I’m standing outside the Eastern District of PA’s U.S. Attorney’s Office in Philadelphia with 150 to 175 people, many with signs and cameras. It’s a sunny October morning at 6th and Chestnut. The mood is solemn but curiously upbeat.
One of the event’s organizers, Dr. William Devlin, pastor of Infinity Bible Church in the South Bronx, is at the podium. Devlin is a tall and lanky minister with a tight ponytail in the back of his head, which may cause some to assume that he’s “woke.” The truth is the opposite of that. Devlin is an international human rights advocate as well as a polished speaker with a knack for rallying the troops, such as when he filled Chestnut Street with the following refrain: “In the Peoples’ Republic of Philadelphia…”
Devlin was referring, of course, to the city’s woke policies on nearly any social/cultural issue you can think of. At the rally, his animus is directed towards President Biden’s Department of Justice.
This pro-life rally is for Mark Houck, the Catholic activist with a 20-year history of demonstrating outside Planned Parenthood’s Elizabeth Blackwell Center in downtown Philadelphia. There are eight speakers who wait their turn at the podium, including former US Pennsylvania Senate candidate Ms. Kathy Barnette, and Ashley Garecht, the mother of minor children harassed and doxxed by PA State Rep. Brian Sims outside Planned Parenthood in 2019.
Because the rally is taking place in front of the U.S. Attorney’s office, significant attention is being paid to who enters and leaves the building.
As the event progresses, several speakers mention how all of us in the wide semi-circle arranged around the podium are being photographed and filmed by unseen cameras. Photographed, as in encapsulated into a file of sorts—the legendary FBI files Vietnam War protesters talked about in the 1960s—that might be useful later on if the agency springs into action to curtail what President Biden has referred to as “threats from the Right.”
Only, this is not about the Right per se, but about Life. Nevertheless, that covert photographic file would include pictures of the high school-aged woman standing next to me with her collection of placards, as well as the young boy with Down’s syndrome standing close to the podium.
As for Houck’s story, it’s straight out of George Orwell.
Arrested in his home in Kintnersville, Bucks County on September 23 in the wee hours of the morning, Houck had just gotten out of bed and was fixing breakfast for his family. He was dressed in a t-shirt and shorts while his wife, Ryan-Marie, was about to head into the shower when they heard aggressive pounding on their door. These were military-style pounds, the sort of thing you’d see at the end of an Anne Frank movie.
Houck says he had to ask two or three times before the visitors identified themselves.
Ryan-Marie, in a panic, looked out a window and spotted 15 or more vehicles outside their house with flashing red and white lights.
When Houck opened the door, FBI agents (Pennsylvania State Troopers were among them) entered and pointed their guns directly at Houck and Ryan-Marie. Meanwhile, the Houck’s eight children ran around the house screaming in terror. When Ryan-Marie asked what the invasion was about, she was told that Houck was about to be arrested. When she asked for a warrant, an agent told her, “We are taking your husband with or without a warrant.”
Eventually, an agent did mention (in passing) that a warrant would be forthcoming. Meanwhile, the agents with guns ignored her pleas to wait until taking her husband until she got his sweatpants (he was barefoot) and his rosary.
While she was upstairs retrieving these items, the agents left with her husband.
Houck’s troubles began a year ago on October 13, 2021 when he was praying the rosary at the usual Wednesday protest at Philadelphia’s Planned Parent hood Center at 12th and Locust Street. At that time, a 72-year-old PP escort began harassing Houck’s 12-year-old son. The harassment was severe enough to evoke a reaction from Houck, who pushed the escort away from his son in order to stop it. The escort allegedly fell to the ground, resulting in a minor injury that, according to the Catholic News Agency, required a “Band-Aid on his finger.”
The escort filed charges but when he neglected to show up in court, the case was thrown out.
The case was essentially dead until the overturning of Roe v. Wade and the Biden administration’s pit bull-like attacks on the pro-life movement.
Biden’s DOJ accused Houck of violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrance Act (FACE) which states that it is a federal felony to injure, intimidate or interfere with anyone seeking to obtain reproductive health services. If Houck is convicted at his scheduled trial in Philadelphia on January 24, he faces up to 11 years in prison. Peter Breen, Houck’s attorney from the prestigious Thomas More Society, said that the only violation that occurred in front of Planned Parenthood “had been the harassing of Houck’s 12 year old son.”
