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What do you get when you massacre over a thousand people, rape, behead, torture and kidnap everyone Jewish, Christian or non-Arab in sight? International diplomatic recognition.
Secretary of State Tony Blinken has reportedly begun conducting a review of options for recognizing a ‘Palestinian’ state after the war. The State Department has claimed that there are no policy changes, but that may be yet more diplomatic doubletalk.
UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron, brought in after PM Rishi Sunak ousted Minister Suella Braverman for speaking out against the pro-Hamas rallies, published an op-ed calling for a “pause” in the fighting, exchanging Israeli hostages for captured Hamas terrorists, and providing “safe passage” to “key Hamas leaders” and “the people responsible for October 7” to leave Gaza. After that he announced that his government might recognize an Islamic terror state.
“We – with allies – will look at the issue of recognising a Palestinian state, including at the United Nations,” he claimed. “That could be one of the things that helps to make this process irreversible.”
Why the urgent need for the “irreversible” recognition of a terror state?
According to Cameron, “we must give the people of the West Bank and Gaza the political perspective of a credible route to a Palestinian state and a new future.”
The “people” in question have already been polled on what they want from the future.
A poll found that 74% of ‘Palestinians’ supported the Hamas atrocities of Oct 7 and a majority “extremely” supported them. Only 12% were against. 83% of those in the West Bank, under the Palestinian Authority and the immediate beneficiaries of statehood, supported the crimes.
98% in Gaza and the West Bank said that they felt ‘pride’ as ‘Palestinians’ over the war. 74% expected the fighting to end with the defeat of Israeli forces in Gaza. Only 17% supported a two-state solution while 77.7% wanted to destroy Israel and replace it with a ‘Palestinian’ state.
This is what supporting the “Palestinian people” with a “Palestinian state” really means.
Former Minister Theresa Villiers who, unlike Cameron, had backed Brexit, warned that “accelerating unilateral recognition of Palestinian state would be to reward Hamas’ atrocities.”
And that’s exactly right.
The only reason any of this is being discussed is the Oct 7 Hamas attack. Recognizing a terror state after one of the worst acts of terror in history will retroactively validate everything.
Hamas will be able to claim victory, and so will the ‘Palestinians’ who took part in it, cheered it and supported it to a larger degree than Germans supported Hitler.
The Palestinian Authority, on which the hopes for a Palestinian State, depend is just as bad.
Despite Blinken’s best efforts, Mahmoud Abbas, the PLO leader who serves as the official ‘President’ of the Palestinian Authority, refused to disavow the Oct 7 attacks. Instead, the PLO, Fatah and other elements of the ruling regime in charge of the West Bank have praised it and others, like the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, even bragged about taking part in the attacks.
A video from the Palestinian Authority terror group features “terrorists wearing Fatah’s yellow armbands firing Kalashnikov rifles at a kibbutz” and “a Fatah terrorist stamping on the head of a murdered Israeli” as the group boasts that “we had a prominent and clear role” on Oct 7.
Abbas was elected to a four-year term in 2005. There have been no elections since and he has functioned as a glorified dictator subsidized by our foreign aid. His likely successors, including the imprisoned leader of a terror group who is ahead in the polls, all praised the Hamas attack.
Democratic elections in a ‘Palestinian’ state would mean Hamas. The Islamic terror group won the 2006 legislative elections and took over Gaza. It’s why there have been no elections since. Current polls show that if there were to be democratic elections, Hamas would easily win them.
Biden claimed that, “the vast majority of Palestinians are not Hamas. Hamas does not represent the Palestinian people.” But the vast majority of them disagree and want Hamas to head or form part of a unity coalition of Islamic terrorist groups running a ‘Palestinian’ state..
The only Palestinian Authority candidate who could beat Hamas is Marwan Barghouti, the grandfather of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, currently serving several life sentences in Israel prison, who responded to Oct 7 by urging a total war against Israel. Hamas has demanded Barghouti’s release as part of any ‘terrorists-for-hostages’ trade with Israel..
Recognizing a ‘Palestinian’ state means either recognizing the Palestinian Authority’s terror dictatorship in the West Bank or Hamas. Either way an Islamic terrorist group will run the place, eliminate any opposition and launch more terrorist attacks against Israel and then anyone else.
But diplomats who were blindsided by the Oct 7 attacks are fighting to take control of the situation and the narrative by offering up the same old failed policies. Diplomats claim that Oct 7 was caused by a failure to negotiate, but it had really been brought about by endless negotiations.
