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Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee served as a member of the House Science Committee and the Ranking Member on the Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee.
And has spent almost 30 years in Congress.
She’s also an almost unbelievable idiot.
There was a story going around that Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee when visiting the Johnson Space Center asked whether the Mars Pathfinder would be able to find “the flag the astronauts planted there before”.
Rep. Lee’s people denied that one up and down. Unfortunately for her, this one was caught on video.
“You’ve heard the word ‘full moon.’ Sometimes you need to take the opportunity just to come out and see a full moon is that complete rounded circle, which is made up mostly of gases,” Jackson Lee, 74, told teenage pupils who gathered on a sports field ahead of the rare celestial event.
And that’s why the question is why or how could we as humans live on the moon? Are the gases such that we could do that?” the congresswoman said.
You have the energy of the moon at night,” she told the kids.
“I don’t know about you, I want to be first in line to know how to live and to be able to survive on the moon,” Jackson Lee added. “That’s another planet which we’re going to see shortly.”
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee is a compulsive attention hog and there was no way she was going to pass up an opportunity to get some eclipse action. Her stupidity eclipsed the eclipse, but that’s okay because being a member of the right party, this won’t even get any mention outside the usual outlets. Had any Republican said half the things she said, they’d be a permanent punching bag, but in the age of purely partisan political satire, she has nothing to worry about.
But this is what the people voted for and they deserve it good and hard.
Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee has reclaimed the Democratic mantle that she’s long held in Texas’ 18th Congressional District. Jackson Lee fended off a well-funded primary challenge by former Houston City Council Member Amanda Edwards. The preliminary count showed Jackson Lee winning by a margin of 60.23% to 37.19%.
My favorite Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee line still comes from her failed mayoral campaign.
When the Houston Chronicle asked her why she was running, she replied, among other things, that, “I have been a leader in human and sex trafficking.”
Like most things she says, it’s probably best not to think too hard about that sentence.
Here’s to another 30 years at the end of which she can be the House Speaker. Or at least some senior position.
Algorithmic Analyst says
I’ve known people like that. Who believe the Sun goes around the Earth every day.
Mickorn says
Imagine that. A climate change denier mocking someone for not understanding science. Bravo, Daniel!
Mr Pie says
Mickhorn AKA Shella! LOL ROTFL Mick have you no life that you troll one of the finest writers in the world? Get a life? not yet anyway….
junkyard infidel says
my dog dropped a deuce today that has a higher IQ than both yours and sheila’s combined!
Jeff Bargholz says
Mr Pie seems like a nice guy……..
Chris Shugart says
The troll droppings have begun to leave a rancid odor. But such is the makeup of social media.
Jeff Bargholz says
Global climate warming change is the biggest denial of science in human history.
Please inform us how life sustaining CO2 heats the atmosphere. Sir Hamilton.
CowboyUp says
Nice try mick, but this isn’t just “someone.” Sheila is a Yale graduate and has been a US Representative for almost 30 years. She’s been on the House Science Committee and been the Ranking Member on the Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee. Her problem isn’t that she doesn’t understand science, it’s that she’s incredibly ignorant, and stupid. No wonder dems put her on those committees Bravo indeed, lol.
Jeff Bargholz says
That reminds me of the old Polack joke about astronauts landing on the sun. “You Americans landed on the moon? That’s nothing! We’re going to land on the sun!” “How can you do that. you stupid Polack? You’ll burn up!”
“Easy Amerkanski. We will land at night.”
My Polack friend told me that joke. He knew all the best Polack jokes. He’s dead now, which is screwed up, but life isn’t fair.
CowboyUp says
The poles I know love pollack jokes, and know them all (I’m beginning to suspect they invented them). I’ve adapted them to Alabama (a Georgia tradition) or Yankee jokes. They’re also real proud to be Poles, and don’t really GAF what anybody else thinks.
For a minute there, I thought sheila was going to recommend a night landing on the sun. I think it was a near thing. I’m sure she could be convinced to fund it.