On my way to the rally as I was walking through Center City, I was struck by dozens—perhaps hundreds—of “Vote Democrat/Choice” placards posted at every intersection. Here was the steely woke thumb of the crushing majority pressing down on the opposition, the same opposition that showed itself at periodic intervals during the rally when a vehicle passing on Chestnut Street pumped up its grinding engine sounds to drown out speakers.
While the speakers made light of this—downtown Philadelphia is always a cacophony of discordant sounds—I couldn’t help but notice when a young woman with a strident “dare to tell me otherwise” attitude went out of her walk to strut in front of the speakers.
When Ashley Garecht spoke, I paid particular attention.
“My three teenage daughters were doxxed by (then) State Rep. Brian Sims,” Garecht told the crowd. “How come the FBI didn’t show up at Brian Sims’ house?”
Brian Sims was once a Philadelphia “darling,” advocating all the right woke positions, saying all the right things to the agenda manufacturers who currently pull Biden’s strings but, as leftists consumed by ideological fervor are wont to do, he went too far when he accosted Garecht’s daughters, which was captured on Sims’ own camera and posted online as if it was a trophy.
It should be noted that Sims eventually apologized for his string of verbal assaults directed at Garecht’s daughters. Sim’s apology, of course, came only after members of his own party admitted to being quite appalled at his behavior. No doubt they conducted an intervention in the name of Democrat damage control (Sims, however, lost his bid for re-election).
What brought Sims’ ardent left progressive attacks over the top was when he offered his fans $100 if they could identify four young teenage women in his video. “Push back against Planned Parenthood protestors,” Sims wrote. “PLEASE! They prey on young women, they use white privilege, & shame. They’re racist, classist, bigots who NEED & DESERVE our righteous opposition. Push back, please!”
So, yes, where was the FBI in Sims’ case?
Garecht’s question, “Why didn’t the FBI go to Brian Sims’ house?” points to an obvious bias in Biden’s DOJ, a justice department that has effectively ignored at least 107 documented acts of violence directed at Pregnancy Care Centers and Catholic churches.
In Philadelphia, Saint Patrick’s Church on Rittenhouse Square was defaced with pro-abortion spray paint on June 25, 2022. As the Catholic World Report reported:
“Since the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision on Friday, attacks on Catholic churches and pro-life pregnancy centers have been reported in West Virginia, Washington, Virginia, Louisiana, Colorado, California, Texas, Florida, New York, and Indiana.
“Father Hyacinth Cordell, O.P., pastor of the church, told CNA that the graffiti, which said ‘Abort the church,’ was on a corner on the outside of the church. It is cleaned off, he said.”
Garecht’s fundraising campaign on behalf of the Houck family has already raised an astounding $360,000, a testament to the gross inhumanity of this home invasion by Biden’s DOJ. Additionally, 22 House members (and climbing) and at least a dozen U.S. senators have agreed to defend Houck in federal court.
“But this is no solitary, quixotic crusade,” The Catholic News Agency reported.
“An outpouring of public support fueled by outrage over the government’s questionable charges for what Houck contends was a minor shoving incident and the aggressive manner in which FBI agents swarmed his house and took him into custody at gunpoint in front of his terrified wife and children has given Houck a fighting chance — and a formidable war chest.”
The rally concluded with a recitation of the “Our Father,” with a request that participants kneel on the sidewalk. The prayer was led by Father H. James Hutchins, a New Jersey-based Catholic priest.
Kneeling on a public sidewalk was a first for me. It was surely something I had never done during my years as a left-leaning activist and street demonstrator a century ago.
Indeed, had a fortune teller approached me then and told me what I would be doing and thinking decades hence, I think I would have opted to jump off the Walt Whitman Bridge.
Unfortunately, the ONLY solution to leftist thuggery is for them to get s h o t by ordinary citizens. This is no exaggeration. The midterms will determine if that can be avoided. The FBI is truly the new Gestapo against decent, ordinary law-abiding citizens. Of course, provoking violence AND civil war is what the left intends to do as long as they have control of the military, FBI and CIA.
When BLM and Antifa were terrorizing citizens and busting up the nation’s cities, nothing happened to them. I will never forget the video of people dining outside in Rochester only to have these BLM-fat-black-women thugs come through and violently destroy there food, turning over dishes, glasses and terrorizing the patrons. Nothing happened to them as they moved on to other cities.