Before the Oct 7 assault, National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan had an article in Foreign Affairs magazine touting how negotiations with Hamas had led to quiet in Gaza. After the Hamas invasion, the online version had that edited out and only the print copies remain.
The roots of the Oct 7 attack lie in the 1992 pressure campaign to force Israel to take back the Hamas terror leaders it had deported, followed by the Oslo accord deals with Arafat and the PLO, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice’s ’s insistence on democratic elections that brought Hamas to power, Obama’s Arab Spring which empowered the Muslim Brotherhood parent organization of Hamas to win democratic elections, including in neighboring Egypt, which provided a vital outlet of support for Hamas, and then the Iran Deal that funded the state sponsor of Hamas which led Iran to expand its operations and ambitions around the region.
The addiction to diplomacy, nation building, accords and agreements led fatally to Oct 7.
Israel had resisted allowing Hamas to take part in elections only to face pressure from Rice.
“Whenever you have 80 percent of the Palestinian people turn out in a free and fair election, one that is free of violence, it has to be a cause for hope,” Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice argued after Hamas won the 2005 elections.
In 2007, a year after Hamas seized control of Gaza, Rice declared, “frankly, it’s time for the establishment of a Palestinian state.”
No matter how often the same approach fails, the diplomats never admit they were wrong.
To be a modern day diplomat is to ignorantly blame a lack of diplomacy and negotiations for everything and to promise that they can fix everything. Diplomats were telling us for generations that a “Palestinian state” would be the solution to all of the problems in the region, but ever since the Oslo accords, life in Israel and the Middle East has become much more violent.
There’s a limit to how much damage generals can do, but not diplomats.
Compare the damage from the Iraq War to the fallout from the Arab Spring which didn’t just set one country on fire, but led to brutal and enduring civil wars in Yemen, Syria and Libya, while causing serious harm in Egypt, Tunisia, and many other countries across the region.
Oct 7 was not the result of a military process, but a diplomatic one, in which the Biden administration and several Israeli governments had negotiated temporary quiet with Hamas.
Diplomats can’t afford to allow the impression that there is a military solution to terrorism. Or to much of anything else. And so they’re rushing to impose their diplomatic solution that would empower terrorists because that is all that diplomacy with terrorists ever accomplishes.
Since Oslo, diplomacy has consistently proved the flip side of the Roman “si vis pacem, para bellum” or “if you would have peace, prepare for war.”
Israelis have learned the hard way that if they prepare for peace, they will have war. Diplomacy is supposed to avert war, but with Islamic terrorists it encourages war instead.
Despite all the promises, the Oslo accords and other peace negotiations never ended the violence because the Islamic terrorists quickly realized that violence was their best leverage. Negotiations soon fell by the wayside as the Palestinian Authority terrorists focused on direct or indirect proxy terrorism. Hamas then took up the slack by promising to turn the violence on or off in exchange for money and political power. Recognizing a “Palestinian” state after Oct 7 would validate terrorism as the ultimate strategy yet again and would ensure more such attacks.
The push for a “Palestinian” state after Oct 7 not only rewards the atrocities of that day, but encourages the Arab Muslim ‘Palestinian’ settlers living in the West Bank and Gaza to repeat them.
What do you get when you massacre over a thousand people, rape, behead, torture and kidnap everyone Jewish, Christian or non-Arab in sight? The answer should not be your own country.
Jonathan B says
The roots of this mad appeasement date back to the Palestinian terrorist airline hijacking and bombing campaign and the massacre of Israeli Olympic athletes in Munich. The “international community” rewarded the terrorists with recognition, diplomatic accreditation, UN observer status, etc.
Cassandra says
The roots of this is the British establishment s love of Arabs and their oil and dislike of Jews. Sunak is a globalist who will move on to his next highly paid position without a glance backwards. You only have to look at the establishment of the State of Israel and how the Brits, French and Americans shrunk the state after lying about where Israel’s borders would be. In a book called ”There was a man of genius” about General Orde Wingate, a true lover of Israel, there is a story of how even Churchill did not want to meet Jewish leaders to explain what was going on.
Let’s not pretend this is anything but antisemitism.
Steven Brizel says
Cameron is the Neville Chamberlain of our time
Kasandra says
Although let’s not forget Mr. Blinked.
Cassandra says
Blinken needs to become schinken….
