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Americans were shocked when a video of an Islamist anti-Israel rally in Dearborn went viral complete with chants of, “Death to America”.
Screams of "Death of America" and "From the River to the Sea"
This is Michigan. The mob is doubling down on genocide – they want to destroy both Israel and America.
— Aviva Klompas (@AvivaKlompas) April 7, 2024
The event took place in Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s district. And when a FOX News reporter tried to ask Rep. Tlaib to condemn it, she instead bleated about “racist tropes”, “my community” and “Islamophobia.”
Rep. Rashida Tlaib lost it at Fox Business' @hillary__vaughn who asked if she condemns the "death to America" chants at a rally in her district.
The White House condemned the chants in a statement to @DailyCaller
— Nicole Silverio (@NicoleMSilverio) April 11, 2024
Why not condemn it? Because Rep. Tlaib doesn’t actually oppose it.
Terrorist supporters in the public square have taken to claiming that asking them to condemn Hamas is a “racist trope.” That’s why Rep. Tlaib keeps chanting that here. What they really mean is that they won’t condemn Hamas, and it’s somehow offensive to ask people with a history of supporting terrorism, like CAIR or Rep. Tlaib to do so.
But at the rate that things are happening, Rep. Tlaib herself will be chanting, “Death to America” on the House floor.
And if you think that’s farfetched, we had a president whose mentor shouted, “god damn America” and he then gave a speech defending it.
She and her lib cohorts won’t condemn it because they agree with it!
the freedoms in USA to shout death to America by known terrorists yet question the 2020 election and you’re labeled an insurrectionist by the coup d’etat USA is in by stolen election!
Rep. Rashida Tlaib’, like most depraved Islamic psychopaths is out of her mind.
Her version of thinking clearly is to prostrate herself,
bang her forehead repeatedly into the ground,
and elevate her filthy stinkin’ arsehole up in the air to Allah.
Depraved psychopathic murderous Islam has been a scourge on humanity for 1400 years.
Enough already.
Yeah, and she’s FUGLY. If I were on a desert island with her I’d have to kill her so she wouldn’t rape me in my sleep and bang a coconut on my head. She Nasty Pelosi ugly. Could you imagine waking up and seeing that butt ugly face? I’d rather die.
Fugly and angry 🙂
Try walking past Tlaib wearing a MAGA cap.