The Point By Daniel Greenfield
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical left and Islamic terrorism.
Anonymous Obama Official Anonymously Calls Netanyahu a “Coward”
Daniel Greenfield
Nothing says courage like anonymously slandering someone
Obama Debating Own Relevance w/Dem Senators
Daniel Greenfield
Lame ducks don’t get any lamer than this.
Jewish Girl Converts to Islam, Begins Getting Bad Grades, Plotting to Kill Parents
Daniel Greenfield
Five signs that your formerly Jewish daughter might be about to join ISIS
State Dept Investigation: Hillary’s “Undue Influence” to Pedophile Ambassador
Daniel Greenfield
“A DS agent was called off a case against US Ambassador to Belgium Howard Gutman”
Obama: “We Can’t Just Cut Ourselves Off from West Africa”
Daniel Greenfield
His job is supposed to be running America, not West Africa.
Are Obama’s Air Strike Approvals Crippling US Fight Against ISIS?
Daniel Greenfield
“Obama, with zero experience — is going to be in charge of the air campaign?”
White House: American Values Demand We Keep Jews Out of Jerusalem
Daniel Greenfield
“The idea that we’d have this ethnic purification as a condition for peace.”
If Obama Can Phone It In, Why Not the Secret Service?
Daniel Greenfield
The Secret Service kept Obama as safe as he kept America from Islamic terrorists, illegal aliens and Ebola.
Obama Warns Building Houses in Jerusalem Will Distance Israel
Daniel Greenfield
Meanwhile Obama will go on protecting Iran’s nuclear program.