All this trouble started with Barack Obama and he continues to run the show. He is the most vile white-hating man on the face of the planet. He and Michelle absolutely DESPISE white people. (I’m a native Chicagoan and know the world of the South side.) There was nothing but praise and support from them as BLM busted up the country. Obama is a HARD CORE communist. Hard core.
That’s what the leftist elites want you to do, They are ALL cowards every last one of them. The Gestapo FBI cowardice was clear, it took an army of their so called officers to arrest a man in his night shorts, armed cowards.
Just like the cowards who keep political prisoners in solitary confinement for nearly TWO YEARS WITHOUT TRIAL.
In biden’s disunited states of America.
The FBI rejected the story from the couple, confirming that no SWAT team or operators were involved. Agents showed up, knocked, took him into custody, and left.
It just seems that Houck and his wife both missed all the parts of The Bible about the importance of telling the truth and not lying.
How many squad cars showed up? Stop appeasing biden’s Gestapo.
And you believe the FBI. How very naive of you.
You are right. In fact, the whole point in showing up with SWAT teams is because some FBI/DOJ senior is hoping to provoke a violent response…just as they successfully did on J6.
The only violence on that day was done by the government goons. Say her name.
Not the right time yet Irene. Keep your powder dry.
When is the right time to mass-murder your fellow American, Intrepid? I just want to know so I have a good idea of when to expect mass-murder so I can have my popcorn ready.
You eat popcorn while facing your demise…political demise, that is?
Thats so weird. But who knew trolls feed on popcorn.
Don’t choke on it.
Political demise? I wouldn’t engage in mass-murder, no. I’d actually spend time reflecting about WHY nobody agrees with my politically and if it’s actually me that’s out of touch with reality, CAT.
I’m just wondering when I get to watch an army of “Good, Jesus-loving Christians” go on a mass-murder spree because they’re worried about losing political power. You know, just like Jesus did in the Gospels!
I’d be focused less on my earthly political desires and more on ensuring that I’m following in the footsteps of Jesus and living a good live to gain entry into Heaven for an eternity, personally. Not as some kind of reward or something, that’s not what getting into Heaven is about, but rather because that’s what Jesus told us to do.
So CAT, can you tell me when American Christians are going to begin this mass-murder spree I keep seeing discussed online in comments sections like these? I heard someone at a Turning Point USA event excitedly asking Charlie Kirk when they get to use the guns before, so clearly this seems to not be an isolated desire to engage in mass-murder. I just want to know so I can tune in on TV! This is going to be top quality entertainment! Christians, mass-murdering people the disagree with just as Jesus would do, live in Pay-Per-View!
I guess for you how about today.
Perhaps,we patriots should start invading the houses of these so-called FBI agents. Let’s see how they like it? They are now our enemy,let’s start treating them as such!
Robert, I strongly discourage that as that would both violate the law and put yourself at serious risk of injury or death.
But I also can’t stop you from finding out what happens if you decide to F around. So either go find out (again, I do not recommend this) and let us know, or stop the extremist, violent grandstanding leaving you all hat and no cattle.
ABSOLUTELY!! The FBI understands only one thing!
What do they understand, Robert? I’m not so good with obvious inuendo and need things spelled out a bit more specifically so I can understand.
Can you help me out by being more specific/explicit, Robert?
Advocating for mass-murder doesn’t seem very Christian. Also, are you sure the FBI is the Gestapo? When did this change happen? We’re talking about the FBI ran by Christopher Wray, who was nominated by Donald Trump and confirmed by a Republican controlled Senate, correct? So Trump and Republicans nominated and confirmed a secret Democrat?!
BLM whataboutism is pretty boring. But the racist stuff, just like your projection that the Obama’s “hate” white people which is pretty ludicrous fantasy stuff.
And Obama is much more of a neoliberal capitalist than anything remotely akin to a communist. Our education system and right wing media continue to fail this nation in effectively teaching political ideologies (which communism is not) and economic theories (which communism is!) to the point where people don’t know what it even means anymore.
BLM/AntiFa “whataboutism” isn’t boring to Andy Ngo or countless others attacked & had their small businesses burned down.
Minority business owners sure as hell didn’t find it boring to have to post signs declaring their business were Black Owned in the hopes they wouldn’t get destroyed.
