The Point By Daniel Greenfield
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical left and Islamic terrorism.
Guardian Fake News: Brenda Snipes a Victim of Racism
Daniel Greenfield
The media used to be biased. Now it just invents narratives from an alternate dimension. Here’s a dispatch from a galaxy far, far away with no relation to actual events on Earth, Florida or Broward County. A top elections official in Florida who endured national humiliation after missing a midterms recount deadline by two minutes…
Diversity Executive Who Cancelled Roseanne is Out
Daniel Greenfield
ABC decided that protecting an Obama crony and canceling a show that working class Americans loved and big city lefty elites hated took priority over ratings an money. Now they’re not happy with the miserable failure that is the Conners. I blame reality. Channing Dungey, the ABC Entertainment president who made the bold decision to…
American Jewish Committee Condemns Linda Sarsour’s Anti-Semitism
Daniel Greenfield
The American Jewish Committee is about as far from the right as you can get without going over the cliff into leftsville. Its condemnation of Linda Sarsour is significant. It’s now occupying the role that the pre-Obama ADL used to. Sarsour had accused Jews on the left of “masquerading as progressives”, while always choosing their…
U of Tennessee Nazi Graffiti Praises Palestine
Daniel Greenfield
Funny how the Nazis seem to like “Palestine”. And how that love, by the left’s second favorite cause, is so enthusiastically reciprocated. While officials did not specify what was painted on the Rock, photographs shared on Facebook by user Sandra Starr Marquis and her daughter, who attends the school, reveal a potpourri of offensive markings…
“Allahu Akbar” Airport Stabber Convicted by Islamophobic Jury
Daniel Greenfield
There’s no such thing as Islamic terrorism. It’s all just mental illness and misunderstandings. Amor Ftouhi’s lawyer tried to play that card, but it didn’t go anywhere. And now the Tunisian airport stabber who came to this country from Canada has been convicted over his terrorist attack. (via Religion of Peace.) Amor Ftouhi, a Tunisian…
Pro-Palestinian Lawyer Screams Racial Slurs After Being Denied Wine (VIDEO)
Daniel Greenfield
Rarely is lefty arrogance and privilege being caught in quite this way on camera. A 50-year-old woman has been arrested for abusing Air India staff on a flight from Mumbai to London after she was denied alcohol on the plane. Video shows the blonde-haired barefoot woman, who claims to be a human rights lawyer, swearing…
Florida Dem Party Practiced Statewide Ballot Fraud
Daniel Greenfield
A lefty scandal has 3 stages. 1. Deny – it’s a crazy right-wing conspiracy theory. 2. Minimize – Claim it only happened on a small scale and had no significant impact 3. Admit – Admit everything and declare it the new normal After briefly wavering on 1, the Florida Dems have jumped right to 3.…
Rep. Pelosi Thanks Anti-Semite for “Saving America”
Daniel Greenfield
Wasn’t it nice when the Democrats spent about 5 seconds pretending to be concerned about anti-Semitism? Now they’ve gone back to colluding with anti-Semites. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) on Wednesday praised MSNBC host Rev. Al Sharpton and thanked him for “saving America.” Pelosi spoke at the National Action Network’s (NAN) legislative and…
Morocco Action Proves Media Colluded w/Foreign Government to Hack GOP Emails
Daniel Greenfield
I’ve written before about the Broidy case. Elliot Broidy was a top Republican fundraiser and critic of Qatar. Then his emails were leaked and passed around to the press. But Broidy didn’t take that lying down, and began to hunt down the hackers. On Tom LoBianco’s LinkedIn profile, the former Associated Press reporter self-identifies as…
Anti-Semitic Media Corp Accuses Jews of Anti-Semitism for Opposing Soros
Daniel Greenfield
That “Criticizing George Soros is Anti-Semitic Meme” that pro-Soros media outlets have been circulating is really jumping the shark. Gizmodo, formerly a part of the Gawker smear factory, decided to accuse Facebook of anti-Semitism, for a research document that allegedly suggested that Soros funded groups were behind an anti-Facebook campaign. One little problem. No, make…