd in Dem Presidential Poll
Daniel Greenfield
Sorry Liz, Cory and Kamala. The lefty base is looking for someone to fall in love with. They want the Obama Effect. And you’re not it. Former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) enter the 2020 election cycle as the leaders for the Democratic presidential nomination to take on President Donald Trump,…
Facebook Fired Virtual Reality Pioneer for Supporting Trump
Daniel Greenfield
Silicon Valley is in thrall to the cult of diversity. Its measures its employees against racial metrics even as an industry, whose engine is meant to be the intellect, purges any hint of intellectual diversity. It happened at Mozilla with Brendan Eich, the creator of Javascript. It happened at Google with James Damore. Now it…
Beijing Biden: Biden’s Bro Linked to Chinese Foreign Agent
Daniel Greenfield
If Joe Biden were held to the same standards as Donald Trump, the wrath of FISA would have come down on him. And there would have been a flurry of accusations of treason. But it’s okay. Tehran Joe works as well as Beijing Biden. When Patrick Ho was arrested at John F. Kennedy International Airport…