Many got looted or burned regardless, but whatever . . . it was for a “good cause”.
I am glad you’re new, Irene.
The Obama’s don’t like black and brown people either unless they are really, really rich.. Barrick seems to hate his own family, seems ashamed of them, refusing to even acknowledge them much less help them in any way. But he does like wealthy muslims. And neither of the Obamas have ever seemed to like the USA except for how our nation could be used to enrich their power and pennies.
IF we had real men, or women, in congress, they would tell the dastardly Democrat Bureau of Intimidation that when they take control in January, they are going to dismantle the entire despicable, corrupt, Bureau, and prosecute every man that violated their oath of office by harassing and threatening and using unreasonable force, and lying, and scheming, and terrorizing US citizens beyond all reason. This is the way to combat the evil we are facing, but the ‘R’ Party is too corrupt and wimpy to deal with the treachery going on in DC. There are many prospective candidates who speak strongly, but can they get enough support?
It seems that something WAS done about the endless BLM/AntiFa riots.
The affirmative action VP, Kamala Harris and many Hollywood woke fools donated to the MFF Bail out fund run by Greg Lewin in order to enable more rioting.
(However, since the vast majority of rioters were released on “No cash bail”, Greg Lewin wound up with a huge, unspent slush fund. Woo hoo!)
If one burns down minority businesses or assaults the owners, they’ve nothing to worry about. Any Ngo and many other patriots are painfully aware of this.
Kamala directly supported criminal riots, but not to worry . . . Donald Trump is the one being investigated.
The FBI cowardice is keeping your second amendment relevant.
Is this post encouraging the use of deadly force on FBI agents executing a lawful warrant? Or federal law enforcement in general? I thought that conservative “backed the blue” and supported law enforcement? Or is that only when they’re not arresting conservatives for breaking the law?
Let’s always keep in mind that, unless they w4ant to be fired, the ordinary employees at the FBI have no say so about the agency’s actions or how they are carried out. Bug the upper echelon of the FBI is a different story.
They can always resign out of principle if they feel so strongly about it. I know I would, Marilyn and I’m sure you would too!
Which begs the question: Why aren’t they if what y’all claim is happening is true? Is the FBI, which has enjoyed strong conservative support for decades, suddenly filled with terrible leftists overnight?
Or is it, just maybe, that they’re continuing to operate as they always have, currently led by Chris Wray – who was nominated by Donald Trump and confirmed by a Republican-controlled Senate – and the only problem is that conservatives violating the law are very upset that they’re being arrested for doing so, and consequently are doing the Christian thing in creating lies to portray themselves as victims?
Could go either way, Marilyn!
Maybe you never heard about the Xiden Gestapo Intimidators making a spectacle of arresting Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro, or stealing Mike Lindell’s phone, or terrorizing mothers that dare to protect their children from wicked school administrators, or doing nothing about the attacks on crisis pregnancy centers, or investigating a sitting President based on crap they knew was crap, or took agents off of sex trafficking cases to assist in deceiving the country about the Jan 6 riot. Maybe you are hopelessly blind to the devious cesspool the XGI has become.
What a stupid statement, typically leftist elite twisting what was said. In the usual cowardly manner.
And the issue of the right to abortion versus the alleged right of the embryo to be born remains unresolved at a Constitutional level.
The issue must be resolved at a Constitutional level. Either rights are unalienable or they are not. Who has those unalienable rights and WHY — the pregnant woman or the embryo? Sending the issue back to the states for the state governments to treat the issue of unalienable rights as simply whims, permissions, favors, or privileges granted or denied by popular opinion does not resolve the issue of unalienable rights it simply destroys the concept of unalienable rights.
What people are doing wrong is calling a BABY an embryo or a fetus. This is incorrect. The moment of conception a BABY is developing. WE must change the language to agree with what the Bible says instead of using terms that come from Darwinists who are atheists!
If an embryo is really a baby and it has unalienable rights that supersede and cancel the unalienable rights of the pregnant woman you need to prove that in a court of OBJECTIVE and scientific law. Unless you reject objective law and want to live by Christian law.
If you want to live by Christian law then you need to destroy the separation of church and state the Founders established and create a Christian theocracy.
The Bill of Rights is based on Natural Rights, on the objective and natural facts of individual human life and the requirements of living life on earth, not in in a supernatural, Christian, after-life.