Spurwing Plover says
Winkin, Blinkin & Nod Three kids, (Two Boys and a Girl)in a Wooden Shoe for sailboat sailing through the night sky
Domenic Pepe says
Blinken is a blinkin arsehole. A total moron.
Cassandra says
Cameron is worse, apparent Chamberlain regretted his actions later, not so establishment antisemite Cameron.
mj says
Jew hatred is a pre-woke, ancient phenomenon.
And it’s probably the only two word concept that still retains its original meaning: Hating Jews, any Jew in the world and especially in Israel, the little Jewish Haven for the Jewish people in a hostile world.
Wokeism, as manifested by a woke government, has effectively glorified Jew hatred into a noble pursuit.
Islamaphobia in America, unlike pre-woke already dead, non existent Roman Empire Palestine, is a concocted product of wokeism.
It was invented to intensify Jew hatred, because it presented the all-or-nothing, either-or choice of loving Muslims or hating Jews, loving Palestinians or hating Israelis, loving Hamas or hating the IDF.
Why is the government’s answer to Jew Hatred, Islamophobia?
Why is the government’s answer to a massacre, a terrorist state?
The answers simply deny the existence of Jews and the existence of Israel.
So what else is new?
Et tu, honorable leaders of
Kynarion Hellenis says
MJ, I agree with all that you say. Jew hatred is always evil, as is every hatred that is based upon ethnicity or religion.
Israel’s problems are heartbreaking and against all earthly and reasonable explanation – so outsized and pervasive – defying explanation. But so also have been Israel’s outsized experiences of blessings, influence and supernatural victories against overwhelming odds.
Israel’s condition is always tied to the LORD God, Who alone made her for Himself. This does not absolve any human or nation who hurts Israel or nurtures hatred for her. Like Assyria and Babylon, they also will reap what they sow after their purposes for God’s beloved Israel have been fulfilled.
Lightbringer says
Jews in the Diaspora and non-mobilized Israelis are fighting this war with their prayerbooks and psalms. Our Christian brothers and sisters are fighting it with their prayers and other acts of worship. The powers of this world have no idea how strong an army fights for Israel.
Domenic Pepe says
Britain and America have betrayed their own citizens and historic values. and principles.
Islamic Depravity and psychopathy and hatred have now firmly embedded themselves into the West.
Only a Universal “surgery” can change the trajectory of the West’s future demise.
Western society, culture and law and morality are being literally uprooted and trashed.
Cassandra says
IMO it’s envy because G-d chose the Jews. Then there’s the battle for religious supremacy: who came first? With christians it’s, Jews killed the real messiah. ( even though it was the Romans who eventually became the Christians.) Then Mohammad became annoyed with the Jews because they refused to join his new religion and fought him when his bandits attacked them. The Koran is full of bs such as Moses went to Mecca etc.
Here in UK they are colonising our literature by producing Jane Austen with black actors and saying blacks built Stonehenge. So Muslims are stealing Jewish history and grafting it onto their cult. Muslims are the biggest colonisers on the planet, 57 muslim nations, but one Israel is too much !I feel the Samson Option is on the table now.
Lightbringer says
G0d forbid that it comes to that!
Russ Wood says
Er – not so “honorable”!
Mo de Profit says
Terrorism works.
The IRA cowards won.
The 9/11 cowards won.
The Jewish cowards in the 1940’s also won, that might be uncomfortable and wasn’t aimed towards innocent children but it is still true.
The question now is, will the October 7th cowards win?
Brown Wolf says
What Jewish cowards in the 1940’s are you talking about?
David Ray says
Ones like George Soros who assisted the SS.
Ugly Sid says
The Ensatz Gruppen [ uncertan of spelling, the SS “Flying Squads” of the SS ] shot a million plus Jews in trenches, before the introduction of the camps killing millions more in mass gassings, in chambers designed for killings with industrial efficiency.
The Ukranian police rounded up the million plus Jews.
I consider support for the Ukraine to be unthinkable.
Billy Corr says
It is far too glib to claim that the Jewish terrorists in Mandate Palestine “won” in the 1940s.
Jewish terrorists in Palestine began to be actively malevolent even before the war in Europe had ended and Hitler lay dead in his bunker, a fact which will seem incomprehensible to most readers.
Hideously-indebted postwar Britain simply didn’t have a clue what to do with the expensive quagmire of postwar Palestine, a quagmire in which British civilian and military personnel were being stealthily murdered by Jewish terrorists, murders which were noisily applauded by pro-Zionist Jews in New York, the undisputed financial capital of the USA.
