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Are you worried about the future? Hesitant to have children because the future looks so bleak? Turn on the TV or scroll through social media and it’s hard not to be.
But is there a brighter side to the story? Marian Tupy, senior fellow at the Cato Institute and co-author of Superabundance, explains in this latest video from Prager U why it’s a great time to be alive.
Don’t miss this vital short video below:
danknight says
Are you kidding?! …
While we do enjoy the benefits of past “white supremacy” …
… millions of us have no future.
Telling anyone on the planet that they should be grateful for all of the “evil” committed by the civilization formerly known as “the West” which was the remnant of the one formerly known as “Christendom” … is not going to solve any of the problems which plague everyone today.
We live in an Atheist dystopia in which we do what we’re told, everything is our fault, and we have little or no influence on anything.
The wonder is that so many of us are not offing ourselves or destroying our own lives with drugs or other high risk life style choices …
While I don’t disagree with the intent … it’s a stupid and useless way to address the issue.
Hardball1Alpha says
So… Experts like Victor Davis Hanson. and his analysis for hours upon hours every week for the last two years about the complete disintegration of most major cities in America and the “dying citizen” are merely regurgitated media hype.
Mark Levin’s awesome analysis for hours upon hours every week on the systematic destruction of the American legal system as well as deep-state Marxist union thugs running wild throughout the labyrinthine bureaucratic agencies is merely regurgitated media hype.
Experts like Christopher Rufo cataloging the complete Marxist/BLM capture of both the universities and K-12 educational institutions and pedophiles within the elementary schools as the “new norm” is mere media hype.
And now I feel I have to escort and act as personal body guard for my 73 year old wife to every grocery store and mall in town because of rampant beat-downs and robberies from thug=punks even in the nicer suburbs across America…. with police departments saying “take a number” if you’re a victim of assault.
And this is all just here in America…. wait until our nation actually implodes, and see how optimistic the rest of the freedom loving nations are when there’s no America to save them.
And ipso facto, David Horowitz’ decades of warnings about this “doom loop” that has come to fruition are mere media hype too.
Lipstick on a pig me thinks.