The embryo is what will become what is scientifically called the fetus, from the Latin foetus, variant of fetus (“birth — in french , litter (animals), newborn”).
New born…
The human fetus is nothing but a baby in gestation. He is no longer an embryo.
A baby in gestation can emerge from its mother’s womb in the 6th month of pregnancy, and survive. We then speak of very great prematurity, extrem prematurity.
So between the 6th month and the 8th month, the baby in gestation is quite capable of living, outside of its mother’s womb, it is indeed a baby.
Thus, the survival rate in very premature infants is:
– 94% between 27 and 31 weeks,
– 75% at 26 weeks,
– 59% at 25 weeks,
– 31% at 24 weeks
– less than 1% before 24 weeks
A potential is not an actual.
Even Thomas Aquinas the greatest Christian theologian argued that the eternal, supernatural, soul can not appear at conception that would mean that the soul is merely a result of a natural, material, process. The eternal soul is created by God supernaturally and implanted by god supernaturally. How do you determine when that supernatural soul appears by natural means?
The rational, scientific, argument is there is no supernatural soul. What religion calls the soul is a natural, human, consciousness and consciousness is an attribute of a fully developed, functioning, brain. The embryo does not have that brain.
You are grossly misinformed. The Founders DID NOT establish a separation of church and state. They adopted the First Amendment that protects the free exercise of religion from governmental intrusion. Not even close to being the same thing. The Left clings to the separation of church and state fantasy like they do the “hands up – don’t shoot” lie. Pathetic.
Just because you are an atheist does not prove anything. To my observations many atheists are as rabid as any bible thumper. Your non beliefs are a form of religious belief whether you see it or not.
No, an embryo develops into a fetus, which develops into a baby. I’m sorry if science doesn’t confirm your belief structure, but them’s the breaks. If you want to reject the science on this then I hope you’re consistent and reject all modern science, and stop using modern technology as a result. It would only be consistent, after all.
America, by the express intent of the founders, is not a Christian theocratic nation based on The Bible.
It is true that in the 6th month the mother speaks of her child as of a fetus… It is indeed a question of a baby in gestation, the fetus describes nothing other than that. A mother does not say “My fetus”, but “My baby”, to speak of the being which is in her womb. Science absolutely does not contradict this.
“Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
I don’t understand people who are against abortion, but are willing to accept exceptions for incest and rape. Is it the babies fault for how it was conceived?
The exception is a fabrication created by Leftists to push the door open a little to justify infanticide. That is what it is – an abomination against humanity. Just look at the demonic faces of those who support baby killing.
Life is life; those who support it are against life, nature, mankind and God.
Hate to bust your bubble but this issue is NOT a Constitutional one. “Follow the science” establishes that that “thing” growing inside the Mother is a human child, It is certainly not a puppy or baby squirrel, nor an undefined “clump of cells” A fish embryo is every bit a fish as a horse embryo is a horse and not a giraffe. Embryo is simply a stage of development of that organism, just as “newborn”, “toddler”. “rug rat”, “pre-teen”, “teenager”, “young adult” and “doddering old man” are words for other stages of development. And SINCE that “thing” us a human life, the right of that “thing” to live is protected by the US COnstitution and cannot be deprived without due process of law. And let it be plainly spoken that “due process of law” is not even remotely connected with the “convenience factor” of the mother of that HUMAN child.
The one who attacked/harrassed Houck’s Son is far more evil than those who would stand up for the RIGHT of tnose not yet born to be allowed to live. Those who would perpetrate such attacks are made of the same stuff as those who would murder not yet born HUMAN children in their mothers’ wombs.
Abortion is an issue of unalienable individual rights and private property rights which makes it a Constitutional issue.
The issue is who has rights? Why do they have rights? And when do they have rights?
Viability is not the issue, even if at the moment of conception a fully formed baby appeared in a woman’s womb but required 9 months in her womb to survive the issue of her right to ownership of her body and womb would still be there.
An embryo without a brain is no more a human life than a brain-dead toddler is a human life. Without a functioning brain there is no consciousness and consciousness is the person. Is it murder to take a brain-dead toddler off life support?
It may well be a constitutional issue but you miss the morality associated with abortion, this is because you are viewing it theoretically rather than practically. I hope that you, or anyone else for that matter would murder a baby that was formed into a recognizable human being. Sadly I am too trusting because I know it happens.