Eventually, and at the urging of Churchill, by this time the leader of His Majesty’s loyal opposition in the House of Commons, the Attlee government in London threw the hot potato of Palestine over to the sparkling-new United Nations to resolve.
The United Nations tribal elders deliberated and proposed a partition map.
A majority of the UN members present and voting were in favor of partition.
The partition map was immediately rejected by the Arab tribal elders and grudgingly accepted by the Zionist leadership, which had been energetically and creatively arming in anticipation of a bloody showdown as soon as the British packed and left.
A brutal and merciless war narrowly resolved the issue in the Zionists’ favor. Approximately 750,000 Palestinian Arabs fled from what became the territory of new nation, as defined by cease-fire lines, and an estimated 160,000 Arabs stayed, constituting 9% of the Israeli population in 1948; their descendants. the Arab citizens of Israel, now constitute over 21% of the Israeli population.
To this day, both Arabs and Zionist Jews speak bitterly about British bad faith and dishonesty, rather than acknowledging the simple fact that informed public opinion in Britain was bitterly divided and that Britain, a country in which coal, bread, meat and much else were still rationed*, was unable to treat everyone fairly and honestly.
If there IS any solution, the best one would be for a Palestinian national entity of some kind to come into existence, complete with flag and parliaments and yet have no more real power than the Navajo Reservation.
* Rationing in Britain persisted into the 1950s, considerably longer that rationing lasted in countries which had been battlefields.
Ron Wasserman says
There are already two Palestinian states.. The Jewish-Palestinian state of Israel and the Arab-Palestinian state of Jordan. Read the history of the region. The conflict all comes down to the fact, the Arab side doesn’t want to give quarter to the Jews,
Hannah Katz says
Perhaps it would be best to ship all the Gazans to Somalia and let them figure it out from there. They cannot be allowed anywhere near a civilized society. Let the West Bankers know that the same fate awaits them if they do not keep their noses clean.
Excellent idea…. now to solve the logistics in efficient shipping… 😉
Ed Snider says
In wood crates.
RS says
Bottom line, Hamas has never sought true peace, nor Hezbollah supported by Iran…..they will never change their anti-semetism and desire to take Israel’s land. From the River to the Sea are their goals, and Israel can never live in a two state solution because of this. Why move the barriers and put Israel’s cities closer to the rockets that are fired every day?
Kasandra says
“Why move the barriers and put Israel’s cities closer to the rockets that are fired every day?” Because our leaders are delusional and dangerously so. That is why.
internalexile says
One of the ongoing elephants in the living room is the fundamental incompatibility of Islam and what remains of western civilization. As many have said, Islam needs a reformation, but we should not hold our breath.
BobbyD says
No, don’t hold your breath for that, but we could hold back on allowing radical Islamists to enter the USA (for any reason) if we had a legal definition of “Religion.” That is assuming that our congressmen could agree that allowing people into our country who hate us and want to kill us because of our beliefs is not good for us and should be stopped. I asked Senator Lankford to propose legislation that would stop Islamists from Sharia countries from entering our country about six years ago. He said “No, it would violate the First Amendment. [!]” Okay, I see. There’s no way around it. We must die. That is what the founders had in mind.
Lightbringer says
Islam has had its Reformation, and it produced the Muslim Brotherhood in the 1920’s. Be careful what you wish for; it won’t be pretty.
Ed Snider says
Can the world demonstrate its hatred of Jews more clearly than by rewarding the Arabs with another state on Jewish soil for the obscenity of October 7? The Arabs will celebrate the gang rape of Jewish women as the state’s founding event, their Boston Tea Party, their Bunker Hill. The world should put these monsters on notice that they willNEVER have a state, that the solution to the problem of Palestinianism is their dispersal among the Muslim nations, and their disappearance as a body politic.
washingtongriz says
Are you sure that’s enough? Frankly I had something a little more severe in mind.
Lightbringer says
It’s a damned shame that you’re not in charge of anything. People like us never are, are we? We think too clearly.
Poetcomic1 says
If the ‘Palestinians’ put down their weapons there would be peace. If the Israelis put down their weapons their would be 8 million dead Jews.
Annie45 says
Totally agree with this article. The Palestinians really want a one-state
solution. Only they want that state to be Palestine from the river to the
sea with the Jews obliterated. That means the Palestinian people not
just their terrorist leaders.
