How broken is New York?
In the decades since Sharpton became a Democrat kingmaker, the state and the city have become a catastrophic one-party mess that are going down the same road as California. But the 2022 election did rattle Democrats. Wealthy Westchester residents managed to hold off angry Asians and Orthodox Jews in New York City tired of all the crime. The clearest barometer of that is how Mayor Eric Adams talks about the need to lock up criminals while the New York State leadership is there to represent the criminals.
Now the whole thing is so dysfunctional that Sharpton is trying to break the deadlock between NYC’s black anti-crime mayor and the black pro-crime state leadership. Yes, Sharpton, the thug’s best friend.
Rev. Al Sharpton is convening a summit of Black leaders across the state to forge a consensus on tackling crime after New York Democrats clashed on bail reform and the party lost three House seats to Republicans in midterm elections dominated by public safety.
Black people currently serve in a historic number of powerful elected or appointed positions in New York. Among them: The state attorney general, three out of four of its U.S. attorneys, the lieutenant governor, the mayors of New York and Buffalo, New York City’s police chief and Manhattan’s district attorney.
Sharpton worries they’re missing the opportunity to collaborate on New York’s most pressing issue.
“They haven’t been in the room together to talk about crime,” Sharpton said in an interview about the meeting scheduled for January. “Why are we not talking collectively?”
“We have more Blacks in power than Adam Clayton Powell could have ever dreamed about,” Sharpton said, referencing the first Black New Yorker elected to the U.S. House of Representatives when he took office in 1945. “There has to be some way we can all sit down and say, ‘We may not agree on these 10 things but we can agree on these three things.’”
Last summer, State Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie and Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins rebuffed pleas from New York City Mayor Eric Adams, a fellow Democrat, for a special legislative session to tighten bail laws for repeat offenders.
Sharpton has been attacking pro-crime white lefties opposed to Adams as ‘latte liberals’, but the problem here is much more intractable. State Democrat leaders cost Democrats the House, but they retained enough local power not to care. Sharpton doesn’t care either, but he cares when there’s something in it for him.
By the time Obama arrived, Sharpton was very obviously on the market. Obama brought him in as a pet even though he had no credibility by then. And he’s got even less now. But Adams is using him anyway.
And yet it says something about how crazy the Democrats have become that Sharpton, of all people, sounds like the voice of reason.
Adams, he tweeted, “talks about crime because its wht NY’ers are concerned abt. Crime was up 40% yr over yr whn he took office. In particular, Black & Brown NY’ers live in places that should be safer & it would be absurd for him to ignore. Crime isn’t a made up phenomenon, Dems know that.”
“I think that what is being misread is that there is a misreading of wanting criminal justice reform and police reform and in wanting proper policing. And as crime’s in spike in some areas even more policing, we just elected a black policeman, the mayor of New York, and he had overwhelming black support,” Sharpton said on Morning Joe.
Behind the word salads, Sharpton is saying what is well known, that the black community does want solutions to the crime wave. There’s no support for police defunding there. But when it comes to the root of the problem here, the revolving door for arrests, that’s a fuzzier area. And yet having cops just patrol does nothing.
Stewart-Cousins and Heastie had rejected and ridiculed previous calls to bring back bail. The fact that Sharpton is now the court of last resort to negotiate some sort of solution for reducing the amount of criminals on the street speaks volumes about what a complete disaster the party, city and state are.
Don’t you hate it when misreadings are misread? Not surprised mika and her sockpuppet brought al on.
He looks like a walking corpse dressed up in an expensive suit.
The Hindus say that when Yama (the Lord of Death) calls, even Corruptocrats have to say goodbye to their ill-gotten gains.
Well, they are in a catch 22. Adams, Sharpton, and the rest of the blacks want to address the crime wave. However, in order to do that more blacks will need to be arrested. Blacks, as everyone understands, commits the overwhelming amount of crime. If that were to happen, Adams, Sharpton and the rest will pivot and cry the criminal justice system is racist.
Blacks want criminals in jail. They just don’t want black criminals in jail.
In addition, most black criminals don’t go peacefully away in handcuffs. So you can be rest assured there will be force used in some arrests. That will cause the black community to cry racism, which will cause a pull back on arrests, again. See the cycle?
“Blacks want criminals in jail. They just don’t want black criminals in jail.”
Very well put, that sums up the black community’s contradiction.
As Ayn Rand would put it, “You can’t eat your cake and have it, too.”, … Which is why philosophy cannot be discussed while standing on one foot—nor while standing on two feet on both sides of every fence. This last is the predominant philosophical position today, particularly in the field of politics.”
Weird that so many black leaders are all noticing the amount of criminals being black these days.. are they racists?.
Asking for a friend.
NYC is going to put a stone block in a wall surrounding Central Park with the inscription “For The Exonerated” in honor of the “Central Park Five”.
Last I heard those thugs were not exonerated they still stand guilty. Comrade De Blasio only vacated their sentences.
But in the age of “Newspeak” who cares, right? Words and concepts no longer have objective definitions. In NYC the criminal can now have his cake and eat it too. But that is always the essence of evil, to get away with a contradiction.
“Thinking is man’s only basic virtue, from which all the others proceed. And his basic vice, the source of all his evils, is that nameless act which all of you practice, but struggle never to admit: the act of blanking out, the willful suspension of one’s consciousness, the refusal to think—not blindness, but the refusal to see; not ignorance, but the refusal to know. It is the act of unfocusing your mind and inducing an inner fog to escape the responsibility of judgment—on the unstated premise that a thing will not exist if only you refuse to identify it, that A will not be A so long as you do not pronounce the verdict “It is.” – John Galt
You know you’re in deep kimchee when Sharpton is the voice of reason.
I don’t think there are any Korean grocery stores left in NYC where Old Al can get any kimchee. The Koreans have all moved up to the East-Side to a deluxe apartment in the sky.
Maybe there’s a brand new Venezuelan grocery store he can get some arepas from before he shakes it down?
According to the Obama Holder justice department 53% of black men are convicted felons. Those are the ones that got caught. The numbers that actually are felons is a good deal higher than that. Almost all black families have several members who are criminals. Would you want your father, uncle brother ect to rot in jail. Their votes plus the votes of white liberals who live in heavily guarded high rises or the bucolic burbs don’t care because they assume crime will never affect them directly ( they are wrong but by the time they figure it out it will be way to late. This is how you end up like Detroit much of which looks like Hiroshima after the bomb but Hiroshima had a future Detroit has none.
I agree. Let’s start putting tax cheats like Al Sharpton in jail.
Once Again, MSNBC Invites Prominent Anti-Semite to Explain Why Fellow Anti-Semites Are Bad
Host Joe Scarborough sponsored congressional resolution condemning Al Sharpton’s ‘racist and anti-Semitic views’
What happened? MSNBC did it again. The left-wing network invited Al Sharpton, a notorious anti-Semite, on Morning Joe to explain why his fellow anti-Semites shouldn’t be given a public platform.
Seriously? Yes.
Why? Because Al Sharpton supports the Democratic Party and the Democratic Party supports him.
“Of course, one of the main reasons the nation is now “divided, resentful and angry” is because race-baiting, Islamist, class warrior Barack Hussein Obama was president for eight long years.” MATTHEW VADUM
Great coverage of New York politics. Always a pleasure to read.