Would NOT murder a baby, proofreading needed.
Keep twisting yourself into a pretzel on this. It’s kind of fun to watch you shill for murder of the unborn.
At least we know what your priority in “life” is, freak.
All men are CREATED equal and are entitled to LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
If they have their own independently existing body.
So we end the life of the sick or elderly who cannot live independently?
Bodily autonomy exists and you cannot be forced to do anything to your body against your wishes. If you’re dead and you’re not an organ donor, your organs can’t be touched even if they could save countless lives and you clearly have no use for them anymore, for example.
But remember Terry Schiavo? We literally have extensive laws regarding power of attorney/health care directive when it comes to making medical decisions on behalf of someone who is currently incapable of doing so for a variety of reasons.
It has nothing to do with your strawman about the sick or elderly who may need assistance in their daily lives. That’s smoothbrain thinking, don’t be a smoothbrain JimK, I know you’re a smart cookie!
Independently existing body does not mean self-supporting, once the fetus is born it acquires its rights.
A government does not have the right to INITIATE force against the elderly, or the sick, or against anyone.
You obviously don’t have an independently existing body, or brain.
The problem is that we cannot ask the fetus what it wants. But I don’t believe that a fetus is in the logic of abortion: “I don’t want to be born!”… Everything about him, her, goes towards life, not opposite. There is, from procreation itself, up to the fetus, the living that goes towards the living, not the living that goes towards death. There is indeed in abortion the will to put an end to what lives. it poses many problems of an ethical, spiritual, philosophical order. And the baby in gestation is not the body of the mother, it is another body which has its own specificities.
Let’s always keep in mind that, unless they w4ant to be fired, the ordinary employees at the FBI have no say so about the agency’s actions or how they are carried out. Bug the upper echelon of the FBI is a different story.
Remember the FBI was founded BY A CROSS DRESSING transvestite and his girl friend Clyde.
Sorry….the abortion ship has sailed at the federal level. It’s a state issue now as it always has been. No more killing of babies for you, freak.
“This pro-life rally is for Mark Houck, the Catholic activist “. So now the Roman Catholic Church can say they have another martyr. Not to be unkind I believe what the Biden Administration is doing is evil to the core as he disobeys all the laws of America and the American Constitution. Biden of course and many of the Democrat leaders are Roman Catholic including all but 2 of the Supreme Court. This should make people pause as to the authenticity of the so called ‘Christian’ Roman Catholic Church. My advice is to read the Bible for yourselves because these people, the American leaders cannot save you!.
Biden and the DC “Catholics” are no more Catholic than the so called Pope Francis. You are being unkind as well as paranoid.
Isn’t Pope Francis, as his title implies, literally the head of the Catholic Church? How can the head of the Catholic Church not be Catholic?
Is it because he’s not as discriminatory as past Popes? Is it because he used to sneak out at night to feed the homeless as Jesus would? Is it because he’s accepting of all, even those he disagrees with, and seeks redemption for even sinners as Jesus did?
This is a FBI action, the FBI is a part of the executive branch but is not directed on a day-to-day basis but the sitting administration. It’s currently run by Chris Wray, who was nominated by Donald Trump and confirmed by a Republican-controlled Senate.
So unless you think that Trump and the Republican-controlled Senate accidentally nominated and confirmed a secret Biden plant, I think you don’t actually understand what you’re talking about.
The FBI, DOJ and intelligence agencies are all subverted and working against the Constitution and the American people. They all need to be gutted and reconstituted from the ground up.
Committee hearings won’t do it. That’s all talk and no action. Committee hearings are wall paper over rot, when we need a wrecking ball.
This Nation is in dire need of a high colonic!
They are? This happened under the watch of Chris Wray in the FBI?! A man nominated by Donald Trump and confirmed by a Republican-controlled Senate?! HOW COULD THEY LET THIS HAPPEN!?
AND TO THINK………………………
Most of us anticipated Obama’s neo-fascist move on power!