How does someone that ignorant and stupid gradjiate from 3rd grade, much less Yale? But then joy reid gradjiated from Harvard, so it’s pretty obvious how.
sue says
My father, who I loved very much, was Polish. And I do not like Polish “jokes” at all. They are, in my opinion, all part of the way in which all things Polish have been put on the “unter” page, (dis)courtesy of the most powerful media and academe in the world.
In his scholarly little publication “Poles in Minnesota”, John Radzilowski has this to say:
“The 1970s represented a kind of watershed for Poles in Minnesota…
Nationally, the entertainment industry and media singled out Polish
Americans for stigmatization, and stores across Minnesota carried
bigoted “Polish joke” products that were widely used. Because they
had little mainstream media presence, many Polish Americans,
especially young people, internalized these stereotypes. If students
did not keep quiet, they faced harassment and abuse from classmates
and sometimes even teachers. With the Polish White Eagle Association,
this stigmatization led to occasional pressures to remove the
word “Polish” from the group’s name as early as the 1960’s.”
(Poles in Minnesota, John Radzilowski, Minnesota Historical Society
Press, pp.67-68)
And in my expat years, when I lived in what was effectively small town America, I was amazed at how carefully and thoroughly an automatic sneer had been attached to all things Polish.
And by the way, Ms Jackson Lee, I hate to contradict you, and I am no scientist, so forgive me, but surely we all know that the moon is made of green cheese?
Jeff Bargholz says
Yeah, I feel compassion for you but try and have a German surname and deal with the Nazi accusations. People really believe that shit.
The jokes about Polacks being dumb are yesterdays news.
Jeff Bargholz says
You’re going to have to tell me some Yankee jokes sometime.
I grew up in Southern California so I’m a full on Yankee but I like a good joke. And I HATE when Yankees say “Ya’all.” I especially hate when black chicks say it. It’s a badge of racism. My girlfriend admitted it. She said bitches do it to stick it to whitey. As if I didn’t know.
sue says
Hello Jeff. Re having a German surname, yes, I do notice that Germans have been vilified endlessly for the crimes of Nazism, though Russians are not vilified in the same way for the crimes of Communism, nor the Chinese for the crimes of Maoism.
I have often commented on these blatant double standards. And it’s not that I want anyone vilified by the way – we all suffered under these awful regimes. But the whole Polish “joke” business seems to me to be political, part of a political agenda which has been moving Poland onto the Axis Side in WW2 and blaming it for the crimes of its Axis occupiers, at whose hands it suffered so much.
I am not a Nationalist by the way. Poland must of course take its fair share of blame for the crimes of the Allied Side, should those crimes ever come to have any political weight.
I accept what the Bible tells us – warns us – about all the kingdoms of the world.
Jeff Bargholz says
Well Sue, on the upside, Poland and Hungary seem to be the only functional countries in Europe along with Switzerland.
Greg says
Equity notwithstanding, everybody knows that the moon is made of green cheese. Disagree? Then you’re spreading Russian disinformation and doing the bidding of Vladimir Putin.
CowboyUp says
Are you sure it’s not cream cheese? I think you’re victim of the Russian double-fake 3D chess players. They’re tricky;-)
RS says
Another clueless liberal. Who votes for these people??
Kasandra says
Other ignorant racialist people.
Cassandra says
Apparently she attended Yale and became a judge, totally mind boggling!
Kynarion Hellenis says
Her qualifications had nothing to do with her test scores or academic history.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Yeah, judges around here are chosen for political reasons.
FDTS says
Other clueless liberals.
Chief Mac says
The space between her ears is mostly gases – her gaslighting of Americans is continual
FDTS says
Yup, her brain is mostly methane gas.
Chief Mac says
That is because she keeps it up her ass
CowboyUp says
That’s also why everything is upside down for them.
internalexile says
A gaseous emanation, truly.
Onzeur Trante says
Just think. She ran for Mayor of Houston. Good Lord.
