“New proposal would offer California legal protections for transgender families escaping Texas.”
That may read like something from the Babylon Bee but it’s actually the headline of a March 18 Sacramento Bee report by Andrew Sheeler. The piece conjures up visions of transgender moms dads and kids fleeing Texas, like refugees streaming out of Ukraine. The reality is a bit more complicated.
“California would become a haven for transgender children and their families escaping states with anti-transgender policies and laws,” under a proposed bill by state Sen. Scott Weiner. The San Francisco Democrat wants to block out-of-state court rulings removing transgender kids from parents’ custody based on parents allowing their child to “receive gender-affirming medical care.”
Weiner’s bill would also bar the state from complying with out-of-state subpoenas seeking information about people who come to California to receive “gender-affirming medical treatment.” The measure would also make any out-of-state criminal arrest warrant on such matters “the lowest priority for law enforcement in California.” For those in the Oppressive States, whatever their gender, a back story may be of interest.
In 1980 in Los Angeles, a man named Rodney Quine gunned down Shahid Ali Baig, a father of three, then stole Baig’s car and $80. Quine was twice-married and had fathered two daughters, but once in prison the convicted murderer claimed to have sought female status since the age of nine.
According to an August 2015 LifeSiteNews report, federal judge Jon Tigar, “assigned himself to Quine’s case and appointed a team of San Francisco lawyers and the Transgender Law Center to represent him.” Tigar’s view was that denying a prisoner’s “gender reassignment” surgery may constitute “deliberate indifference” to a serious medical need and, if so, would be unconstitutionally “cruel and unusual punishment.”
For Tigar, an appointee of the composite character David Garrow described in Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama, convicted murderers have a right to gender reassignment surgery, regardless of cost. In 2015, California became the first state to pony up taxpayers’ money for the sex-change operation of a convicted criminal. On January 5, 2017, Shiloh Heavenly Quine, 57, became the first U.S. inmate to receive state-funded sex-reassignment, at a cost of some $100,000.
“It just made me dizzy and sick,” Farida Baig, the murder victim’s daughter, told reporters. “I’m helping pay for his surgery. I live in California. It’s kind of like a slap in the face.”
Previously confined at the Mule Creek State Prison for men, Quine is now inmate WB1121 at the Central California Women’s Facility. Such inmates must now be provided with nightgowns, scarves, necklaces and such.
Farida Baig might wonder if the murderer’s identification as a woman is a matter of fantasy or science. Quine still sprouts a beard but skeptics might consider factors such as hormones, chromosomes, and skeletal structure.
According to Frederic Delavier, author of Women’s Strength Training Anatomy, “the female pelvis is adapted for gestation” and is “proportionately wider than that of the male.” In addition, “the pelvic ring is wider and more circular to facilitate the passage of the newborn.” And generally speaking, “the female skeleton is not as massive.”
Those tests could all be applied to Quine, and someone like Lia Thomas who previously competed on a men’s swim team as Will Thomas, or to Dr. Rachel Levine. The former Richard Leland Levine “transitioned to a woman in 2011” and is now Dr. Rachel Levine, billed by CBS News as “the first female four-star admiral in the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps history.”
No word whether the admiral’s pelvis, hormones, chromosomes, and organs match those of a male or female. Even so, questioning the admiral’s claimed status can bring punishment. Twitter suspended the Babylon Bee for naming Levine “Man of the Year.”
Twitter also suspended the account of Representative Jim Banks (R-Ind.) for saying that Levine is a man, and locked the account of Jamie Glazov for asking “does it matter if Rachel has a penis or not?” If Glazov and Banks thought that infringed on their free-speech rights it would be hard to blame them. Consider comedian Dave Chappelle, who dares to call gender “a fact” and the LGBTQ crowd the “alphabet people.”
These folks believe they are off limits to criticism and comedy alike and they have accused Chappelle of “transphobic hate speech.” The alphabet people tried to get Chappelle canned from Netflix, which stood by the popular comic and First Amendment advocate.
California is a pioneer in reality dysphoria and has now codified the Dictatorship of the Subjunctive Mood (DSM). The proof will come when an unvaccinated person claims to “identify as vaccinated” and rejects the new blood test that could verify vaccination status. Shiloh Heavenly Quine will be doubtless be watching with interest.
In the meantime, faced with surging squalor, crime and living costs, people are fleeing California in record numbers. In the imagination of San Francisco Democrats, the traffic is all the other way.
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