“Along with Obama, Pelosi and Schumer are responsible for incalculable damage done to this country over the eight years of that administration.” PATRICIA McCARTHY
Yes correct Barry Sotero is running Joe Biden – one can’t talk without a promoter and the other can’t think without one. My mom was a Democrat but didn’t trust Obambi of vote for him
“That phase of the takeover was started in 2008 by President Barack Obama. Throughout his eight years in office, Obama practiced divisiveness and hammered away at the Second Amendment while pouring gallons of fuel on the fire of the “Black Lives Matter” lie. His administration was rampant with corruption, pushing the envelope with every new scandal.” RICK HAYES
Yo, Obama didn’t even ban bump-stocks when he had the opportunity to. The Trump administration id.
Yo son, wat up wit you using dem words “yo” and “y’all”? Keepin’ it real yo? Aight son! You dope son!
I digs where you comin’ from brotha!
Hannity (among others) is so very fond of attacking the DOJ/FBI brass while defending the “rank and file” agents as some kind of paladins. Seems to me that it’s the rank and file who kick people’s doors in and act as the jackboots that make oppression possible. The only defense these people will have, down the line, is “I was just following orders.” History has proven that to be an ineffective defense. Resignation is the honorable move.
See my post: No doors were kicked in, no SWAT team was deployed, the Houcks just lied.
The conservative attacks on law enforcement, after years of “BACK THE BLUE”, continue to be whiplash-inducing. Y’all love law enforcement until they actually pursue a conservative who violate the law.
“the Houcks just lied.”
The Houck never said that the doors were kicked in. WTF are you talking about ?
I suspected you were simply a troll.
With a nickname like that… Nope…
– What’s your name?
– Nope.
– Nope?
– Yes, Nope.
– Interesting.
– Nope.
– What?
Or: My Name is Nope, James Nope.
On Monday, a spokesperson for the FBI’s Philadelphia field office called the Houcks’ recounting of events as “inaccurate” and described agents’ conduct as “professional” and “in line with standard practices.”
“No SWAT team or SWAT operators were involved,” the statement read. “FBI agents knocked on Mr. Houck’s front door, identified themselves as FBI agents, and asked him to exit the residence. He did so and was taken into custody without incident pursuant to an indictment.”
Isn’t it pretty un-Christian/Catholic to lie? Sure seems like Houck and his wife are telling lies.
And man, I remember when conservatives at least pretended to support law enforcement. Guess that’s only when they’re arresting or killing “the right people”.
Also, seeing calls for mass-murder in this comments section get upvoted also seems very Christian/Catholic of y’all. I too remember the line in the Gospels when Jesus said, “Kill them all.”
Or maybe that’s just the name of a rad Metallica song.
Another one who talks about the FBI without knowing the dark side… Go look in the back shop, instead of just worrying about the pretty window : “But no, we’ve always done always everything always by the rules always.”
Always by the book… Sure… And my ass is a rose …
Oh, man.
“Ryan-Marie Houck, the wife of Mark Houck, who was arrested in front of his young children at gun point in a dramatic FBI raid at the family’s home on September 23, 2022, speaks out and shares what happened at their family home when Mark was arrested.”
According to the article, the FACE law states that it is a felony to injure, harass or prevent anyone from accessing an abortion. Surely the 72 year old PP escort was not seeking an abortion. Thus, an attorney should be able to have charges dismissed and then countersue the FBI for damages in intentionally inflicting emotional and psychological harm on the father, mother and all the children as a result from the gestapo like raid.
Time to change the label from FBI to KGB.
Im sure a ”male” like you will want to have an abortion soon as your boyfriend will make you pregnant.
Repeating a leftist lie is not proof. There have been many smears touted before elections over the years. Some worked and the lie was proven a lie only after the opposing party won. I expect the closer to the election it gets, the more lies will be told.
Similar incidences has happened before with the ATF and Gun Owners its all in the book Shakedown How the Government Screw you from A TO Z by James Bovard
I used to be proud to tell people I retired as a Treasury Special Agent. I am appalled by the things the FBI is doing now. I would have risked my job before involving myself in some of their Woke nonsense when I was a gun carrying federal agent. As a Special Agent I executed a number of arrest and search warrants. The only time we ever went in with guns drawn or backed up with our SWAT Team was when we had identified a known threat on the other side of the door.
While employed, I carried a Top Secret, SCI/TK clearance and worked with a number of people in the intelligence community. Please know there is a data center out west that collects meta-data on ALL electronic and voice communications. The center uses an algorithm keyed to certain words and phrases. Mention them, like many of you are doing, and your conversations are stored FOREVER! I just got recorded myself, but, as a patriot, I thought y’all should know.