Rich Kozlovich says
The truth is Houston is already another blatant Democrat disaster.. But I’ve no doubt she could make it worse.
Verneoz says
“Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee: The Moon is “Made Up Mostly of Gases.” Yes, this woman is a dumb ass, but what do you call the people that keep reelecting this loser? Answer: They are an existential threat to our national security. this is not her first “pearl of wisdom” she has shared with us.
Rich Kozlovich says
The fact is, Sheila Jackson Lee is a Disgrace as a Congresswoman and a Human Being,
Fred says
Reminiscent of our Vice=President’s presentation to elementary school children.
Kynarion Hellenis says
Low IQ plus weak character. Those who elect her should be free to form their own independent communities without parasitic reliance upon those who are more intelligent, resourceful and law abiding.
Multiculturalism’s tensions can be managed by Christian culture alone — laws and principles governing everyone without exception or special privilege. If we cannot have that, then the only other choice is separate nations with restrictive citizenship and strong borders. Unfortunately, I believe this would only create little pockets of Haiti and Hamas within what used to be known as America.
Kasandra says
Do you know that this ignorant gasbag went to Yale sitting in the seat that should have been occupied by someone whose IQ exceeds the freezing point of water?
Hey you crazy old bat the moons made from Green Cheese remember? the Warth in balanced on the backs of our elephants that sit in the back of a large turtle that walks slowly around the sun and the stars are little lights lit by the sky people at night and blown out in the day. Someone need to inform this Dumb Cluck
Michael V. Wilson says
I can understand her confusion, since gas is the only thing she’s ever produced.
Domenic Pepe says
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee is not only an ignorant racist fool ….
she is a depraved psychopathic lunatic.
What is really troubling is that a majority of the electorate have been and are voting for her.
Therefore, the majority of the electorate are also probably ignorant fools and berserk depraved and psychopathic. themselves.
America cannot go on as a major power with a population that is degraded to this extent.
I am worried for the future of America and US citizens.
America is being lead by a political ruling class as berserk as the Mad Hatter.
What a disgrace.
CT says
Houston; home of the patron saint of speedball overdoses, st. floyd. Any mystery?
foxhound says
What is the difference between Zimbabwe and the US in governmental systems?
Still Waiting!
glpage says
She is a wonderful (?) example of what we get when we have an uneducated or under-educated electorate. We have too many twits like her in office. We really need to change voting laws so one has to pass the US citizenship test to vote in federal elections.
Kit_Jefferson says
It’s quite plain to see that the only thing she passed in University was through the door.
JS says
Its hard to imagine a nincompoop like Lee having power and authority over anything. Can you imagine working for this idiot? No wonder the Country is going down the drain. Lee is a loud, angry, falsely proud racist.
Chris Shugart says
I’d give Lee a break here. She’s hardly unique in her ignorance and lack of literacy. She’s part of a nationwide epidemic of stupid. Bad education, a low-browed media and a corrupt popular culture. It’s just a shame that she has a public that buys into that.
CowboyUp says
“And coming around the back stretch, Lee pulls ahead of Hank Johnson in the stupid derby!” Yale must be proud, lol.
john blackman says
she must have watched wallace and gromit and thought it was an actual moonlanding . its now neck and neck between cackloharris and lee . crone hillary labelled half of the republicans as deplorable , outdone only by 3/4 of democrats being imbeciles .
PChestershiremeister says
I think folks like ole Sheila, sleepy Joe, hapless Hank, and last but not the least the Cackler … really believe we are all very stupid. I think they actually believe they are smarter than any of us that’s how arrogant and narcissistic they are. It astounds me how delusional they are. It feels like we are being slowly anesthetized but with a drug called “succinylcholine” which “induces neuromuscular paralysis, rendering the body immobile while allowing the person to remain fully aware. However, there’s a significant caveat: succinylcholine also paralyzes the diaphragm, which means the individual would be unable to breathe and would ultimately suffocate. It’s a chilling scenario, akin to being trapped in one’s own body while conscious.” Creepy creepy creepy!