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“Homelessness” is a myth. It’s not about the cost of housing, it’s mostly a combination of mental illness and drug and alcohol abuse.
This is why in San Francisco, caring for the homeless involves handing out free pot and booze.
The San Francisco Health Department claims that handing out drugs and booze to junkies with coronavirus is actually a “harm reduction practice” that has “significant individual and public health benefits”.
And, best of all, the same Health Department waging a campaign against smoking is providing the tobacco, along with “medical cannabis”, and “medically appropriate amounts of alcohol”.
“Our behavioral health experts are offering services every day, medication assisted treatment including nicotine and opiate replacement, behavioral health counseling,” Dr. Grant Colfax, Obama’s former National AIDS Policy Director, gushed, “and in cases where people decide that they are going to continue to use, our focus is using the best evidence to help people manage their addictions.”
“It is a mystery why the homeless are coming to San Francisco,” the San Francisco Chronicle wondered.
The cost of the free booze for bums is adding up to $5 million a year.
The City of San Francisco is handing out bottles of beer, glasses of wine and shots of vodka to homeless alcoholics – and spending $5m a year on the program.
Nurses assess patients and typically serve them the equivalent of 1-2 drinks between three and four times a day — handing out either 1.7 ounces of vodka or liquor (about a shot), 5 ounces of wine (1 glass) or 12 ounces of beer – about three-quarters of a pint.
“Nurses.” Is that what we’re calling it now?
San Francisco now faces a nearly quarter of a billion-dollar deficit.
Budget officials told the Board of Supervisors in a January hearing that San Francisco is projected to face a $245 million deficit in the coming fiscal year, which starts in July, and a $555 million deficit in the following year.
I know where they can find $5 million in cuts.
“Our families know about balancing budgets, having to make hard choices. But the choices are different for different parts of our city,” Maria Zamudio, interim executive director of the Housing Rights Committee of San Francisco, said at the rally.
“Some people are choosing between … different kinds of milk at the coffee shop, and our families are choosing whether they pay rent or food or medicine,” Zamudio noted.
Fact check. We have a choice being buying food or paying taxes to San Francisco’s homeless industrial complex can buy booze for bums.
THX 1138 says
“The alcoholic meek shall inherit San Francisco”, “You are your bum brother’s keeper”.
“The love of money is the root of all evil, so purify yourself and give your money to the bums.”
“Teacher,” the man replied, “I’ve obeyed all these commandments since I was young.”
21 Looking at the man, Jesus felt genuine love for him. “There is still one thing you haven’t done,” he told him. “Go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”
22 At this the man’s face fell, and he went away sad, for he had many possessions.
23 Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, “How hard it is for the rich to enter the Kingdom of God!” 24 This amazed them. But Jesus said again, “Dear children, it is very hard to enter the Kingdom of God. 25 In fact, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God!” – Mark 10:21-25
Algorithmic Analyst says
Too bad that booze gives one a headache.
Jeff Bargholz says
Yeah, I used to hate San Fran but now I want to move there. Free pot and booze? If that can’t make a guy an addict, I don’t know what will. I guess I should stay far away from that place.
Algorithmic Analyst says
“A Drunkard’s Dream, if I ever did see one” 🙂
Jeff Bargholz says
Gordon Lightfoot! I love that guy. “Sundown” is one of my favorite songs. And boy have I ended up with a lot of dumb chicks after I was drunk. Shit, I married two. Drunkard’s dream and Sailor’s dream, what’t the difference? We both know those sailors like to drink.
If San Fran starts giving out free pussy though, I won’t be able to stay away. Don’t tell my girlfriend though. She has a bad temper.
Algorithmic Analyst says
She was looking like a queen, in a sailor’s dream 🙂
Jeff Bargholz says
Bob Dylan too.
I’m old as fuck so I forget stuff.
I’ve known a lot of Bessies. They always seem like cows to me but cows need loving too.
Greg says
The future of Kenyan-care is on display in San Francisco: “Nurses assess patients and typically serve them the equivalent of 1-2 drinks.” I’m all for that. They had me at “Nurses asses.”
Jeff Bargholz says
Yeah, I didn’t think of that, I like nurses asses, too. All my nurses are hot Vietnamese chicks. I told one I had erectile dysfunction on my last visit and she bought it. I tried to keep a straight face while she tugged me off but I started laughing.
MuggsSpongedice says
There used to be vagrancy laws – vagrants would be arrested and if they are alcoholics and drug addicts, they were sent to a facility to dry out and rehabilitate with work on the facility to bring them back their dignity and self respect. These programs worked and were humane! How is this helping homeless and the citizens who tow the line and pay their bills and have to live around the intoxicated bum homeless every day? There is no critical thinking and those who came up with the idea and every demoncrap leader do not have YHVH on their mind – their mind is filled with the devil’s influence and I mean has possessed these decision makers. And how about the nurses? What do they put on their resume and how is this anything to do with their nursing licenses and skills? What about the hypocritic oath: “Do no harm”? This harms the homeless and the responsible community that has to live in this morass mess.
Jeff Bargholz says
Man, you wouldn’t believe how many homeless derelicts we have here in Sunny San Jose, California. And they all seem to be high on something. How they can afford meth without jobs, I don’t know. I got in a fight with one the other day. The guy hit me two or three times while I was sitting down with a black chick and not even looking at him. It’s the second time that happened only a few blocks from my apartment building. Fucking racists. I kicked his fucking ass but you know, it could’ve gone the other way. I’m old as fuck.
I want to live in Mayberry, not here. California used to be nice. Now you have to live way up north in someplace like Eureka or Yreka to avoid the human animals.
Chaya says
Look, its just happy hour.
Kasandra says
Gee, giving free booze to people crippled by addiction and substance abuse problems. Pure genius.
Noah Andeark says
All the streets are brown, and the sky is grey
Be careful where you walk, especially by the bay
No one’s safe and warm, living in LA
California Dreamin’, has met its dying day
Chief Mac says
How much is Budweiser giving in kick backs? They have huge stock pile of Bud Light to unload
So are they going to legalize Drunk Driving in the City by the Bay? They already have Pirates in the Bay and they get their Rum for Free now