That is why the many attempts to secure a two-state solution have
not worked for the past 76 years – and will not work now. And the
Globalists Biden and Cameron and the rest – in cahoots with Islam to
bring down Israel and Western civilization – full stop know it.
Kynarion Hellenis says
And the 2-state solution has no support in heaven.
RS says
Israel must never trust Iran, Hamas, or Hezbollah, and now the US government. Agents of the apocalypse.
Walter Sieruk says
As for the Secretary of State Tony Blinken, he is a tool of Joe Biden who wants the State of Israel cut on two, with his so called “two state solution” In turn, Biden is a stooge and puppet of Barack Obama ,who greatly favors the idea of that “two state solution” hoax.
For example, that anti-Israel UN resolution that Obama had a sinister hand in creating, or at least failed to veto, which calls for the dividing of the State of Israel in to a “two state solution.”
This shows some things about President Obama .That he is very to do a much hard as possible in the short time he had before he left Office. This exposed the falseness on his claim that he is “a Christian.” For a real Christian would take seriously the teaching of Jesus. By Obama backing the UN resolution Obama Obviously doesn’t care what Jesus taught . For Jesus taught “If a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.” Mark 3:24. {K.J.V.]
In addition , to risk sounding really far –out it had been reported that Obama’s national security advisor , James Jones, had declared the President Obama in the year 2009 had religious experience in the White House Office in the Obama believed that God appeared to him in a vision and told him the he should work for the dividing of the land of Israel into “two states.” [1] if this report of a supernatural experience of Obama actually occurred then the Bible contains the answer to this story . For the Bible teaches that Satan is so very deceitful that he can “appear as an angle of Light” Second Corinthians 11:14 .
Furthermore, to divide is showing that Obama ,who is for sure not the Anti-Christ is Nevertheless influenced by the spirit of the coming Anti-Christ who is predicted, in the Bible ,to come in the future. So to divide the land that composes Israel according to the Bible is wrong . So wrong ,in fact , when the real arch – villain who is will be the Anti Christs comes to power in the Middle East he “shall divide the land” Daniel 11:39. As for Obama is the reported religious vision he had in which supernatural being told him to “divide the land ” that this instruction is in contradiction to the Bible in Daniel 11 39. It’s thus in the light of Isaiah 8:20. An instruction in error, folly and darkness. Shame on Obama for wanting to “divide the land” and likewise being taken in by a deceptive religious experience.
[1] THE TERRORIST NEXT DOOR by Erick Stakelbeack pages 218. 219.
Chief Mac says
Any regime the advocates for such a state is free to give their own land for that purpose.. Israeli land is never going to used for such stupidity
VOWG says
Bury them all. Too short a comment. I never write essays.
owensgate says
No, wait… What? A “State” is their reward?? They already HAD a &$(^{[0($##!! “State”! It was called “GAZA”!
Judith2 says
There must be NO TWO STATE SOLUTION… fool me twenty times shame on you…Palestine must leave or walk into the sea..they deserve no peace and no nation…if Muslim nations don’t want them what makes you think anyone else does???
Billy Corr says
Once again, Daniel hits the keys without thinking or bothering to do a little research.
Several of those murdered on October 7th were Arab citizens of Israel, as were at least a handful of those abducted.
Kynarion Hellenis says
Laughable that Mr. Greenfield is accused of the absence of thinking and research. What could possibly be the real reason?
Ugly Sid says
Antisemitism continues alive and well.
For many, very many of the Goyim, it sits there, one epidermis layer away.
Billy Corr says
When one is writing, sometimes an important fact which ought to have been included gets omitted in error.
If the British had despaired of Mandate Palestine and simply packed and ran* sooner than they actually did, the outcome of the struggle between the Arabs and their Zionist adversaries would almost certainly have been very different; the Arabs would have triumphed and many of the Jews would have perished in a bloodbath, just as one of the chieftains of the Arab League stated on the record.
* Packing and skedaddling is precisely what the British did in Aden in the nineteen-sixties. The Nasserists of the National Liberation Front (NLF) and the local semi-Communists of the Front for the Liberation of South Yemen (FLOSY) were left to fight one another and the absurd tribal sheikhs of the Aden Protectorate were simply abandoned to the mercy of whichever of the combatants triumphed
Billy Corr says
Mea Culpa: FLOSY was Nasserist and proved the loser in the post-colonial struggle against the semi-Communist NLF, which set up the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen, a lamentable failed despotic state complete with a secret police trained by the East German STASI.